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-Char- POV

We were already on the road and I saw a minimart.

"Hey, pull over, we need to buy some snacks!" I instructed.

She pulled over the small store and I didn't wait for her to get off the car. She followed not too long and we picked up some strawberries, bananas and other snacks she like.

"Oh God! Snicker's!" I heard her yelled in excitement. She picked up like 6 peaces of those and put it on the basket she was holding and smiled at me like a little child. Forgive me Lord, this girl is trying to make me fall in love with her. There, I said it and I can't take it back anymore.

I sighed while watching her and followed her. She placed the items on the checkout counter and I noticed her focus was on the wine displayed. She was about to get one but I stopped her.

"Don't you dare touch that wine, P'fa, you're not doing it in our room!" I yelled at her and she pouted cutely.

"Why not? Come on, Char, drinking is fun." she said, I turned to fully face her.

"I understand you have your own reasons but you can't do it tonight, I don't want our room to smell like hell and I hate alcohol's smell." I explained.

"I can just do it outside or something."

"No, do you know how many people die each year because of drinking? Many of those chemicals are poisonous and at least 69 of them can cause cancer." I explained in all seriousness. I have seen a lot of people damaging their lives because of this and I don't want her to be one of them.

"Ok, Einstein, geez I'm not doing it ever again in my whole life, calm down." she said and I realized I sounded like a mother and dropped it off.

"Sorry I just...I...d-don't want you to harm yourself." And there was that smile on her face again like I said the sweetest thing in the world.

"Yeah I know you just care about me a lot, you just turn out a control freak sometimes but I like it. You're exactly like the one I need in my life today." She raised her eyebrows and I swallowed hard and I was surprisingly plustered again. Geez, how many times would this girl leave me unable to think clearly?

We faced the cashier and her smile was very warm. "You guys look good together..." I opened and closed my mouth and Engfa and I looked at each other but before we could even answer, the woman who seemed in her 30s talked again.

"I remember my partner and I when I heard you arguing. We were just like you, we fight over stupid things and make up but at the end of the day, we still stick to each other." another woman walked up behind her and gave us a warm smile which we reciprocated. We saw them held hands.

"How many years have you been together?" Engfa asked.

"It's been 15 years of me listening to her rantings and laughing to her stupid jokes." The smaller one playfully hit her arm. "I was kidding!" We all laughed in unison. We paid the total and Engfa picked the paper bag. "You guys are so sweet." I told them.


Engfa's phone signaled for a coming call. "Oh, excuse me." She took it and walked outside.

"So how long have you been together?" the taller woman asked as soon as Engfa left.

"Oh, sorry, we didn't mean it, you guys just looks like..." The one who just walked in apologized. "But hey, listen, she likes you a lot, a person who comes out too strong like her would never surrender to that kind of demand. You got her. Don't fight it anymore, you're losing the war in your head. Listen to what's in there." she pointed on my chest. I just nod in response and signalled we need to leave.

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