Chapter 10

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Lydia picked me up the next day before school. I don't know why she is coming back to school so soon.

As we were walking to the door Allison and I were asking Lydia questions about the past few days. "You really don't remember anything?" Allison asked.
"They call it's fatigue state which means we don't know why you can't remember running through the woods naked for two days, but personally I don't care, I lost nine pounds." Lydia said with a smile. "You can wait a day Lydia,you don't have to go to school today. We could go to the mall." I say. "No." "Are you ready for this?" Allison asked. "Please it's not like my aunts a serial killer." Lydia said before walking into school.

Here's the three of us standing by the door and everyone stopping staring at Lydia and some at Allison and I. The girl who was shot, niece of a serial killer and girl who ran around naked in the woods.

"What? Keep moving people." I yell as I walk up the stairs to my locker.

I decided to go watch lacrosse practice seeing Stiles play for the first time. Hopefully he actually goes to practice.

I sat down and saw Scott playing goalie and Stiles in line with the team and I also saw Isaac. I didn't know he played.

I've never watched lacrosse but I don't think the goalie is suppose to go as far out as Scott does knocking everyone to the ground and it looked like he was sniffing them. Right before Isaac got up the my dad came interrupting practice.

"What's going on ?" I asked Scott. "His dad's dead. They think he was murdered. " Scott tells Stiles and I. "Is he a suspect?" Stiles asks. "I'm not sure why?" Scott ask. "Cause they could lock him in a holding cell for 24 hours." Stiles says. "So?" I ask. "Tonight's a full moon." Scott says. "He's a beta?" I would never think he was a werewolf.
Then my phone buzzed, it was Lydia. "You two owe me some answers later." I say before running off.

Lydia told me to meet her in the girls room, I don't know why but I hope everything is okay.

I walk in and she is alone at the sink, "Lydia what's wrong?" I ask. "People keep making comments about what happened and I don't know what to do." She says starting to cry. "Sweetie," I sat as I pull her into a hug, "All you can do is ignore it or just confront them about it." I say letting her go. "Like how ?" She ask.

After fixing her makeup I took her to my locker when the bell rang and two girls opened their locker next to mine. "I'm going to run in the woods after school, do you think I should wear clothes or not?" She says to her friend laughing a little.

I walk up to her with Lydia behind me, "I would say wear clothes cause I don't think anyone wants to see that body nude. " I say before walking away with Lydia linking my arm with her. "So you pretty much threaten them or insult then if they make fun of you okay?" I say as I stop at my class.

I was taking notes in Mr. Harris' class as I heard Stiles and Scott talking to each other and Danny.

We gotta get to the principal office." Stiles says to Scott.
"How?" Scott asks.

"Everyone turn to pg 73." Mr. Harris says before some behind me, most like Stiles, threw a paper ball at his head.
"Who in the hell threw that?" He yelled looking at Scott and Stiles. I turn and see Stiles and Scott pointing at each other.

Stiles was suppose to drive me home after school but since he's in detention I drove his jeep home. I had to drive back to school to pick up Stiles I got some food on the way back to school when Stiles called me saying we have to go down to the police station to get Isaac out and save him from an Argent.

As Stiles was walking to the car he was on the phone with someone,

"Hey sorry Mr.Harris just let me out of detention, literally and had my phone the whole freaking time."

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