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-Engfa- POV

It's been two days since the competition between me and Seng was on. I came back to being the funniest, flirtiest (for Charlotte only) and most sarcastic (for Seng only) version of myself. I promised the girls and even mom, to win Charlotte.

The operation: 'Get Chalottes's Heart' started and it just made me laughed out so loud when the girls started to sound like love experts.

"Ok, first off, introduce yourself to her." Tina said and I got so confused of what she just said.

"You don't think she knows me well yet?" I asked her.

"Yes, show her the real you, without any kinds of filter, tell her the most random stories about your childhood, bring her to your favorite places, tell her your little things, even your flaws and just uncover yourself to her." Tina's words made me smile like an idiot, just by merely thinking about doing it with Charlotte made my stomach flutter.

"Secondly," All eyes to Heidi. "make her realize that she really actually love you, wait until she said by herself the three words we have all been waiting for."

"And by that we mean, make her jealous." Chumpo added with a grin on her face that's so infectious.

"Yes, and you're doing it with Chumpo." Heidi turned to Chumpo with much of fierce and confidence.

"Ya...what? That's not the plan, I thought we're getting another girl?" Chompu's face went from excited to surprised in just a milisecond and it's the funniest thing ever, I almost burst out laughing.

"Chompu, Tina and I had a thorough research about this" Heidi explained.
"and we conclude that seeing ex girlfriends/boyfriends with the person we love can greatly make us jealous...especially if it's Charlotte Austin." She stated it like she actually really conducted a research, making me chuckle.

"Are you sure about that?" I questioned.

"Yeah trust me, it'll gonna work, we've seen Char's face when you kissed Chompu on the forehead when we had a sleepover last week." The Polynesian explained.

"Yeah it was so priceless, I honestly thought she'll gonna bite Chompu that moment." Tina added and we all burst out laughing.

"I never thought she would get jealous by that." Chompu said, trying to comprehend what she did wrong.

"Yeah, she's secretly a dragon, she's always jealous of creatures who do not have bed of burning coals down their throat." Dinah said as a matter-of-fact and that was officially the funniest thing I heard all day.

"Duuude.That was deep." I commented.

"Yeah I'm doing some 'deep me' experiment. Oh and there's a third by the way.." Heidi continued, making the rest of us shut up.

"There's another thing?" I asked, trying to think what it might be.

"Yeah, buy us some dinner, you lovesick girlfriend, do you honestly think we would do this for free? There's no such thing as free in this world, well, except the air we where are you gonna take us?" The trio began to fill in my car and I couldn't believe they're legitly called as my friends.

"This is so exciting!"

"I haven't agreed yet." I said, glaring at them.

"I did not ask if you agree, it doesn't matter if you don't anyway." Heidi answered fiercely.

"Come on! We're starving!" Tina said. I know when it's about food, she will never say no. The three sat in my car waiting for me like little girls waiting for their mother. I shook my head with a grin on my face and followed.

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