Chapter 2

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I woke up to my alarm clock blaring. I got up easily knowing its my first day and I need to show Beacon Hills Jackie Stilinski is back.

I took a quick shower and put on a black and white crop top that showed my belly piercing (thanks Aunt Colleen) with black leggings and jean vest with my black vans. I applied my eyeliner and mascara with red lipstick. I got downstairs and saw Stiles already in the kitchen.

"Morning bro." I said and he looked at me in shock at what I was wearing. "You..." "If you tell me to change I will punch you little brother." I cut him off before he could say anything. "Your older by 10 seconds!" He whined like a five year old.

After we ate I drove to school separately. Stiles wanted to drive his car to school and he had lacrosse practice after school so now I don't have to wait for him.

I finally made it to school with my music blaring letting the whole school know I was here. Obnoxious I know but why the hell not.

As I walked in everyone was staring at me. I didn't recognize anyone but I could care less since I don't know where the hell I'm going.

Once I found my locker someone tapped my shoulder making me jump a little, "What no special hi or anything?" I heard a girl say before I turned and it was Lydia. We were best friends before I moved. Stiles also had the biggest crush on her so everything she came over he would act stupid, or stupider than usual. I pulled Her into a hug and noticed some dude standing behind her.

"Who this?" I asked as I let
go. "Jackie this is Jackson my boyfriend." She said acting all excited. Stiles told me a lot about someone named Jackson, he was some dumb jock who was captain of the lacrosse team and was a total dick. "Nice to meet you." I said with a fake smile. "I gotta go to my first class but I will see you around okay." I said to Lydia before walking away.

I got to my first class who was with Coach Finstock. The bell rang as I walked into the classroom that was nearly empty. I took the empty seat in the back of the room.

As I took my seat some dude rushed from the other side of the room to the seat next to me, creep. "Can I help you?" I asked as I took out my notebook and pencil. "Jackie it's me." I just started at the kid with shaggy hair smiling at me like at idiot. "Scott, Scott McCall." He said. "Oh my god Scottie, you look so different!" I said in shock. I would never have guessed it was Stiles best friend Scott. I know I sound like a grandparent saying this but he looks so grown up.

"So today we got a new student in the this class," Coach said at the beginning of class. He took out a piece of paper that I assume was from the main office. "Oh god help us another Stilinski." He said making the whole class laugh. "Please welcome Jack Stilinski." He said. "It's Jackie." I shouted from the back of the room. Everyone looked back at me including Coach Finstock, it's funny that I refer to him as coach but I don't know what he coaches, lacrosse I assume since that's the big todo around here. "Your Stiles twin?" A girl who was sitting in front of me asked. "Ya, why is it such a big shocker?" I asked looking at her, she turned back around and didn't say a word for the rest of the class.

Lunch finally came, today was such a slow day I couldn't bare it. I had a double period with Mr.Harris and I sure as hell never had a teach hate me more than any teacher I've ever had, he gave me a detention after school for pretty much asking so many questions and laughing when Stiles talked back at him. He must hate Stiles cause he kept making rude comments and threats to Stiles.

I sat down at an empty table and took out my phone cause my aunt kept texting me saying sorry but I was so mad at her for what happened only yesterday morning I could even talk to her.

Then Stiles and Scott joined me and then Lydia with her stupid boyfriend and the same girl who sat in front of me in my first class. I didn't want to say anything but Scott kept staring at her during that class and I wanted to die laughing looking at him.

Everyone was talking about cougar attacks that have happened recently but I was reading the text Aunt Colleen sent.

"So is Jackie going to talk or is she too busy on her phone?" Lydia asked making me look up.

"Sorry."I said.

"Who is that other girl sitting with us?" I whispered to Lydia,

"That's Allison, she's new too." She said quietly .

"So Jackie, why you back in town out of the blue?" Scott asked.

"I've been kind of rebelling against my aunt, so that didn't help when she told me my dad wanted me to move back home." I said as I realized everyone was staring.

"Why did you ever leave town?" Allison asked and Lydia sent her an anger glare.

"My mom died when Stiles and I were nine. My aunt wanted me to move in with her to have a woman figure around."I explained.

Then the bell rang, "See you guys later" I said as I started walking out of the cafeteria.

Detention was okay, it was only me in so I sat in my seat by myself for an hour. I had about five minutes left when I got a text from Stiles, my ringer wasn't off so Mr.Harris heard it. "That just bought you twenty extra minutes Ms.Stilinski." He said not even looking me. "You got to be kidding me? I shouldn't even be here I didn't do anything wrong besides asking questions in class!" I said standing up from my seat, it's not my fault I missed the first few days of school. I walked out of the classroom and down the hall, "If your not back in your seat right now you will be suspended!" Mr. Harris yelled down the hall but I just kept walking.

Once I got outside of school I saw Scott walking into the woods. He didn't look so good, he was still in his lacrosse uniform. I ran after him, "Scott, what are you doing?" I asked him. He looked mad, like I'm Going to rip your head off mad. "Go away!" He said before I grabbed his wrist. He was breathing funny scaring me even more, "Scott look at me." I said cupping his cheeks. His eyes were shut like he didn't want to look at me. "Scott please." I said quietly as he opened his eyes and he was calm.

We walked back to school and he told me it was just a panic attack. I was happy I could help him but where was Stiles? I thought he would be with Scott after school.

I drove Scott home and when I got home I saw my dad in the kitchen looking mad, "Suspended the first day Jackie!" He yelled.
Really Harris?

This chapter is boring I know but next chapter will be better.

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