The geese pair & their uncle

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As they continue their journey to Paris, Gidget noticed that Tommy was nowhere to be found. Gidget: "Hey... where's Tommy?" O'Malley: "That's funny, he was with a moment ago." Berlioz: "You don't think he just left us, do you?" Marie: "There he is!" said Marie, as she sees Tommy standing on a log which was floating on the river. Duchess: "Tommy, what are you doing over there?" Tommy: "I thought that we could use the river to get us to Paris a bit quicker without walking as much." Gidget: "Uh Tommy, I don't think that river goes straight to Paris." Tommy: "It doesn't?... now she tells me..." Duchess: "Please come back over here." Tommy: "Uh... I can't." Duchess: "Why not?" Tommy: "Well the thing is... I never learned how to swim..." Gidget: "You're kidding... right?" Tommy: "No..." O'Malley: "I better get him." that was when Marie screamed, much to her brothers' surprise. Toulouse: "What was that for?!" Marie: "The monsters!" Berlioz: "Monsters?" Gidget: "Oh no!, look up!" shouted Gidget, as she sees that Marie screamed by the sight of the Demon trio, who were flying towards Tommy. ScreamClaw: "There's the fox brat!" Tommy: "Oh man!" O'Malley: "Hang on kid!" said O'Malley, as he jumps into the river once again to climb up the log that Tommy was on, and tries to use his claws to keep the demon dragons away. ThunderSmacker: "Out of our way!" O'Malley: "And making this little one a slave?, no way!" ThunderSmacker: "Then perhaps you should join him!" said the blue Demon dragon, before a rock hit him on the head. ThunderSmacker: "Ow!, what was that for?!" ScreamClaw: "What are you talking about?, I didn't threw that rock." ThunderSmacker: "Then who?!" SpaceWarp: "I-it was her!" said SpaceWarp, as he sees that Gidget used her psychic powers to throw some rocks at the trio. ScreamClaw: "Never mind the rocks, just make sure not to make contact with the water." of course Gidget heard that, and remembered that while she was on Pleasure island, the Demon dragons were weak to water. So by using her psychic powers again, she takes control of some water and make a large water ball to hit the trio. The demon dragons were screaming in pain as steam came out of their bodies. ThunderSmacker: "The pain!" SpaceWarp: "Ow... the water... it's killing m-me...!" ScreamClaw: "Retreat!" shouted ScreamClaw, as he and the other Demon dragons flew off away from the scene. O'Malley noticed that Tommy was nowhere to be found, and there were bubbles coming out of the water. Toulouse: "Oh no!, Tommy's in the water!" O'Malley: "Hang on kid!, I'm coming!" said O'Malley, before diving into the water to see that Tommy was drowning. Suddenly, a pair of female geese came and gave both the alley cat and little fox a ride on their backs. The one with the pink bonnet is Amelia (voiced by Carole Shelley) and the one with the blue bonnet is Abigail (voiced by Monica Evans), and they were twin sisters. Abigail: "You alright little one?" Tommy: "Uh huh... thanks..." said Tommy, as he tries to get some air, before he gets back on land. It was at that moment when Gidget gave Tommy a big hug, relieved to see he was okay. Duchess: "Oh Mademoiselles, thank you so much for saving little Tommy and Mr O'Malley." Amelia: "Of course my dear, but first, introduction." Abigail: "Yes, we British like to keep things proper." Tommy: "British?, I thought the people here are called French?" Gidget: "No Tommy, these two are from England." Tommy: "Oh." Amelia: "Exactly, I am Amelia Gabble." Abigail: "And I'm Miss Abigail Gabble." Amelia: "We're twin sisters." Gidget: "That makes sense." Tommy: "Can I ask you what brings you here?" Amelia: "We're on holiday, a tour around France." Abigail: "That was when we saw you struggling in the water and thought we should help." Tommy: "Well once again, thanks." Abigail: "You're welcome, and who might you be?" Tommy: "I'm Tommy, and this is Gidget, Duchess, Mr O'Malley, Toulouse, Berlioz and Marie." Abigail: "Well it's nice to meet you all, and I must say Miss Duchess, your husband looks very handsome for a cat." O'Malley: "Oh uh... I'm not her husband." Amelia and Abigail: "Oh?" Duchess: "He's a friend of ours, who's helping us getting back to Paris." Amelia: "Well how nice, we're going to Paris ourselves." Abigail: "Why don't you join us?" Duchess: "I think that's a splendid idea." O'Malley: "Are you sure?" Duchess: "Why not?, we're going to the same place, and they did save both you and Tommy after all." O'Malley: "Alright, guess there's no changing your mind." so with that, the cats and fox begins to follow the geese pair to Paris. Amelia: "Oh by the way, when we get to Paris, you must meet Uncle Waldo." O'Malley: "Waldo?" Abigail: "Yes, he's our uncle, we are to meet him at the Le Petit Cafe." Duchess: "Le Petit Cafe?, oh that's the famous restaurant." Tommy: "Alright, I could use something to eat right now." the scene then changes to evening and at Le Petit Cafe, when the sound of a goose honking was heard as a cook was chasing the goose. Once the goose ran out of the door, the cook slams the door shut, complaining that he failed to cook the bird. The goose in question was in fact Uncle Waldo (voiced by Bill Thompson), and he picked up his hat before he started to hiccup a little. It was that moment when Amelia, Abigail, the cats and fox came to the scene and see the male goose. Abigail: "Why it's Uncle Waldo!" Amelia: "You're right, there he is!" the male goose heard them and yelped in surprise to see them. Uncle Waldo: "Abigail!, Amelia!, ha, ha!, my two favorite nieces!, hiccup!" Amelia: "Oh Uncle Waldo, don't tell me that you've been drinking again." Abigail: "Oh dear!, what happened to your tail feathers?!" asked Abigail, as she sees all of Waldo's tail feathers were gone. Uncle Waldo: "Girls... you would not believe what the people here tried to do to your poor Uncle Waldo... hiccup!" Gidget: "They tried to eat you?" Uncle Waldo: "That's right young lady... look at this menu." said Uncle Waldo, before showing the group a menu that was on a wall. The menu said 'Prime Country Goose a la Provencale, stuffed with chestnuts and basted in white wine'. O'Malley: "Basted?, he's been marinated in it." said O'Malley, as he can see that the goose was a bit drunk. Uncle Waldo: "Dreadful!, being British, I would have prefer British Sherry, ah, ha, ha, ha!, Sherry!" this made everyone laugh as they thought it was funny that Waldo would prefer to be drunk by sherry instead of white wine. Amelia: "Oh Uncle Waldo, you're just too much." Abigail: "You mean he's had too much." this made Uncle Waldo to laugh some more, before the two female geese whisper to one another. Amelia: "We best get Uncle Waldo to bed." Uncle Waldo: "Now girls!, don't whisper things from your old Uncle Waldo... why you'll wake up the whole neighborhood!, whoopee!, neighborhood!" Abigail: "Calm down uncle, we better get you to bed." Amelia: "Yes, I think we better be going." Uncle Waldo: "Oh, righto girls, birds of a feather must 'hiccup' together." Abigail: "That's stick together." Tommy: "I guess this is good bye?" Amelia: "Seems like it, good luck on your way home." said Amelia, as she and Abigail try their best to keep their uncle from falling down as they leave the scene laughing. O'Malley: "You know something... I like Uncle Waldo." Duchess: "Especially when he's marinated." said Duchess with a light hearty laugh as she watches the geese leave the scene.

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