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-Engfa- POV

Opps! That was rude of Heidi but hey it worked, she actually scared her. "so it's on, don't ever dare ditch us." she told Charlotte.

"I'm not, okay?" she said in defeat.

We all burst out laughing about what just happened except Charlotte who still looked disappointed and bullied by her friends.



It was 9pm and Heidi and Tina never stopped blowing my phone since lunch. They were assuring I would not ditch the party and it's working, I can't let them tell my parents about my junk food addiction lately and especially about the guy I smacked down on the first and last party i went to, they would kill me, and I can't dissapoint my freakin' perfectionist dad.

After few minutes of walking down the dorm's hallway I finally reached our door. I unlocked it and revealed before my eyes, a half naked Engfa, well not so much coz she's wearing her bra. My jaw dropped and I think I forgot how to breathe.

"Char, what are you doing? Close the door." and I forgot the door was still open.

"Oh ah yeah. Sorry, I mean no, I mean yes." What is wrong with my toungue?! Her smile grew bigger and i can't help looking at her flawless abs. When did she even get that?

"Hey are you ok?" She walked closer, looking so concerned.

"I-I'm fine, Jesus, can you put on our clothes already?" she bit her lip and I think she was trying to seduce me and I can't even look at her eyes.

"Ok, after you say what is wrong with you."

"Wha... there's nothing wrong with me, you little perv, just...put your freakin clothes on!" I was trying to be the dominant one again by raising my voice. But I can't really help looking at her abs especially when she was getting closer. She licked her lips and bit it after. I felt my face heat up.

"Like what you see?" Oh God, her voice was even sexier and raspier this time, was she trying to kill me? "Drop it Engfa, i swear i'm gonna kill you." I whispered so she can understand that I can't freakin' handle this anymore.

"Oowkei, Angelina Jolie, that's way too hot, and i can't let you kill a beautiful creature like me, the world will be dull you know." I groaned and rolled my eyes, "You're really so full of yourself!" She put on her clothes and walked to the door.

"I was just kidding. But half of it was true and you know that. Now get ready and I'll be waiting for you in Heidi and Tina's room, alright?" she winked and I gave her my fuck off look. She stick out her tongue before she closed the the door and left.

I threw myself on the bed while my hands covering my face and I groaned. I sat up and try to figure out what to do. "Oh screw it!" I got up and find the clothes I'm wearing on that freakin' party.


-Engfa- POV

"You're totally sweeping her off her feet." Tina stated in excitement.

"I don't know guys I don't think she would really enjoy this party." I said with anxiety washing over me. "Trust me P'fa, she needs this, I mean, she've been stuck in her room since we graduated and this college thing is getting in her head, I mean because of her dad, she was required to just study and do well in school and what we're giving her is a spice in her life, I mean at least give her some excitement." I smiled on Heidi's statement and realized we were just doing this for Charlotte. "You're right, ok we'll do this."

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