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-Heidi- POV

Sup? It's Friday morning and this is one my favorite days of the week, well at least half of it. So, Chumpo, Tina and I just went to a Starbucks nearby to take out some breakfast for five. I was calling Charlotte but she won't answer her phone so the girls decided to bring them some breakfast. "I guess those two are already killing each other." Tina stated.

"I don't think so, I guess they're currently on their second round for the day." I told them and their eyes widened upon hearing my assumption.

"Shut up Heidi!" the both scolded.

"What? It's so obvious they're totally into each other, they're always having eyes sex in front of us for Pete's sake and there's nothing wrong with that coz I think that's super hot." I explained.

"You can shut up now, H-mac, sometimes you can be totally honest it turns out annoying." Tina said and I glared at her.

"Guys, can you shut it? We're here." Chumposaid. "maybe these two just woke up try not to start their day with a bad vibe!"

"Fine, geez, calm down mommy Chumpo" I said. We stood in front of Charlotte and Engfa's room but when I was about to open the door we heard a scandalous moaning from behind the door.

"Oh oh, there Char, that feels good, Oh My God." We heard Engfa's voice said.



"Holy Shh...guys did you hear that?" We dropped our jaw in ultimate shock, I knew it, these girls have been bangin' each other the whole time. Char finally got her not just first kiss but apparently her first, you know what I mean.

"Shut up, Engfa, cut it out." Charlotte said.

"I can't help it, I'm sorry. Ahh" Engfa's moaning continued.

"Ok if you won't shut it, I'm gonna stop." Charlotte warned.

"Alright, fine just...don't stop."

We looked at each other like we just witnessed the hottest porn of the year on live action.

"Hey girls, don't you think we should just...go back later?" Tina nodded to Chumpo's suggestion. But I think it was a lame idea, I mean, we could just take a peek and check out how far did the horny girls go.

"No, come on girls, can we just take a peak, I wanna see a lesbian action live." I said with determination.

"Heidi, you're such a perv!" Tina whispered-yelled.

"What? they won't see us, they're too busy holding each other." I said matter-of-factly.

"Jesus, Tina, Heidi cut it out, let's just leave okay?" Chumpo said impatiently. But then I decided to reach my hand to hold the knob but Tina stopped me.

"Now you're being so ridiculous, drop it off, you're not holding that freaking knob." Tina warned, ignoring every word Chumpo said.

"Oh watch me." I turned the knob and the girls went crazy. "Heidi No!" Tina exclaimed, hugging me from the back to stop me.

"Tina get off me! Let go of my hand!"

"Guys stop!" Chumpo said. Everything came by so fast, one minute we were just arguing and the next minute we were knocked down the floor. Dark cat eyes and brown eyes were widely open in absolute shock. I expected them to be naked but in my disappointment, they were just sitting in bed, Charlotte's sitting behind Engfa with her hands on Waraha's back. Charlotte was obviously just giving her roommate a back massage that's why she was moaning.

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