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-Engfa- POV

The bell rang and everyone found their way out of the room. I heard my phone signaled for a call and I immediately took it. "Papa, What's up?"

"Hey honey, how is it going?" he greeted.

"I just finished my last period. So far everything's fine. How's everything going back there?" "Great, your mom and Snack went shopping for her first day of school tomorrow and Meena have been practicing again for his baseball game while papa's totally busy with the restaurant and speaking of that I have to ask you something Engfa." he said.

"Sure, what is it?"

"You know your aunt Faye and Uncle Sulax is having a restaurant right?"

"Yeah I remember." I nodded.

"Well, they're building it at the back of your university." he informed and face lit up upon hearing it.

"Really? That is so cool."

"Yah I know, they ordered wines from us and today's the delivery, Roger's on his way now but I need someone to check out the exact number of delivery. Can you do that for me honey?" he asked and who am I to refuse?

"Sure, I have nothing to do anyway and I wanna check out Aunt Faye' restaurant, I think that would be great." I told him with a huge smile.

"And guess what? Get their payment and you can keep it." he said and that's the best part ever of this conversation.

"Really papa?!" I jumped and laughed there like a little child. "Yeah but I told you to keep it, that's for emergencies."

"Yeah ok, I'll keep it." I swore.

"Alright, I'll text you the address and the delivery details." he said with sense of finality.

"Alright Papa, I love you!" I exclaimed on the phone.

"Love you more, take care." he said. I took off to the dorm to look for Chompu but she had a class as well as Tina and Heidi.

"Ugh who would go with me to look for that restaurant?" Everyone knew I was not really good in following directions even in using google maps. I decided to walk in our room to grab a jacket only to have eye to eye contact with the brown eyed beauty who's been running in my head for hours now. She was sitting in front of the mirror fixing her hair and I just got a really good idea.

"Hey Char." She turned to giving me devil glares again.

"I told you to stop calling me that." she said with annoyance.

"oh yeah my apologies Ms. Austin. Since you're here now, can I ask you a favor?" I asked, trying hard not to look stupid.

"What is it?" She was quite calm and I can feel this would be fine with her.

"My dad asked me to do something, he wants me to go to a restaurant behind the university, he wanted me to check out the wine delivery for him." I explained.

"Will you stop beating around the bush?" she said impatiently. I sighed deeply.

"Can you go with me to that restaurant? Pleaaaaaaaaase??" I even pouted hoping to have an effect on her but it seems I'm failing miserably.

"No, I..." I placed my hand on her crossed arms and she looked at me like there was an electricity from our connected skin.

"Come on, Charlotte, this is the only favor I'll ask you, I promise." I gave her a big smile and put my hands together.

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