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I have the craziest girlfriend in the world and that's a fact.

"Hey, can I have your Snicker's?" Engfa said with the biggest smile her mouth could make.

"No! It's my last pack, go buy your own."

"But I gave you that."

"Exactly, that's why it's mine already."

"Come on, babe...please."

"I said, no." I told her and she pouted like a little puppy who's about to cry.

"Fine, but in one condition." I finally given up cause I just can't with those green pleading eyes it was just %*#&. But an idea flashed into my head.

"Really? What? You want me to dance Shmoney again or...wobble?" she said excitedly with a little demonstartion.




She choked and narrowed her eyes.

"Oh my God, are you serious?" she asked. I nodded with confidence. I knew she can't do that.

"Ok, for the love of Snicker's. I'll do it."

"Reaaaallly?" I was trying to sound sarcastic.

"Yeah my body's ready." she seemed confident.

"Alright, let me play the music for you." I scrolled down my playlists and pressed play to the perfect song. 'Earned it.'

"Clever, babe. That is so clever."

I smiled like an idiot trying to look as cute as possible. She started to dance to the beat as I sat comfortably on the chair while trailing my gaze up and down her body but stopped to her precious butt which was faced into mine.

"Ohhhh, nice ass."

She finally faced me with a smirk and I knew she got an evil plan starting to develop. She started walking towards me and sat on my lap while doing her freakin' sexy moves.

"Wha-what are you doing? I didn't say give me a lap dance, you..."

She stopped for awhile and I didn't have the chance to finish my sentence because she continued and pressed on me harder. I felt something inside me, I never knew the real feeling of getting turned on and I never felt one towards an actual person but Engfa fucking Waraha was just doing it effortlessly.

"Oh God." I can't help placing my hands on her waist as she rock her body against mine. I was so turned on and I can't wait to brush my lips against hers. She leaned in closer but stopped when our lips were about to touch and smirked. She snaked her hands on mine and grabbed the Snicker's.

"Thanks, babe." she whispered into my ears which sent shivers on my spine. She stood up leaving me dumbfounded, she still have those Satanic smirk while opening her Snicker's.

"Babe are you ok?" she asked full of concern in her voice but her smile was evil.

"I'm gonna pee." And I ran to the bathroom. I heard her laughter almost banging the whole place.

I told you, she's definitely crazy.

She made me do things I was not even aware I can. She brought out the best in me and she's the only person, except my bestfriends, who I opened myself into and I know that no matter what, this girl would always have my heart.

And I wish that, the day I promised I would tell the world about us would be so soon. It scares me to think about my parents and what would be their reactions but for now, I would just cherish the moment I could hold her in my arms and give her cute little kisses.

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