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I woke up to the light from outside creeping from the curtains hitting my face and the most beautiful pair of brown eyes were peircing down on my own. I was leaning on her shoulder and I wish I could stay in there forever.

"Morning, Princess." She greeted. I brushed my eyes with my hands and smiled back to the little cutie who stole my heart.

"Good morning. How long have you been up?" I asked her.

"Um about 10 minutes?" she said.


"I don't know, I was just checking out if it was just a dream or not."

"It wasn't." I assured her.

"I'm glad it wasn't." she bit her bottom lip and stare down to mine.She leaned her head on my shoulder and her arms were wrapped around me.

"Hey, I thought you have to meet with the girls this morning?" I asked her, remembering what she said.

"Yeah but screw it, I don't wanna leave this bed." She said and we both chuckled.

"Speaking of the girls, do you wanna tell them about us?" I asked her, not sure what to expect as an answer.

"They would go craaazey." she said, expounding the last word.

"Yeah, that's for sure." I commented. Bur her face flashed a serious expression.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Uhm. Look, we could tell the girls but...can I ask you something?" she said in all seriousness. I nodded as a response.

"P'fa, you know from the start that this is hard for me, right? I mean, the coming out but trust me, I am working out on it. But can we just keep it a secret first before I'm ready?" she asked.

"Char, you don't have to ask. I understand, take all the time you need, I'll be here to support you. We're in this together, ok?" I stroked her face and formed a smile.

"Thanks, P'fa." And we wrapped each other in a tight hug.

"So it's gonna be our little secret huh." I said, giving her a grin.

"Just for the time being. But I swear I can't wait 'till I can finally tell the world about us." she said and that's a very fulfilling thing.

"Me too."

"Hey do you wanna take a selfie?" she said and took my camera, resting on the side table.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah, we can place it on that wall."She pointed on our right side.

"That would be perfect."

We took few Polaroid selfies (by few I mean 40+) and pasted it on the wall where we can look at it everyday. She was so busy drawing something on a paper while I write captions on each photo.

"What is that?" I asked her, trying to comprehend what she was trying to draw.

"It's abstract."

"Yeah so abstract that I don't see any form just messed up circles and lines." I said sarcastically.

"Shut up, it's the moon and the sun kissing each other."

"I don't see a moon or a sun."

"It's not yet done! Just do your thing, I need focus here." I chuckled and shook my head. This girl's hilariously insane and I'm in love with her.

Those Dark cat EyesWhere stories live. Discover now