Chapter 15

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I drove around town looking for Derek and then I saw Lydia dragging him into the woods. I parked my car, grabbed my gun before following them to the hale house. I snuck in the house through the back as I heard Derek growl in pain. Then heard a commotion in the main room.

I then heard a voice speak that I thought I would never hear again. "I heard there was a party... don't worry I invited myself." Peter Hale said. The same Peter Hale that was killed by Derek.

I revealed myself pointing the gun at Peter. "Wow, I'm surprise you haven't turned her yet." Peter said smirking at me. "Oh don't worry he offered me and so did my aunt who is apparently a hale but I turned down the offer." I said walking in the room still holding my gun at Peter. "Wait, who is your aunt?" He asked. "Not important, I don't know what plans you had after tricking my best friend into resurrecting you but all you'll accomplish is me using you as target practice." I said. He just laughed and he ran to be slapping the gun out of my hand but I grabbed the pocketknife out from my pocket but before I could stab the life out of him, he grabbed my wrist, "In my opinion you should really think about getting the bite, for example I could break your arm right now." he said as he started squeezing my wrist, "But you'd heal within minutes." He said with a smile as he pushed me against the hard wood wall.
My vision started to get blurry, I couldn't see Peter but I saw him walk out before I blacked out.

As I started to wake up with a headache I heard someone talking, "Come on Jackie." A familiar voice said. I opened my eyes slowly and it was Derek. "What happened?" I asked standing up. Then I saw the hole in the floor where Peter came out of. "Shit I thought that was a dream." I said. "I wish but we need to go to the police station." Derek said taking my hand and pulling me along.
"Wait how is he back?" I asked. "He had Lydia's help but no time to explain." he said as we walked through the woods.

We pulled up to the station, "Before we go in please tell me why were here." I said. "You'll find out when we get in there" he said getting out and walked in not waiting for me.

I walked in and no one was at the front desk, weird. I walked to my dad's old office to see Jackson with the skin like the Kanima but he wasn't fully it. I saw Derek on the floor parlayed and Matt holding a gun to Stiles and Scott's head. "Get her in before I shoot Stiles in the head." Matt demanded. I walked in slowly past Jackson but he walked away to kill who knows now.

"This is the one controlling it, this kid?" Derek asked. "Well Derek not everyone is lucky enough to be a big bad werewolf." Matt snapped back. Wait how does he know that? "That's right, I've learn a few things lately;werewolves, hunters, kanimas. It's like a freaking Halloween party every full moon." He said like mister wise guy. "Except you stiles, what do you turn into?" He asked. "The abominable snowman, but it's more of a winter time things, seasonal thing." Stiles said. Then Jackson cut his neck paralyzingly him. "Stiles!" I said but Scott held me back, I couldn't help but have a tear escape my eye. "What about you Jackie, let me guess, the yeti's twin sister?" He asked. "I'm a girl who can kicked your ass and with a good aim." I yelled taking out my gun. "Where the hell did you get that?" Scott questioned me. "Put the gun down or Jackson kills your brother, or maybe Isaac." he said. I looked at Stiles lying on top of Derek. I couldn't let anyone get hurt because of me so I put the gun down and kicked it over to Matt. "Get him off of me. Derek growled. "I don't know Derek, I think you two make a pretty good pair. But it must suck though, having all that power and get it taken away from you with just a little cut in the back of the neck. I bet your not that used in being helpless." Matt said bending down a little. "I still got some teeth. Come down here a little closer and let's see how helpless I am." Derek said."Ya bitch." Stiles said still facing the floor.

Then a car pulled up, "Is that her?" Matt questioned. "Who's here?" I whispered to Scott, "My mom." He said "Do what I tell you and she doesn't get hurt. I won't even let Jackson near here. "

"Scott don't trust him." I said, then Jackson takes me by the collar and pulls me away from Scott throwing me to Matt who starts choking me in a head lock and pointed gun to my head. "Does this work better for you?" Matt asked. "Alright stop, Stop!" Scott yells. I couldn't breath and everything became blurry. "Then do what I ask." Matt yelled. "Alright, stop,stop,STOP!" I was starting to black out as Matt lets me go and I fall to the ground gasping for air. I was on the ground for a few minutes gasping for air and I heard a gun fire along with Scott's mom screaming.

They walk past us going to the back room where there's a cell. "Where's dad?" I asked Stiles. "He's handcuffed to the wall in the back." I than noticed Derek's claws out, "What are you doing Derek?" "Trying to get the venom out faster y triggering the healing process. " he said. Then his legs starts to bleed making Stiles gag a little. "I can wiggle my toes." Derek said excitedly. "Dude I can wiggle my toes." Stiles said crushing Derek's hope of the healing process working that fast.

Everything suddenly went dark and alarms went off. I heard glass shatter and gun shots coming form the other room. Then Scott came in and grabbed Stiles, "the Argents are here. Get out of here." He yelled at Derek and I before he ran off with Stiles and Jackson following him. I turn to Derek trying to help him up, "Go I'm okay." he said as his eyes turned red.

I ran to where Mrs. McCall and my dad were trapped. "Jackie, what are you doing here?" He asked. "Doesn't matter, I need to get you guys the hell out of here." I said. He was handcuffed to the wall and Mrs.McCall was in the cell. "The key to the cell and handcuffs are in my desk, get them now." My dad said.

I ran to his office and in a drawer was a big set of keys and a gun. There were a few gun shoots but too much smoke to see anything.

I heard yelling and banging from the other room and when I got back my dad ripped the handcuff off the wall and Mrs. McCall looked scared out of her mind.

I opened the cell and she looked horrified, she had the same look I had when I first saw a werewolf. "You saw Scott didn't you?" I asked. "I know your scared but it's okay. Just get the hell out of here." I said. After they both left I looked for Stiles and found him on the ground but he wasn't fully paralyzed. "Come one we need to get out of here." I said putting his arm around my shoulder before carrying him out.

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