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-Char- POV

I was on my desk trying to focus on reading a book but 'cat eyes' have been running around. I don't really care about what she was doing but it was disturbing me so I turned to her, only to see her cooking a dish. "What are you doing?" she looked up to me and I can't get my eyes off of those cat eyes. Damn it, not again Charlotte. Look away, I instructed myself mentally but I didn't.

"Oh I'm cooking for dinner, it's called Kartofler, a Danish dish." she answered.

"I know what's Kartofler, I'm Danish too." I told her.

"Oh yeah I forgot. Wanna try?" she offered.

"No thanks, I'm not hungry." I lied as I raised an eyebrow.

"Come on, Char, it's ok, I know you haven't eat anything since lunch, try it, I promise you this is so good." She handed me the fork and I grabbed it as I rolled my eyes. How can I even refuse to that stupid smile on her face? "My mom taught me how to cook it, she was incredible."

"Fine, you can shut up now, Jesus." I impatiently said. I took a piece of chicken and some veggies in my mouth and no offense but surprisingly it tastes even better than my mom's Kartofler.

"So how was it? Good, isn't it?" she asked but I was too delighted with the flavors exploding in my mouth.

"It's fine." I said with eyebrows raised, pretending to look cold. "Woah, come on! I know it's better than that!"

"Fine, it tastes good, ok?" I finally given up.

"I know." Her smile got even bigger and almost melt my heart down. Can she be any cuter? I felt my cheeks heating up. Damn and those eyes are killing me. I realized I have been staring at her while she was telling stories about her family animatedly. God, she's so beautiful. What the hell's wrong with me?


I woke up with the annoying sound of my alarm clock. I blindly fumbled around and shut it off. I sat up and slowly opened my eyes to see the light of the morning sunshine. It's 6:15 AM and I'm still not ready for the second day of school.

I roamed my eyes around the room and noticed my roommate's gone and everything on her side was so organized and clean. I made a 'wow' face in surprise and smirked.

"Damn, those cat eyes' totally trying to put up a good impression." I got up to walk to the bathroom but almost stepped on a tray of plates. I sat next to it and read the note that says 'Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Have some bacon and scrambled egg lil munchkin and have a great day! -xoxo Sia Berm

I realized I was smiling like an idiot. "Sia Berm, damn it, what the hell are you doing to me?" I grabbed the tray and put on my study table, I started eating it and wonder how can a scrambled egg taste totally perfect. There was even a doodle on the banana and I chuckled with the thought of her actually putting up a big smile and a peace sign. I shrug it off when I realized I look like an insane person laughing on my own. I prepared myself for another tiring day in school and locked the door behind me.


-Engfa- POV

"Hey guys! Good morning!" Chompu and I greeted the girls who were sitting in the cafeteria. Heidi and Tina were eating their breakfast and I noticed Charlotte was not around.

"Where's Charlotte?" I asked them.

"Oh she's just around there, she'll be here any minute." Heidi answered while chewing her cereal. And speaking of the angel, Char walked in with her flowery sundress that really looked cute on her. Whatever she wears she'll be the cutest girl I have ever met without even trying. I'm so attracted with this girl. Wait what? My thoughts were interrupted when everyone greeted her.

"Hey Char, grab your breakfast, they have fruity cereals and its pretty good." Heidi offered, I listened closely to what she was about to answer, I wonder if she ate the breakfast I prepared for her.

"No, I'm good, I just had some good tasting scrambled egg and bacon." I felt my cheeks heat up and the stupid grin on my face grew wider. I almost refused to look at her but my eyes can't get enough of her. Our eyes met and it almost made my heart jump. The other girls looked at us back and forth.

"Really? We can see things are working out well for baes." Heidi stated.

"And it seems the invisible wall isn't working' out too well." Chompu said with a smirk.

"Shut up dorks, it's not what you think it is," she said and turned her gaze on me."and you can't get me that easy...Sia Berm." She said without cutting out our eye contact. I honestly like the way she said my name, it's just fucking' hot. She stood on her feet and walked out and waved to us. "Bye girls, I'll see you later."

"Bye heart eyes!" Heidi said. "and hello Sia Berm." she turned to me with a teasing look.

"So is she winning your little filthy games?" Chompu asked.

"What?" I asked, trying to play innocent.

"Come on, don't play dumb on us P'fa, did she bite the bait?" Tina and the girls looked at me like literally everything I say they would just jump and applause. "What are you guys saying? She doesn't like me and besides I can't get her to be my, she's so innocent." I said, telling nothing but the truth.

"But you're still Engfa Waraha. You get girls whenever you want, you just can't be hanging without a girl." Heidi said matter-of-factually.

They were right though, I'm known for that person who always have a girl around me and there were more girls waiting for their turn. I'll be a hypocrite if I say I didn't like that life but I don't know, some things just change and that change was caused by those brown eyes and cute smile, perhaps.

"Guess that just changed, like all people do right? And besides this is not high school anymore, this shit is college." I said.

"We'll all see then." Tina said, finally convinced.

"Ok, why don't you invite little miss Austin in Nesa's party tomorrow?" Chompu suggested.

"Wait, Nesa Mahmoodi? She goes here too?" I said in surprise.

"Yup" Chompu nodded. "She'll be throwing a first week of school party in her brand new mansion just few blocks away and he asked me to tell you to go with our new friends of course." she said.

"A party? That would be so fun, come on Engfa, go with Charlotte." Heidi said excitedly.

"Ok, I'll see what I can do then." I said and gave them a fake smile cause I don't know if I can really handle that. They finished their breakfast and we walked to our designated classrooms.


Sia Baer has arrived :) HAHAHA XD

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