The jewel thief revealed

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It was morning when everyone went continue their search for Madame's diamond, and they still don't have a clue on what the thief looks like, aside of being dressed like a ninja. Of course that wasn't the only problem, they learned that Marie has a big crush on Oliver, and she'll be heart broken as soon as he leaves once the cruise is over. Madame Adelaide was being comfort by both Duchess and Gidget. Madame: "Any luck?" Gidget: "I'm afraid not, but we're working on it, we know how much that diamond means to you." Madame: "To be honest... I would rather lose the diamond than any of you, as to me, you're all worth more than any jewel in the world." that was when an elder woman came to the scene. Her name Amzy (voiced by Eartha Kitt), and she was not only an old woman who looks scary beyond all reason, she was also the captain of the cruise ship. Amzy: "Did I hear right about those cats worth more than any jewel in the world?" Madame: "Yes, they're my greatest treasure, who might you be?" Amzy: "Oh sorry, allow me to introduce myself, I am Captain Amzy, at your service." Madame: "Oh I see, what brings you here." Amzy: "Just came to stretch my uh, sea legs, I'm sorry about what happened to your diamond, I hope you'll find the thief soon." Madame: "Me too, but at least my beloved cats are safe." that was when Tommy and O'Malley came to the scene, and they couldn't help but feel uneasy by the sight of Amzy. They couldn't help but notice all the wrinkles on her, especially the piece of spinach that was stuck between her teeth. Tommy: "How long has that been there?" O'Malley: "I don't think I wanna know..." they said in a soft tone, trying to make sure nobody hears them what they were saying. That was when a strong built man in his late 20's came to the scene. His name was Kronk (voiced by Patrick Warburton), and he was the ship's cook. Kronk: "Hey there, need something to eat?" Madame: "Thank you young man." Amzy: "Excuse me madame, the cook and I need a chat." Madame: "Sure." so with that, the captain and the cook left the scene, unaware that Tommy and O'Malley were following them. Once they went inside the captain's room, the cook was a bit nervous. Kronk: "Look, if it's about the food fight last night, it was those hyenas that started it." said Kronk, having a flashback about Jokey and Jokeo having a food fight in the kitchen last night. Amzy: "I don't care about some stupid food fight!, it's me!, Yzma!" said the captain, before taking off her captain outfit, revealing her normal purple dress. Kronk: "Wait a minute, what have you done to Captain Amzy?!" hearing this made Yzma have her lower jaw drop in disbelief. Yzma: "Kronk!, she's me!, the Captain is a disguise I used here, you idiot!" Kronk: "Oh right... I always seem to forget about that." that was when the Demon trio came to the scene. ScreamClaw: "So... what's this meeting about?" Yzma: "I gotta get my hands on those Aristocats." Kronk: "You mean Madame's cats?, what for?, I thought you like jewels?" Yzma: "I do, but you see, those cats are worth a fortune, and if we get our hands on them, Madame will pay any amount to get them back." SpaceWarp: "S-so... it's a ransom plan?" Yzma: "Exactly." Kronk: "I don't know, it's one thing to steal diamonds, but pets too?" Yzma: "Don't worry, we'll give them back once we have Madame's fortune." ScreamClaw: "Just make sure you let us get our claws on the fox, the mew and the hyenas, for that's the deal we made in return of us letting you have this cruise ship." Yzma: "Yes, of course." little did the villains know, that Tommy and O'Malley overheard them and both had the look of concern on their faces. Tommy: "This is bad..." O'Malley: "No kidding, that woman is just as evil as she looks." Tommy: "We gotta warn the others, quick." but before they could, ThunderSmacker stood before them. ThunderSmacker: "Looks like we got some spies snooping around." Tommy and O'Malley tried to make a run for it, but ScreamClaw knocks them out with his pitch fork. ScreamClaw: "One down... three more to go." said the red demon dragon, before he lets out an evil laugh at the knocked out cat and fox.

The Aristocats JDD VersionWhere stories live. Discover now