The funny lawyer and the will

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It was a beautiful day in the city of Paris, France, when a horse carriage was being pulled by a horse, carrying Madame Adelaide (voiced by Hermione Baddeley) an elderly aristocrat. Along with her was her Aristocats, Duchess (voiced by Eva Gabor), and her three kittens, Marie (voiced by young Liz English), Berlioz (voiced by young Dean Clark), and Toulouse (voiced by young Gary Dubin). There was also Gidget D Mew (voiced by Lisa Ortiz), the former human girl who was now a Mew, and Edgar (voiced by Roddy Maude-Roxby), the butler, who was driving the carriage. Madame: "Marie, my little one, you're gonna be as beautiful as your mother, isn't she Duchess?" asked Madame, as she pets both Marie and Duchess as the same time. Gidget: "I wouldn't be at all surprised if she does." said Gidget, before noticing that Toulouse was on top of Edgar's head. She then used her psychic powers, which was born with before her transformation, to bring the kitten back to the carriage. Edgar: "Whoa Frou-Frou, whoa, steady girl." said the butler to the horse named Frou-Frou (voiced by Nancy Kulp), before stopping the carriage as they were now home. Madame: "Thank you Edger, and you too Frou-Frou." said the aristocrat, before feeding Frou-Frou an apple. Edgar: "Madame uh, may I carry your stuff?" Madame: "Don't fuss over me, I'm alright." the two male kittens were playing with one another, before their mother came up to them. Duchess: "Berlioz dear, have you forgotten something?" asked Duchess, before Berlioz came up to the horse. Berlioz: "Thank you miss Frou-Frou for letting me ride on your back." Frou-Frou: "You're quite welcome, young man." Berlioz: "How was that, momma?" Duchess: "Very good dear, that was very nice." Gidget: "Yup, you're on the right path to become a gentleman." Madame: "Come along Duchess, kittens, and you too Gidget... oh and Edger, I'm expecting my lawyer, George Hautecourt, you remember him of course, right?" Edgar: "Of course madame, how can anyone forget him?" sometime later, a car came up to the mansion, which belonged to an old man who was in fact George Hautecourt (voiced by Charles Lane), Madame Adelaide's friendly lawyer. George: "Ta rah rah, boom DE a, ta rah rah, boom DE a~." sang the lawyer, as he heads into the mansion, where Edgar was waiting for him as he opens the door. Edgar: "Ah, good day sir, madame's expecting you sir." George: "Evening Edgar, ta rah rah, boom DE a!" said the lawyer, as he throws his hat away, which lands on top of Edgar's head. Edgar: "Another ringing sir, never miss." it was when Gidget flew down to the room, due to her being a Mew and having psychic powers too. Gidget: "Hi Mr Hautecourt." George: "Please, call me George young lady... boy the girls these day sure like to look like flying cats." Gidget: "Um... yeah... about that..." George: "Come on you two, the last one upstairs is a nincompoop." said George, as he begins to climb up the stairs. Edgar: "Um, couldn't we take the elevator this time sir?" George: "That bird cage, poppycock, elevators are for old people." Gidget: "So what does that make you?" George: "Just a man who loves to live life to the fullest... oops!" said George, as he begins to lose his balance when Edgar came up and caught him just in time. Edgar: "Um, may I give you a hand sir?" George: "You wouldn't happen to have an extra foot to go with it, have you Edgar?, ah, ha, ha, ha!" Gidget: "Good one George!" giggled the Mew. Edgar: "That one always makes me laugh sir, yes, ha ha, every time..." said Edgar, before his legs got caught in the lawyer's cane, causing both men to lose balance. George: "Let go of my cane!" Edgar: "Careful sir, I'm terribly sorry sir!" yelped Edgar, before George uses his cane to catch Edgar's pants. George: "Don't panic Edgar, up we go, wee~!" said George, as he launches himself up and was now having a piggy back ride. George: "Am I going to fast for Edgar?" said George, as Edgar was doing everything he can to keep balance. Edgar: "Oh please sir... oh my, oh my..." Gidget: "Uh... need help?" Edger: "No no, I got him... I hope..." meanwhile upstairs, Madame Adelaide and the cats were making sure to look their best for their guest. Madame: "That's better, we must look our best for George, he's our oldest and dearest friend after all." Duchess meowed in agreedment, before the sound of the door knocking was heard. Madame: "Come on." once she said that, the door opened, showing both Edgar and George. Edgar: "Announcing... monsieur... George... Hautecourt..." said Edger in a tired way, before George himself comes in. George: "Adelaide... my dear." Madame: "So good to see you George." said Adelaide, before giving her hand out so George could kiss it, only for him to kiss Duchess' tail by mistake. George: "Ah, still the softest hands in all of Paris eh?" Madame: "You're a shameless flatterer as always." that was when Berlioz plays some music on the gramophone record player. George: "Adelaide, that music, it was your favorite role, right?" Madame: "Oh indeed it was." it was at that moment when the two started to dance to the music, at least until Berlioz accidentally trips on the tonearm of the record player. Madame: "Oh thank goodness... dancing any longer and we would have fell to the ground, we're just a pair of old fools..." Gidget: "Not easy being old, huh?" Madame: "No, but anyway, you should go with Duchess and the kittens, this is grown up business." Gidget: "Okay." so with that, Gidget and the Aristocats left the room, leaving Madame Adelaide with her lawyer. George: "Well then... who do you want me to sue?, ah, ha!" Madame: "Oh come now George, I don't wish to sue anyone, I simply want to make my will." George: "Oh right, alright then." Madame: "Well as you know, I have no living relatives and naturally, I want my beloved cats to be always well cared for... certainly no one can do this better than my faithful butler, Edgar." George: "Edgar?, are you saying that you're leaving your estate to Edgar, everything you own?, like this mansion, treasures, jewels?" Madame: "Oh no no George, to my cats." George: "To your cats?" Madame: "Yes George, I simply want my cats to have the inheritance first, then after the end of their lifespan, my estate will go to Edgar." unaware of the two elders, Edgar overheard them and he was not happy, as he wanted to be the one to have Madame's estate. Edgar: "Cats inherit first!, and I come after the cats... it's... it's not fair!, I mean... each cat would probably live about 12 years I can't wait... and each cat has 9 lives, that's four times 12 of 9 times... no it's less than that, anyway, it's much longer than I'll ever live... I'll be gone by then..." said Edgar in an upset tone, before widened his eyes as an idea came to into his head. Edgar: "No... oh no... they'll be gone, I'll think of a way... oh why, there's a million reasons why I should, all of them dollars... millions... those cats have got to go!" said Edgar, as he tries to put on his pants, only to have them get ripped a little, much to his annoyance.

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