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I woke up with my phone signaling for new messages.

I looked at it only to discover I had 20 messages from Chompu, Heidi and Tina.

'Engfa! We're driving back home! Charlotte wanted to go back early.'

A message from Chompu,

'P'fa, Charlotte asked us to drive her back home. Are you awake?'

A message from Tina.

'Wake up and get your sexy fluffy butt in your car and follow us, dawg, we're driving back at the dorm, NOW! She said she's going back home to her family after getting her stuff.

PS can you please bring me the bra I left hanging in our tent? Thanks!'

A message from Heidi.

I jumped and almost had a heart attack. I quickly fixed my things and unzipped the tent but Marima surprisingly showed up and our foreheads bumped. I was almost smacked down and felt the pain on my head.

"Jesus! What are you doing?!"

I get up and walked out of the tent.

"I was about to wake you up, I didn't know you already are."

She answered placing her hand on his head like I did.

"Where are they?"

"They're gone so early."

"They left like 10 minutes ago, you can still catch them if you start driving now." Nudee suggested.

"Really? ok, I need to go now, thanks. I'll see you next time."

I gave them a handshake and smiled.

"Hey, about Seng, sorry about how he acted out last night, he's just a jealous fuckboy."

Nudee said.

"Trust me, I know that more than you do. I'll go ahead."

"Yeah, go get your girl."

"Goodluck buddy."

I waved and bid our goodbyes.

I was about to go but remembered Heidi's bra, I grabbed it from their tent and drove my car.


-Heidi- POV

I was driving Charlotte's car down the highway while the two girls settled down at the back and Charlotte was seated next to me. She have been quiet since we get off the camp and nobody knew what she was thinking. Even I do not have any idea of what she was thinking.

"Hey, so do you guys want me to play some good music?"

I finally cut off the silence.

"Cool, play some Zack Tubudlo."

Tina said.

"Or Beyonce."

"No! Beyoncé, come on Didi."

"Ok, will you guys shut it? Just play Lauren Jauregui Expectations."

I was about to play what Charlotte like but the girls complained and they talked all together making me so confused.

"Hey! Shut up everyone! Ok, I'm playing whatever it is that comes up in my playlist. I think that's the best thing we could solve this."

They all agreed and settled down again. I pressed play not even looking at what it was.

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