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A rapid knock on the door woke me up causing me to fell off the bed at 3am.


I groaned and forced myself to get up and open the door. Heidi, Tina and Chompu was helping Charlotte to stand up.

"What took you so long?"

Heidi lifted her and let her lay on the bed.

"FYI it's 3 frickin' A.M."

"Yeah and you left your drunk girlfriend in a party, nice one."

"She was being a bitch."

"P'fa, she's still you're girlfriend and she needs you right now, we'll go ahead."

Chompu said in a serious tone. I looked down my trembling hands and gave them a sad smile. I sighed before speaking.

"Fine, I'm gonna..take care of her, don't worry."

"Yeah, we'll see you in the morning, don't push her off the bed or try to cut her off."

Tina and I chuckled.

"Night, P'fa."

Tina and Chompu walked at the door waiting for Heidi.

"Tell her I'm sorry, P'fa."

"Heidi, it's not your fault, you don't have to."

"Still, tell her I'm sorry."

"Yeah ok. Good night."

Heidi flashed a sleepy smile and closed the door.

I immediately turned to Charlotte who was groaning and uncomfortably tossing and turning on the bed.

"Hey Char, do you wanna change your clothes?"


"Come on, you need to change."

She groaned as I took off her top.

"Char, take off your pants."

"I can't, do it."

"Wha...fine, I'm taking it off."

She agreed and I unzipped her pants and take it off leaving her in just her underwear which made me almost fall off the bed for like the second time.

"You're fuckin' hot."

I whispered.

I walked to her closet to look for her matching pjs. I grabbed the pink one and put it on her.

My face was literally one inch from hers and just after I buttoned the last one, she opened her eyes making me inevitably stare at her.

"I-I was just...helping you out."

I said nervously. She did not say anything instead she grabbed my shirt and pulled me in crushing our lips together which took me by surprise.

It took me few seconds to respond on her brutal act of sucking my lips.

It was rough and too much hot to describe. It was something very intimate.

She deepen the kiss and flipped making her on top of me.

We just separated when we desperately needed air. She was still on top of me, she rested her head on my chest and her arms was around my waist.

She faced me and whispered.

"You are the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me. I love you P'fa"

I thought my heart jumped when I heard those words. It was the very first time that I actually heard that from her and it was priceless.

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