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We were in the same class on a Monday afternoon. Laughing and just staring to each other every now and then. Can't even hold her hand or look at her long enough for everyone to suspect we were more than friends.

I got used to it. Tempting but fun.

"Spring break's just around the corner, what are your plans?"

Charlotte asked. We were walking down the quad heading to a small bench under a big tree.

"One of my cousin's getting married and he chose our oversized garden to be his wedding venue, you should come."

"A wedding? That's really nice, alright I'll think about it."

"Think about it? Where are you gonna be on Spring Break?"

"Home. The beach maybe, but mostly home."

She said as we both sat on the bench.


"I got chains around my feet remember?"

"What's wrong Char?"

"Nothing, it's just my parents are making me crazy again."

"What happened?"

"Um. It's complicated."

She said looking down her fingers.

"It's ok, you don't have to tell me now, come on, I'll buy you ice cream."

I placed my hand on hers trying to cheer her up.

"Can I have two?"

Her face lit up.

"You should."

"Can we go to the rooftop?"



The days went by so fast.

A lot of events happened.

The girls signed up for the university's anniversary concert as one of the performers. We have been rehearsing for our act and it quickly became our favorite bonding time.

My roses are almost in full bloom.

Also Charlotte's birthday came up. I remember she didn't want a party or any surprise but I did my best to make her the happiest girl.


( *Flashback* )

"Engfa! Watch out!"

I heard Heidi yelling but she just ran me over by her bicycle.

One minute I was just peacefully walking down the pathway checking out my phone and the next minute I was knocked down on the concrete with Heidi.

"Aww! What the hell are you doing?"

"Sorry, Heidi's trying to learn how to ride a bike."

Tina answered giving me a hand and pulled me up.

I stood up and dusted myself off.

"A little help here."

Said Heidi who was still sitting on the ground.

I held her hand pulled her up.

"Sorry, munchkin, I didn't mean it. I didn't know you would pop up from nowhere."

"I have been looking for you guys, where's Ally?"

"She's in a date." Tina answered.

"And you won't believe with who."

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