Chapter 9

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The next morning I decided to wear my vans with my red sweater with my leather jacket and black leggings. I was afraid if I drove with Stiles I would tell him about Derek offering me the bit. Before I could leave my dad caught me, "Jackie where are you going?" Stiles isn't ready." "I was going to walk to school." I said. "No your not you are..." "I'm ready don't worry." Stiles said running down the stairs and running out the door with me before my dad could give me a five hour lecture about me being safe.

As we drove to school in silence I couldn't help but think what happened a few nights ago. My aunt is a Hale, Derek was the dude who came to my house a few weeks ago, and yeah I was offered the bite. I am definitely not telling Stiles or Scott about what happened cause they will want answers that I don't have.

We pulled up to school and as I started walking into the school I walked into an old man, "Sorry sir." I said. "In a rush I see." He said with a little smile. I don't recognize him from the staff but maybe he is just new or a substitute. "I'm the new principal Mr. Argent." he said holding his hand out to shake my hand. " Jackie Stilinski. Are you by any chance related to Allison Argent?"
I asked knowing he most likely is, how common could the last name Argent be? "I'm her grandfather, are you a friend of hers?" He asked as the bell rang. "Yes I am but I have to go, nice meeting you." I said walking in the building.

I walked to the library for my free period. Everyone was staring at me but I just ignored it.

As I sat at a table by myself I was thinking about who could've taken that liver besides Lydia but I tried doodling to keep my mind off of it but all I could draw was a wolf. "Hey Jackie." Greenberg said sitting across from me with two of his friends. "What up Greenberg and Greenberg friends?" I said not looking up from my notebook. "Its Alec." The dude sitting next to me, he had green eyes and black hair. he was taller than me, I could tell my him just sitting next to me. "Sam." The other guy said who sitting next Greenberg. He was shorter than Alec but was definitely muscular and taller than me. He had blonde hair and blue eyes.

"What do you guys want?" I asked as Alec took my notebook. "Give it back." I said but they all thought it was funny so they started throwing around the table. "What do you idiots want? Is bugging a girl who got shot on your todo list?" I asked as Alec caught my notebook and looked at me with a blank face. "You were shot?" He asked. "Ya dude by that chick who killed all those people that police thought were animal attacks and set the hale fire." Greenberg explained. I didn't realize that news went public and the police blamed her for the murders Peter committed.

"Where did you get shot?" Sam asked. I just pointed to my chest. "Could I see the bullet wound?" Greenberg asked. I stood up and slapped Greenberg in the back of the head before I walked out of the library to my locker as the bell rang.

On my way to my next class which was Mr.Harris I heard someone yell my name from behind. I turned and saw Isaac running to me and hugged me. "I heard about what happened, are you okay?" He asked as he let go. "I was fine until I found out about Lydia." I whispered. "No one is giving you a hard time about it?" He asked me when I noticed he had a black eye. "Your eye." I said as I put my hand over his eye. "What happened?" I asked. "Lacrosse." he said quietly, "Don't lie to me." I say seriously. "My dad hits me sometimes, it's nothing though." he said like it was no big deal. "Come with me." I said dragging him into an empty classroom as I took out my makeup. We have the same skin tone so my makeup blended in nicely. "Thanks for the card and balloons, and I could teach you those dance moves whenever." I said making him laugh.

Once I was finished you couldn't really notice it. I showed him his eye in my mini mirror and he was surprised. "Thank you." he said. "No problem, I gotta go but text me later." I said as I made my way to my text class and there was a pop quiz, yay! I won't mind another bullet but to the head.

When I got the booklet I actually knew a few answer, C here we come. I sit in the front of the Scott and Stiles. I couldn't hear what they were talking about but Mr.Harris could here them talking.

"This is a pop quiz Mr. Stilinski. if I hear your voice again I maybe tempted in giving you detention for the rest of your high school career." Mr.Harris threaten Stiles.

"Can you do that?" Stiles, shut up.

"There it is again, your voice, triggering the only impulse I've ever had to strike a student repeatedly and violently. See you at three for detention."

A few minutes after that Jackson ran out of class with a nose bleed but the blood looked black. Weird.

After class I found Allison at her locker with a dress Scott probably gave her with that smile on her face. As I approached her locker her smile vanished listening to a conversation from behind.

"Her aunt, the one that murdered all those people."
"You mean that crazy bitch that killed all those people."

"Ya the fire and all those animal attacks were her aunt."

"Ya and she also shot me, but it has nothing to do with Allison so I suggest to shut the hell up before I punch your pretty noises." I yelled to them scaring them off. "Thanks." Allison said. "Got a good friend there." a guy a few lockers down from Allison said. "Nice camera." I said before walking away with Allison.

"You want to talk to Scott?" I ask having a feeling he was there. Scott was probably close so she left to find him.

Since Stiles is stuck in detention I decided to go look for Lydia. I was out until I got a call from Stiles saying I needed to meet him and Dad where an ambulance was attack.

As I made my way to Stiles I heard a noise, it was Lydia. "Lydia!" I ran to her and gave her my leather jacket and my sweater which I wore a tank top underneath so she wouldn't freeze . We walked with her where Stiles was. The street was packed with police cars and cops. We walked into the middle of the road with all the cops staring at us. "Well is anyone going to get this girl some pants?" I asked awkwardly.

After Lydia was announcing she was found and safe I finally got home. Lydia wouldn't say why she wondered out of the hospital so my dad gave her the night before asking questions.

Stiles told me before she went missing she screamed, why?

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