Cat-napped once again

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It was morning in Paris when the cats and fox were walking down the streets, before seeing a mansion up ahead. O'Malley: "Hey... meow~, what a classy neighborhood." Tommy: "No kidding, this is the nicest place I've ever seen." O'Malley: "Are you sure that we're on the right street?" Duchess: "Yes, now let's hurry, we're almost home." said Duchess, as she and the others walked faster, happy to be home again. That was when the kittens bumped into the hyena twins, making the little ones took some steps back as they were scared a little, due to mistaking them for dogs. Marie: "Sorry about that..." Berlioz: "Please don't get mad..." that was when Roquefort climbed up on top of Jokey's head, and was surprised, so were the kittens. Roquefort: "Duchess!, kittens!, hallelujah, you're back!" Marie: "Hi Roquefort!" Duchess: "Monsieur Roquefort?, what are you doing with those dogs?" Jokeo: "Well actually, we're hyenas." Jokey: "Before that, we were humans, named Jokey & Jokeo D Hyena." Tommy: "Wait... Jokey?, Jokeo?!, is that really you?!" Jokeo: "Have we met?" Tommy: "Guys!, it's me!, Tommy D Fox!" Jokey: "Tommy?... little buddy!" said Jokey, before hugged the little fox and giving him a nookie on the head. Gidget: "You know these guys?" Tommy: "Yeah, they're my best friends when I was still human, before... Pleasure island." Jokeo: "And we're still buddies to this day, so you must be the Miss Duchess and kittens our mouse friend told us about." Duchess: "That's right, but how does Roquefort know you two." Roquefort: "Oh it's a long story." Gidget then knocks on the door, hoping that Madame will hear, but Edgar was the one who answerd, and he was shocked. Edgar: "M-Miss Gidget?!, how did... I mean where have you been?" Gidget: "It's a long story, but right now we need to let Madame know we're back, come on guys." this got everyone's attention, before Roquefort gasped as he sees the butler, so did the hyenas. Jokey: "Hey Roquefort, isn't that the guy who invaded the farm we were in?" Roquefort: "Yes!, Duchess!, Kittens!, get away from him!" Duchess: "Huh?" but it was too late, Edgar puts Duchess, Gidget and the kittens in a sack, and runs inside, locking the door, much to the others surprise. Tommy: "Gidget!" O'Malley: "Duchess!, kittens!" Jokey: "Oh no!, what's he gonna do with them?" Jokeo: "I don't know... but it can't be good." Roquefort: "I can't believe I forgot about him!, he was the one who cat napped them the other night!, so he can have the estate for himself!" Tommy: "The butler... it's always the butler..." O'Malley: "Listen Tommy, you and I try stopping that butler, while the mouse and the hyenas get Scat Cat and his gang of Alley cats." Roquefort: "Alley cats?!, but I'm a mouse!" Jokey: "And we just got here." Jokeo: "And what do you need them for?" O'Malley: "I'm gonna need help, look just tell them that O'Malley sent you and then you won't have a bit of trouble." Tommy: "Please you guys!, Gidget, Duchess and the kittens need help!, and we're their only hope!" Jokey: "Why didn't you say so little buddy, come on!" Jokeo: "Hey wait up!" so with that, Tommy and O'Malley went off to the barn, while the hyena twins and Roquefort went to an alley somewhere in the city. Roquefort: "No trouble he said... well that's easy for what's his name to say..." Jokeo: "Why's that?" Roquefort: "He's got 9 lives, I only got one." it was at that moment when Scat Cat and his gang came to the scene. Scat Cat: "Now what's a trio of swingers like you doing in our side of town." Jokey: "We're not swingers, my bro and I are hyenas, and this little guy's a mouse." Scat Cat: "Oh a wise guy huh?" Jokeo: "Please don't get mad, Jokey here just has a simple mind." Roquefort: "As why we're here, we were sent here for help, by a cat." Scat Cat: "You're kidding right?" Jokey: "Yeah, he told us just to mention his name." Scat Cat: "And what name would that be?" Jokeo: "Uh... We can't remember... but I think it's starts with the letter O." Scat Cat: "Alright, you only have three guesses to get it right." Jokey: "Okay uh... Oliver?" Scat Cat: "I don't dig it, strike 1." Jokeo: "O... O... O'Brien!" Scat Cat: "Strike 2." Roquefort: "Oh boy... you believe us... don't you?" Jokey: "Come on, our little buddy Tommy is counting on us." Scat Cat: "Tommy?" Jokey: "Yeah, he's a fox, and he's trying to help Duchess and the kittens." Scat Cat: "Duchess?, the kittens?, wait... this cat you mention... was his name be O'Malley?" Roquefort: "That's it!, I remember now!" this got the other cats to have surprised looks on their faces. Scat Cat: "Hold it cats!, these guys are on the level, sorry if we were a bit rough with ya." Roquefort: "Don't worry about us, O'Malley and the others need help!, Duchess, Gidget and the kittens are in trouble!" this got the alley cats' attention, and started running off, following the hyenas. Scat Cat: "Come on cats, we gotta split!" Roquefort: "Hey wait for me!" shouted the mouse, as he follows the alley cats down the street. A man was having a drink when he sees Roquefort chasing the cats, much to his surprise as he thought he was seeing things. Thinking that he had enough, the man started to pours the bottle empty on the ground, in hopes to stop seeing thing again.

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