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-Char- POV

I head into the woods trying to escape Seng for awhile.

He have been so annoying and I was just so done.

"Charlotte, come on, I'm really sorry. Ok, if you don't wanna jump, it's fine. You can just stay with Engfa if that's what you want."

"That is not the point anymore, why do you always push Engfa away?"

"Why does it seem to me that she's the only important person here? Why do you always defend her?"

"I'm not defending her or anyone. Harry, you're just being ridiculous!"


He pinned me up against the huge tree behind me and his face was literally inches from me that I can smell tequila from his mouth.

"What are you doing?"

I was holding my breathe.

"Things that I should have done before."

He leaned in and crashed our lips together. His kisses were forceful. Intense and hurtful. I tasted my own blood. I was trying so hard to push him away.


He pulled back and looked at me with fire in his eyes.

"Does she kiss you better than a man can?"

He whispered right on my ears while

he stroke my face and I pushed it away in disgust.

"You're no better than any man in this world."

I whispered back giving him a death glare.

A flying left hook from Engfa suddenly smacked him down the muddy ground.

"What the fuck!"

He was about to get up and take his vengeance when the others stopped them.

"You can't disrespect a girl like that!"

Heidi and Tina was holding her so tight.

"Stop, stop, hey Engfa. Come on let's get out of here."

I held her hand but Seng talked again.

"I knew it, you guys have been fooling everyone, you are together and you can't deny it this time. This is why you never actually let me be your boyfriend coz you actually like a girl!"

He moved closer proving his point.

"Now you sound crazy. Stop making assumptions!"

I screamed out.

"Do you really seriously believed that the hottest girl in Bangkok University  can stick to just one girl? She's not a saint, Charlotte, I saw her kissing Pitchy at the party while Bella was not around. I think they missed each other so much."

Everyone's jaw dropped.

He showed us pictures and it looked so real. I don't what to think.

I don't know what to say.

My face heat up while Engfa tried to explain.

"That wasn't real! We were just talking!"

"Oh you mean talking while your lips attached to each other. And beside that point, Charlotte, do you really think that your parents would approve this? Poor little hearts of the Austin's, it would be broken when I tell them about this."

"You can't do that, asshole!"

Engfa exclaimed and hit him again with her fist and fell off the same ground.

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