The fox and the alley cat

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It was morning as the sound of a roster crowing was heard, and above the bridge was a little fox, looking for something to eat. His name was Tommy (voiced by Tara Strong), and like Gidget, Jokey & Jokeo, he was once a human boy until the Demon dragons tricked him to visit Pleasure island and got turned into a fox, and somehow managed to escape. He looks down to see Duchess and Gidget sleeping on the ground, but it was Gidget that caught the little fox's eyes more. Tommy: "Wow... she's really pretty for a cat..." this made Gidget to wake up, and sees the fox. Gidget: "Um... hello, is this your spot?" Tommy: "Uh... not really, I was just looking for some food in this area, my name's Tommy by the way." Gidget: "I'm Gidget, and that cat over there is Duchess, she's an Aristocat." Tommy: "A what cat?" Gidget: "It might take a few moments to explain." but before she could, they heard the sound of someone singing on the other side of the river. Duchess woke up by it and takes a look to see that it was an alley cat doing the singing. His name was Thomas O'Malley (voiced by Phil Harris), and he was singing a song about his name. O'Malley: "♪I'm Abraham deLacey Giuseppe Casey, Thomas O'Malley, O'Malley, the alley cat♫, ♪I've got that wanderlust, Gotta walk the scene, Gotta kick up highway dust, Feel the grass that's green, Gotta strut them city streets, Showing off my éclat, yeah...♫ [stopping to see Duchess, as he found her very attractive] ♪Telling my friends of the social elite, Or some cute cat I happen to meet, That I'm Abraham deLacey, Giuseppe Casey Thomas O'Malley, O'Malley, the alley cat♫." Duchess: "Monsieur, your name seems to cover all of Europe." O'Malley: "Of course, I'm the only cat of my kind." Gidget can tell that O'Malley has a thing for Duchess, who seems to have a liking to him too. O'Malley: "♪I'm king of the highway, Prince of the boulevard, Duke of the avant-garde, The world is my backyard, So if you're going my way, That's the road you wanna seek Calcutta to Rome, Or home-sweet-home in Paris, Magnifique, you all♫." this woke up the kittens, who were still in the basket and see what was going on. Toulouse: "Oh boy, an alley cat." Marie: "Quiet... listen." O'Malley: "♪I only got myself, And this big old world, When I sip that cup of life with my fingers curled, I don't worry what road to take, I don't have to think of that Whatever I take is the road I make, It's the road of life make, no mistake for me, Yeah, Abraham deLacey, Giuseppe Casey, Thomas O'Malley, O'Malley, the alley cat, That's right And I'm very proud of that, yeah♫." once the song was done, Duchess clapped her paws as she enjoyed it. Duchess: "Bravo, very good, you have a great talent." O'Malley: "Why thank you, and what might your name be?" Duchess: "My name is Duchess." O'Malley: "Beautiful... love it, and those eyes... why they're like sapphires that sparkle so bright." Marie: "How romantic..." Berlioz: "Sissy stuff..." said the two kittens in a soft tone, so not to spoil the moment between the two grown up cats. Duchess: "How nice of you say so, but right now I'm in a bit of trouble." O'Malley: "Really?, well you're in luck as helping a lady is what I do, now what's the trouble?" Duchess: "Well it's most important that we get back to Paris." O'Malley: "We?" Gidget: "She means us." said Gidget, who comes up to the cats, and then the kittens walked up behind her. Duchess: "These are my children, and my adopted daughter, Gidget." O'Malley: "I see, but what about the fox?" Duchess: "Fox?" Tommy: "You just noticed me now?" Gidget: "That's Tommy, he was just looking for something to eat." Duchess: "Well it's nice to meet you." Tommy: "Same here, but I hope you don't mind me asking... why do you need to go to Paris?" Duchess: "Well it's where we live and somehow we were taken here and we need a way back." O'Malley: "Well... I might have a way of getting us there, like say... a magic carpet." Berlioz: "What?, do you really have a magic carpet?!" Marie: "And are we really gonna ride on it?!" Duchess: "Now now, Marie." Tommy: "But this isn't Aladdin." O'Malley: "What do you mean?" Tommy: "Oh, never mind." Duchess: "Are you sure that you don't mind on helping us?" O'Malley: "Not at all, it would be wrong to not help a sweet family like you when I can do something about it." Gidget: "But uh... where is the magic carpet?" O'Malley: "It should be here any moment now, just wait in the grass and you leave the rest to me." said Mr O'Malley, as he climbs up a tree and the others went to hide behind the tall grass. A moment later, a milk truck was coming down the road and O'Malley sees it. O'Malley: "One magic carpet, coming up." Duchess: "That's a magic carpet?" asked Duchess to herself, before O'Malley jumps off the tree branch and lands on the front of the truck, spooking the French milkman (voiced by Peter Renaday) out of his wits. French Milkman: "Sacré bleu!" shouted the milkman, as he puts the truck to a complete stop, allowing O'Malley to jump off to safety. French: "Stupid cat!, brainless lunatic!" complained the milkman, as he tries to calm himself down while the cats went up behind the truck. O'Malley: "Alright everyone, next stop is Paris." Duchess: "My Mr O'Malley, you could have lost your life!" O'Malley: "Don't worry, nothing I couldn't handle." Duchess: "How could ever thank you?" O'Malley: "My pleasure entirely." Tommy: "Mind if I tag along?" Gidget: "Sure there would be something to eat at Paris for sure." so with that, Tommy went into the truck, just before it started to go, and Marie fell out. Fortunately, O'Malley was able to pick her up and put her back on the truck, before he gets on as well. Duchess: "Oh Marie, are you alright?" Marie: "Yes momma, and thank you Mr O'Malley for saving my life." O'Malley: "No trouble at all, little princess." Tommy: "Hey uh... Miss Duchess, do you belong to someone rich?, cause that collar you're wearing looks really nice and all." Duchess: "Thank you for noticing it, and yes, my kittens and I belong to an aristocrat named Madame Adelaide, and she must be so worried about us." O'Malley: "Well not all humans worry too much about their pets." Duchess: "But Madame loves us very much, she always say that we're the greatest treasure she could ever own... because with us she'll never felt alone." both Tommy and Gidget felt their hearts touched by this, even O'Malley. Meanwhile, at a small barn next to the mansion, Roquefort and Frou-Frou were looking at each other with sad expressions on their faces. Frou-Frou: "Oh Roquefort, did you have any luck at all?" Roquefort: "Not a sign of them Frou-Frou, and I've searched all night." Frou-Frou: "I know, and poor Madame didn't sleep at all either..." Roquefort: "Oh it's a sad day for all of us..." it was then they saw Edgar reading a newspaper with a smile on his face. Edger: "Well looky here... I made the headline, mysterious cat napper abducts a family of Aristocats, ha, ha!, the fortune is mine for sure now." both Frou-Frou and Roquefort heard him, and they were really cross. Roquefort: "So... he's the cat napper!" Edgar: "The police said it was the work of a genius... well they won't find a clue that will lead them to me, why I'll eat my hat if they... my hat!, my umbrella!, and my sidecar!" yelped Edgar, as he just remembered what happened to his hat, umbrella and sidecar last night when he ran into the Hyena twins. Edgar: "Oh my goodness!, I got to get those things back tonight!" yelped the butler, as he leaves the room, and Roquefort continues to glare. Roquefort: "Why that... sneaky crocked... no good... butler!" said Roquefort in anger.

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