Kittens vs Kaa

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Elsewhere on the ship, Oliver and Marie continued their search for the diamond, or at least the one who stole it. Oliver: "So you like to sing?" Marie: "Yup, I know a few good songs that you will love." Oliver: "Well... I happened to know a song myself." Marie: "Really?, can I hear it?" Oliver: "Well... okay." said the orange kitten, before he begins to sing the song. Oliver: "♪One minute I'm in Central Park, then, I'm down on Delancey Street♫, ♪said, from the Bow'ry to St Mark's, There's a syncopated beat, Right♫, ♪I said, Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo♫, ♪I'm streetwise, I can improvise♫, ♪I said, Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo♫, ♪I'm street smart, I've got New York City heart♫, ♪Why should I worry?, Why should I care?♫, ♪I may not have a dime, But I got street savoir faire♫, ♪Why should I worry?, Why should I care?♫, ♪It's just be-bopulation, And I got street savoir faire♫, ♪The rhythm of the city, But once you get it down♫, ♪Said, then you can own this town, You can wear the crown!♫, ♪Why should I worry?, Why should I care?♫, ♪I may not have a dime, But I got street savoir faire♫, ♪Why should I worry?, Why should I care?♫, ♪It's just be-bopulation, And I got street savoir faire♫, I said, Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo♫, ♪Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo♫, ♪Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo~♫." as soon as the song ended with Marie clapping her paws together, it wasn't long before they see Toulouse & Berlioz coming to them. Oliver: "Any luck?" Berlioz: "No, not a trace." Toulouse: "I wish that Scat Cat and his gang were here, they would be a big help like the last time we needed help." Marie: "Well we got our new dad with us." Toulouse: "That's true." Oliver: "I hope the others are having better luck than we are." suddenly, the kittens heard the sound of something slithering closer to them, before a snake appeared before them. His name was Kaa (voiced by Sterling Holloway), and he was the snake that escaped from his crate. Kaa: "S-s-say now, what do we have here?" Toulouse: "Whoa... a giant worm." Kaa: "I am not a worm... I'm a snake." Berlioz: "Funny... we didn't see you come onboard here." Kaa: "I was in a crate... now look into my eyes-s-s." said Kaa, before his eyes started to make a hypnotic pattern, causing the kittens to be in a trance. Just before Kaa could swallow them, the hyena twins came and used their paws to swat the snake away from the kittens, allowing them to snap out of the trance. Oliver: "W-what was that?!" Jokey: "Get away from him, he's gonna eat ya!" Kaa: "Ooh... my head... you made a serious mistake..." hissed Kaa, before glaring at the twins, and using his hypnotic powers to immobilized them. The snake then turned over to the kittens once again, especially at Marie, who was really scared now. That was when Oliver came in between the two. Oliver: "Leave her alone!" Kaa: "Or what?, scratch me?" Oliver: "As a matter of fact..." said Oliver, before swiping his claws on the snake's nose, which was really painful to the reptile. Kaa: "Ow... why you little..." Oliver: "I told you... leave her alone!" Kaa: "You are gonna be the first one to be in my stomach." suddenly, Mr O'Malley came to the scene and used his own claws on the snake, which really hurt as much as Oliver's. O'Malley: "Back away from the kittens!" Kaa: "Oh... how many are gonna stop me from having my dinner?" the snake asked to himself, before Tommy comes over and sees the snake's massive coils on a tree next to him. Tommy climbs up the tree and pushes the coils off the tree's branch with his feet, and the results caused the snake to fall to the ground in a heap. Tommy: "Hey guys, wake up!" said Tommy, before slapping the twins a few time to wake them out of the snake's trance. Jokey: "Huh?, w-what happened?" Jokeo: "Hey look!" Oliver: "Look guys, he's got a knot on his tail." laughed the orange kittens, as he and the others can see that Kaa did indeed had a knot on his tail. That was when Gidget used her psychic powers to lift the snake up into the air and throws him back into his crate. Gidget: "Well... that takes care of one problem." it was that moment when Duchess came over to her kittens. Duchess: "Are you all alight?" Marie: "Yes momma, thanks to Oliver here." Oliver: "Oh... it was nothing really..." Jokey: "Excuse us?, in case you forgotten, we were the ones who saved ya." Marie: "Oh right, sorry about that, thanks for helping us too." Jokey: "No problem." Jokeo: "Thank goodness that nobody got eaten..." Roquefort: "There's something I don't get... why was there a crate containing a snake on a cruise ship in the first place?" Gidget: "You're right... that is odd... it's as if someone put it there to attack the passengers... or us directly." Tommy: "Are you saying someone is trying to get rid of us?" Gidget: "I can't say for sure, but it would make sense." Duchess: "But who would do such a thing?" Oliver: "Maybe it was the thief?" O'Malley: "Well we won't know for sure until we find him." Gidget: "Then we better get moving, but be careful, for there might be other surprises on this ship." said Gidget, as she and the others went to continue their search. Unaware to them, the demon trio watched the whole thing from the shadows. ScreamClaw: "Dang it!, that snake was supposed to be tough, but he couldn't even beat a bunch of kids!" ThunderSmacker: "I told ya that you should have let me and my superior attacks do the job." SpaceWarp: "Now w-what do we do?" ScreamClaw: "I think it's time we have a little chat with our client." said the red demon dragon, before he and the other two left the scene.

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