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Two days before Spring Break, Seng have been bugging us to hang out. He invited the girls for camping. He said this might be the last time we would see him for the month because he will go back to London soon.

As usual, I never wanted to come but Charlotte pouted in front of me again and I just can't resist that.

He took us to a hill facing the ocean. I must say it was one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. It was close to the woods, the sound of the waves were relaxing and the best part is that I'm with the people I love to be with, minus that douche guy who have been pissing me off since the day we met.

Charlotte and I walked few steps away from the others, she intertwined our fingers and filled her lungs with the fresh salty air.

"Isn't it beautiful?"

She asked roaming her eyes around the pretty view in front of us.

I turned to look at her. Her hair freely dancing with the wind.

"Like you."

We smiled as she brushed her thumb against the side of my hand.

"Hey there you are!"

We jumped and quickly let go of our hands as we heard Seng called out.

"Dinner's ready, come on!"

Finally breathing out when we realized he didn't notice anything. We followed him and sat on the blanket with the others.

Seng invited his friends Becky and Marima who I noticed have been having good and long conversations with Chompu. Becky have been so energetic too and made everyone laugh their ass off. She's just hilarious.

"Who's up for a little game?"

"What game?"

"Truth or Dare with a twist."

Seng excitedly suggested.

"What twist?"

"Everybody knows how to play truth or dare right? But everytime the bottle points to any of us, that person needs to have one shot of tequila, however we have two choices, we can pass the glass to someone we wish to take it but only 3 times, if it was already consumed we need to take it all. So game?"

"That is silly."

I commented with my arms crossed.

"That would be fun!"

I saw four bottles sitting behind him.

"No, we can't do that. Do you intend all of us to crawl after that fuckin game? It's a fuckin tequila man, if you want all of us to drink that, you could just hit us with those bottles in the head, it would do the same."

"Engfa, come on, don't be a prude. It's a freakin party. Or maybe you want to just stay in your tent and play some lame music."

We looked at each other like to lions preying each other.

"Hey hey enough. Jesus, what the hell is wrong with you guys?"

Chompu stopped us.

"Come on, are we gonna play or not?"

Everyone looked at me as if the final decision was mine.

"Fine. Bring it."

The first spin pointed to Heidi who took the first shot after and the next to Troy.

The third spin unexpectedly pointed to me.

"Truth or dare?"


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