Chapter 13

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The next day at school Stiles drove Scott and I so we could talk about getting tickets to some warehouse rave.
Scott tried but he didn't have enough money.

"There's gotta be another way to get tickets." I said as we got out of the jeep. "Its a secret show there's only one way and it's a secret. Stiles said.

"Hey." we turned and it was Matt. I heard he was knocked unconscious yesterday and Allison had to stay with him. "Do you know why no one is getting suspended for yesterday?" He asked. "No one got hurt." Stiles said.

"I got a concussion."

"No one was seriously hurt."

"I was in the ER for 6 hours."

"You want to know the truth Matt, the bump on your head is this high on our list of problems right now." Stiles snapped back holding his hand about two inches off the ground. I hit him in the back of the head hard. "Sorry for my rude brother." I said. "You okay?" Scott asked.

"Ya I'm fine now, heard you couldn't find tickets. I managed to find two online. Try and gets some cause I heard everyone is going to be there." Matt said before walking away.

The day was going by slow. All I could think about was a way I could get s ticket for the rave. I opened my locker and an envelope fell out.

For stiles finding out about us. I'm sorry:( see you tonight

I opened it and it was a ticket to the rave. Thank you Isaac.

Stiles told me the plan for tonight. He refused me to be apart of it making me really mad. I think he was just secretly punishing me. I drove myself to the rave after Stiles left.

I was walked in I was wearing my black leggings black tank top that said ciao. I was wearing black eye liner and red lipstick and as I started dancing I felt two arms wrapped around my waist.

I turned thinking it was Isaac but it wasn't it was, Alec. "You look hot tonight." He said with a smile. "Let go, I have a boyfriend." I said trying to loosen his grip. He just laughed at my attempt until I kicked his knee making his balance uneven and pushed him to the ground. "Douche." I said before walking away.

Then I saw Isaac dancing with Erica and Jackson. He was kissing her neck and I wasn't filled with jealously seeing him talk out something he was pointing at Jackson but he and Erica were on the ground. I tried making my way to then but when I got there I saw Isaac dragging Jackson away.
I picked up Erica and followed him.

I followed him into a room away from everyone else and Jackson was placed on a chair in the middle of the room. Once Erica could stand Isaac gave me a hug. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing." he said with a little smile. He then studied what I was wearing, "What?" I asked. "Nothing you just..." But before Isaac could finish the door opened making us turn," Woah it's just me." Stiles said. "Why are you here?" He said looking at me. "why are you here?" I asked. He just rolled his eyes and looked at Erica and Isaac.

"is he okay?"

"Let's find out." he took out his claws and was about to hit Jackson but he caught his hand and started to squeeze it. Isaac ripped his arm away holding his arm. "no one does anything like that again k?" Stiles said taking charge. "Hey you okay?" I asked Isaac as he held his arm. "I will heal." he said calming down. "Get a room." Erica said annoyed. "No no no! DO NOT GET A ROOM!" stiles said.

"I'm here." Jackson said gaining our attention. "I'm right here with you." he said so creepy. Stiles knelt inform of Jackson slowly."Jackson is that you?" He asked. "Us were all here."Jackson said creepy. "Are you the one killing people?" I asked. "We're the one killing murderers." he said not looking at anything particular. "So the people you've killed so far..." "deserved it." Jackson said cutting Stiles off.

"You go by the rule book, you only go after murderers. All the people you've killed are murderers?" I asked. "All, each and everyone." He replied.

"Then who did they kill?"


"Wait what?" I asks confused.

"They murdered me." he said.

Isaac then took my arm and back away when I noticed Jackson's eyes changed.

"Get out." I said as Jackson started changing. We blocked the door when there was a roar from inside. Then the kanima came busting through the wall.

Isaac took my hand and led Erica and I out the door when he stopped at the line of mountain ash. "What do we do?" I asked. Then we heard a Scott, he sounded like he was in trouble. I ran to the door but Isaac put his hand on the door not letting it open. "What are you doing? I need to help him.". I said trying to open the door. "Don't worry he is probably fine." Isaac said.

Turns out someone human broke the mountain ash so I decided to just go home. "Do you guys need a ride?" I asked Erica and Isaac as I started walking to my car. "No we're okay." Isaac said.

As I opened the door I heard Isaac call my name and started running to me. "What?" I asked as he walked to me. "I noticed in there you got jealous seeing me and Erica." he said with a smile. "I knew you guys had to distract Jackson but I didn't realize you were going to do that." I said making Isaac laugh. "You know I'm a lot of things but a cheater I'm not." He said taking my hand. "It was a part of the plan, sure I didn't like it one bit but whatever." I said as sat in the driver seat but Isaac wouldn't let me shut the door. "Also, you look hot tonight." he said looking at me and my outfit. "Thanks, you don't look bad yourself." I said with a wink.

Then Isaac leaned in and kissed me. At first I thought it was going to be a short kiss saying goodbye but once I kissed him back he pulled me out of the car and shut the door. My hands were wrapping around his neck and one of his hands was holding my thigh. I gripped his shirt as he pushed me against my car. His hands were wondering up my leg to my butt and I could feel claws lightly grab my ass. I giggled a little but then I felt someone was watching. I opened my eyes and saw Stiles looking at from his car parked right next to mine. Isaac turned looking at him. "Just use protection, last thing I want is to become an uncle." he said getting in his car. "Shut up!" I yelled at him.

"Well that's my cue." I said pushing him back a little and got in my car. "later." than I drove off.

Mysteries  [1] • IsaacLahey/Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now