Chapter 3

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So I've been suspended for three days and I've been texting nonstop to Lydia. She explained to me about Allison and Scott are dating but Allison deserves better Lydia thinks.

We talked about what has happened over the years but I didn't care what we talked about, it was that I had someone to talk to. My aunt and I always talked but after my mom died i never got a good friend at my old school.

When Lydia was at school I was out buying some supplies I'll be using to let's say decorate Mr. Harris room for suspending me.

Stiles has been gone all day and my dad said he will be at work late so going to school would be easy.

When it was dark  I drove into the school parking lot there was a car right near the door so I went through the back door. I got into Mr. Harris room and took out the raw eggs and spray paint. I wrote dick on the wall as big as possible and through the eggs all over the room.

After I finished I looked what I've done with the room and was pleased so I left. As I was walking out I heard people talking, "Scott?"I wasn't sure it was him or not until I saw him with Stiles? Crap. "Jax what are you doing here?" stiles asked. "Oh I was um... Redecorating Mr. Harris' room." I said then realizing Lydia was here too with Jackson and Allison.

Before Stiles could say anything else the ceiling started to creek, "RUN!" Scott yelled as we ran up the stairs and I heard a, growl?

Once we got into the cafeteria Scott, Jackson,Allison, Lydia and I started stacking stuff against the door while Stiles was trying to say something,"Okay nice work beautiful job everyone. Now what are we going to do about the 20 ft wall of windows?" He asked. SHIT.

"Can someone please explain to me what's happening cause I'm freaking out?" I say looking at Scott and Stiles. "What was that?" Lydia asked.

"Scott?" Allison asked. Scott was obviously trying to come up with a believable lie about what just happened making the room silent."Somebody killed the janitor." Stiles said breaking the silence. "What?" I said still confused and wonder why the hell that has to do with anything. "Ya the janitor dead." "Who killed him?" Jackson asked. I was in such shock that someone was murdered that I didn't bother listening to Allison and Lydia freaking out.

"Scott!" Allison yelled getting my attention. "I don't know but if we go out there he's going to kill us." Scott said with fear in his voice. "Us? You gotta be kidding me!" I said as Stiles comforted me. "Who is it? Who is trying to kill us?" Allison asking the obvious.

"It's Derek, Derek Hale." Scott said. Derek Hale? Why would he be killing people? Why is he back in Beacon Hills?

"Derek Hale killed the Janitor?" Jackson asked, what does Derek have against the school janitor? "Yes it's Derek Hale killed all of them starting with his own sister!" Scott said ."And the bus driver...." "Ya and the guy from the video store and he is in here with us now." I was paralyzed in fear, my knees began to weaken. Stiles was helping me stay standing.

"And if we don't get out he's going to kill us too." Scott said . What the hell is going on in this town? I feel like I'm going to be sick.

"Call the cops." Jackson said looking at me and Stiles. "No." Stiles said. "What do you mean no?" Jackson questioned. "I mean no, want to here it in Spanish? no!" Stiles Spanish vocabulary everyone.

"Derek killed three people who knows what he's armed with." Stiles said. "Your dad is armed with an entire sheriff department call him!" Jackson yelled. "I'm calling." Lydia said taking out her phone.

"Lydia would you hold on a sec..." Stiles was cut off when Jackson stepped in between us and Lydia. "Yes we're at Beacon Hills High School and we need you to..but.. She hung up on me." Lydia said. "The police hung up on you?" I asked. "Ya she said they got a tip of warning that their will be prank phone calls about a break in at the high school and if I call again she will trace and have me arrested." What the hell!

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