Chapter 8

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It has been a long night hanging with Aunt Colleen on her night off work. We saw a movie and went bowling, something we use to do a lot when I was younger.

I was tired from the night of fun so I decided to go to bed. It was late and my aunt was downstairs watching TV and having a glass of wine enjoying here night off work. Then there was a knock on the door.

I heard my aunt open the door and started talking. I snuck out of my room to listen. All I could hear was something about going to Beacon Hills and helping find Laura. I didn't understand much besides that but the person she was talking to was a male named Derek. "I have my teenage niece living with me I can't just move. I have some responsibility here I can't leave Derek!" I heard her nearly yell.

She was talking for a few minutes with him until I heard the door close. I ran into my room and jumped into bed as she came upstairs.

The rest of the night all i could think about was the mysterious man and their conversation.

End of Flashback

I woke up to voices talking, wait where am I? I open my eyes to see Stiles talking to someone on the phone at the end of my bed. I sat up just realizing I was shot. Where's Kate? Where's Peter? How long has I been asleep. Besides Stiles I see balloons, flowers, cards and a giant teddy bear in the chair next to me.

"Hey bro." I say weakly. Stiles ran over to me even though he was about five feet away. He hugged me the super tight. "Hey Jax." he said. "Kate?Peter?" I asked trying to sit up. They're both dead, and Derek is the alpha now." Stiles said.

"Lydia, is she okay?" I asked. "She's asleep, you've been out all day." Stiles said. There was a pain in my chest that is pretty uncomfortable then I felt something when I put my hand on my chest, bandages. "The bullet missed your heart by an inch, you were in emergency surgery for about five hours." Stiles said as my dad walked in. "You're awake!" He hugged me as I realized he was in his police uniform. "Don't worry we found Kate's body, she was killed by some kind of animal." My dad said as his phone went off and walked out of the room.

"So where is all this stuff from?" I asked. "Argents, McCalls, The Lacrosse Team, everyone in town. Even Isaac Lahey sent some balloons and a card." I blushed a little but try not to talk about him. "Who sent the teddy bear?" I asked. "Jackson sent it." Stiles said rolling his eyes.

After the nurses came in and check on me they said I could go home in the morning but I can't drive for three weeks. Stiles told me what happened between Scott and Allison's dad which I was really surprised about how he nearly killed him.

I feel asleep and when I woke up all my gifts were gone. Apparently stiles packed most of it up and gave like five balloons to Lydia. it was about noon when I woke up and after I showered and got dressed in my clothes I was all ready when Scott came from behind me giving me a hug. "I was so worried." he said. "I can take a bullet or two like you." I said with a small laugh.

"So is Lydia turning?" I asked as we walked down the hall to her room. "She will recover but she isn't turning, by now she would've healed but she hasn't so I don't know what's happening." Scott said as we approached her room but she was asleep.

Then someone hugged me from behind scaring me. "I've missed you Jackie." I heard my Aunt Colleen say. "Oh my god what are you doing here?" I turned and hugged her. "I got a call from your dad and drove up immediately. I was in the middle of a meeting and think I got fired but it's worth it." she said laughing. "Oh my god you got fired?" I said. "I doubt it." she said.

Scott left us alone for some one on one time. Another reason my aunt came was she is still my legal guardian and was the alone person that could release me from the hospital. She drove us both home and when I walked into my room it was filled with balloons, flowers, cards and Jackson's teddy bear. I spent the rest of the day relieving edible arrangements and making a list of who sent me stuff.

Then I heard someone at the door, "Can I help you?" I heard my aunt say. "I'm Allison one of Jackies friends and this is my dad." I walked down stairs and before I could get to the door she ran to me giving me a big hug. "I'm so sorry." She said. "Its okay, I'm still in one piece." I chuckled. "Thank you for the balloons." I said looking at her dad.

"We already paid for your hospital bill but we know it won't make up for what happened with Kate." her dad said. "So who killed Kate?" I whispered go Allison while my aunt walked to her dad. "Peter did and Derek killed him." Allison said. "Thank you for coming by but I need to go and take care of all the gifts in my room. I hope I find my bed by Christmas." I said.

After they left I got a call from Stiles. "What's up."
"Lydia's missing."
"She just disappeared and she is naked."
"Oh my god! Where are you?"
"Scott is helping us by following her sent that is leading us to the Hale House."

"On my way."

"No Jackie, Aunt Colleen won't let you and I would be in so much trouble if they found out I was looking for her."


I hung up the phone and began to get ready for bed. After brushing my teeth I walked into my room and Derek was there.

"What the hell do you want alpha?" I asked walking to him. "So you've heard the new? Then you must know what I can do now as the alpha." he said as he sat on my bed. "Now you can turn into a giant wolf." I said as I threw my hair into a messy bun.
"I can give you the bite." He said.

"If your offering me the bite to me, your psychotic uncle beat you to it but I turned it down." I said taking him by the hand and try lifting him off my bed. "Think about it, being able to heal in an instant, no spending money at the hospital, no one will have to worry for hours if you will wake up like your brother did. You won't have to carry around a pocket knife or gun for protection."

"Are you home alone?" He asked suddenly. "No Derek she isn't." my aunt says walking in and shutting the door. then Derek pinned her against the door. "So my big brother is finally the alpha." she said smirking as he pushed his forearm against her neck harder. "Your a Hale?" I asked shocked. "She was until she ran away and came back too late to help." he growled at her.

"Not my fault I didn't want to be in a pack and wanted to me an omega. I'm sorry to hear about Uncle Peter and Laura" she said as she pushed Derek away and opened the door about to walk out. "I'm leaving tonight so don't worry Derek and Jackie, think about his offer. You can be a stronger indecent woman you are, but maybe instead of joint his pack you could be in mine." She kissed me on the cheek and left.

I turned and saw Derek sitting on my windowsill. "I will need an answer soon." He said and disappeared.

The next day I spent reading all the cards and made a list of everyone who sent me a get well card or gift. I was in my room for about three hours until I left to go downstairs for a late breakfast, or lunch considering its 12:40. I called my dad to see where he was cause he told me that he took the day off.

"Sorry Jackie I had to go to the cemetery, someone or something stole a dead persons liver." my dad explained to me.
"Stop there please. Text me later dad." I said.

After eating I went back upstairs and re-read some of my favorite cards. Stiles wrote a long ass paragraph about how I look so funny in a coma and if I died he would be sorry for making fun of me and asked not to haunt him.

Isaac wrote about how he hopes I wake up so I could teach him some dance moves.

I was in my room until Stiles came home which was around 6:20. He came to my room with a box of Hawaiian pizza and a copy of The Goonies. "I came prepared." he said. "Oh my god I love you." I said as he sat on my bed. I grabbed my laptop and started the movie. "Hey could I ask you something?" Stiles asked. "What?" I asked as I took a bite of my pizza. "What is it like being shot?" He asked. "Um... I didn't feel a lot of pain since I lost so much blood but it was a weird feeling in my chest." I said. After the movie ended Stiles kissed me good night before leaving. I have the best brother ever.

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