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-Char- POV

There's nothing more painful than watching the only person who loved you walked out of your life.

She walked out the door without looking back.

The most beautiful emerald eyes in all the world were filled with tears and I was the one to blame.

I knew I promised that I won't hurt a beautiful and precious human being like her but I just did, I broke my own promise and I hate myself.

I locked myself in my room.


I turned to see my sister.

"Get out Aoom, I can't talk right now."

"I know, I just wanna give you this."

She placed a bouquet of roses in my bed and a letter.

"She said it's yours. And..she wishes you a happy life. Don't worry P'Char, everything will be fine."

"Hey, I'm sorry." I held her hand.

"Don't be."

"Did she teach you that?"

"No, you have been just apologizing too much for one day. Give yourself a break."

She gave me a sweet smile and walked out locking the door.

I grabbed the roses. I smiled sadly to myself.

She promised she'll give it to me when it full bloomed and she did.

I looked down. Tears streaming down my eyes again.

I'm honestly jealous that she can fulfill her promises and I can't.

I sniffed and took a deep breath before opening the letter.

A photo of us fell off. It was one of the first photos we had since we became a couple. And there was a caption she wrote: 'There will be nothing that means so much to me than YOU.'

I sighed and read the letter.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

To my Love, Char

I won't ask you to stay.
I won't force you to listen to me.
I just want you to know that I love you even when you always pull a prank on me.
I love you even when you won't let me watch Mulan and put on Tangled instead.
Even when you sometimes scold at me when I do things wrong.
Even when you let me stay up late at night just to talk to you about why the sky is blue, the existence of aliens and the names of the demons inside of us.

Even when you slap my arms when I don't laugh at your stupid lame jokes.

If this is the end of us, then we had the most beautiful love story in the world. A story that nothing can be compared to.

I love you more than Snicker's and dragonfly tattoos.
And that's the truth.
A Million fights can never change that.

Take care Char.


Engfa W *with kisses mark*

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I almost crumpled the small piece of paper of how tight I grip it.

Just reading her name makes my heart beat so fast.

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