Epilouge part 2

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I just finished packing my bags and placed them at my bedroom door.

Allison and Lydia just left saying goodbye. I was hoping Isaac would come before I leave. He is been really busy lately with Derek but I hope he can sneak away for ten minutes without getting caught.

My dad helped me bring my bags downstairs while Stiles was in his room hiding from me. "Stiles, I'm leaving." I knocked on his door but it was silent. "I love you bro."i said before walking away. I was heartbroken that Stiles was this mad at me, he had to just figure out why I'm doing this and I will see him soon.

After saying bye to my dad and he drove away to the deputy office my Aunt Colleen called.
"Hey Auntie I'm just putting my last suit case in my jeep."

"Okay but just drive safe and whatever you do DONT touch your cell phone while driving."

"Okay see you soon."

As I hung up i noticed my suit case was already in the trunk.

"Hey." Isaac said behind me scaring the crap out of me.

"Hey you scared me, I wasn't sure if I would see you before leaving." I said as I was pulled into a hug.

"Good luck looking for Boyd and Erica." I said. He told me they went missing also an alpha pack has arrived in Beacon Hills. I want to stay and help but I need to be with my aunt this summer. Now since I am aware of her being an alpha training me will be different and more useful.

"Thanks, I don't know what I'll do this summer without you." he said letting me go. He leaned in to kissed me but Stiles cleared his throat.

"I came out here to say bye." he said awkwardly. I pulled away from Isaac and ran to Stiles giving him a huge hug."Aunt Colleen invited you too." I said trying to convince him to come but since I told him about our aunt being an alpha I think he has been more distant to her than before.

"I can't but I will come and visit at least once." he said with a small smile.

I walked back to my car to Isaac and gave him a quick kiss. I knew if I didn't pull away quick I would consider staying this summer but it's the best leaving.

I got in my car and drove away.

I thought how in only one school year my whole world changed. When I moved back home I thought my biggest problem was going to be bitchy teachers, Mr.harris cough cough.

But was I wrong and now leaving Beacon Hills I will come back to bigger problems.
Sequel up
I repeat sequel is up!

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