Demons and train tracks

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As the milk truck continues it journey, O'Malley can tell that the kids need food, especially the young fox. O'Malley: "Anyone wants some breakfast?" Toulouse: "What breakfast?" Marie: "Where is it?" O'Malley: "Right under this magic carpet, but first we gotta cook up a little spell." this made both Gidget and Tommy to have a chill down their spines a little bit, as the word 'spell' reminded them of their past. O'Malley told the kittens to first wiggle their noses, their tickle their chins, then close their eyes, then crossing their hearts, before he takes the carpet off and revealed a large tank full of milk. Marie: "Hurray!" Berlioz: "We did it!" Toulouse: "Look momma!, we did it!" said the kittens, before they started drinking the milk. Tommy went to join them along with Gidget. Tommy: "I might not be a big fan of milk... but I do need something to eat right now." said Tommy, before Duchess comes over to the alley cat. Duchess: "Why Mr O'Malley, you really are amazing." O'Malley: "How true." of course the moment was not meant to last, as it was when the Milkman sees the animals and puts the truck to a screeching stop. French Milkman: "Sacré bleu!, you rotten stowaways!, mangy tramps!, get out!" shouted the milkman, as the cats and fox were forced to leave and went to hide in a shed as the milk truck leaves the scene. Tommy: "Sour head!" Duchess: "Oh!, what a horrible human!" O'Malley: "Well some humans are like that Duchess, I've learned to live with them." Toulouse: "I'll show him!" said Toulouse, as he tries to hiss like an alley cat. O'Malley: "Cool it ya little tiger, that's guy's dynamite." Toulouse: "But he called us tramps!" Tommy: "And noun of us are even dogs." Duchess: "Oh I'll be so glad when we get back home." O'Malley: "Well that's a long way so, we better get moving." said O'Malley, before the cats and fox walked up to some train tracks and spotted a bridge with the tracks on top. Toulouse: "Wow, look at that bridge, come on let's play train." Duchess: "Now be careful children." Toulouse: "Marie's the caboose, now all aboard!" Marie: "Wait why do I have to be the caboose?" Toulouse: "Cause I'm already in front, so just go with it." said Toulouse, much to Marie's annoyance, before the kittens move the tracks and Toulouse make some train sounds. Suddenly, the kittens bumped into something in front of them. Berlioz: "Hey, what did you stop for?" Toulouse: "Don't blame me, somethings in the... way?" said Toulouse, before seeing that what he bumped into. Turns out that the object was a trio of creatures that looked like dragons with pitch forks. Their names were ScreamClaw (voiced by Mark Hamill), ThunderSmacker (voiced by Jim Cummings), and SpaceWarp (voiced by Frank Welker), and the sight of them made Gidget and Tommy very scared, and for a very good reason. ScreamClaw: "Well look what we got here... the little brats that got away from our little island." Tommy and Gidget: "Demon trio?!... wait... you know the Demon trio?!" said both the fox and pink cat at the same time, much to their surprise. Duchess: "You know these three?" Gidget: "Um... remember the demon dragons I told you about?... that's them." hearing this made both Duchess and the kittens to back up a little as they now knew that these three mean danger. ThunderSmacker: "You two owe us your souls now, so either come along with us, or else." SpaceWarp: "Y-yeah... what he said." O'Malley: "Now hold it right there, I don't know what these kids owe you, but there is no way I'll let you harm them." ScreamClaw: "Who said that we want to harm our little slaves?" Duchess: "Slaves?!, these children are not slaves!" ThunderSmacker: "Stay out of this little kitty, or you'll won't live for long." Gidget: "Leave her out of this!" ScreamClaw: "Don't tell us what to do!, now come along or it's kitty season for them!" Tommy: "Now hold on, it's not kitty season." SpaceWarp: "I-it's not?" Tommy: "No, it's demon season." ScreamClaw: "What a load of boulder dash!, it's kitty season!" Tommy: "Demon season!" ScreamClaw: "Kitty season!" Tommy: "Demon season!" ScreamClaw: "Kitty season!" Tommy: "Kitty season!" ScreamClaw: "Demon season!" Tommy: "Kitty season!" ScreamClaw: "Listen here!, when I say it's demon season, it means it's demon season!, and I say fire boys!" the other two demons only shrugged their shoulders, before firing a blast from their pitch forks at their leader. ScreamClaw's head was now a skull with eyeballs, before he snapped his fingers to use magic in order to restore his face. The kittens giggled as they found what Tommy just did was really funny, before they stopped to see that ScreamClaw was glaring at the fox. ScreamClaw: "Very funny boy... but fun times over!... now any last words?" Tommy: "Uh... train." ScreamClaw: "Train?, not exactly the words I would expect you to use before..." Tommy: "Train..." ThunderSmacker: "Yeah, you already said that." Tommy: "No!, train!" SpaceWarp: "Uh... g-guys?" ScreamClaw: "What?!" SpaceWarp: "Train!" shouted SpaceWarp, as he sees an incoming train, much to everyone's shock. Duchess: "Oh no!" O'Malley: "Everyone jump!" said O'Malley, as he, the cats and Tommy jumped under the bridge in time, while the demon trio get collided with the front of the train and takes them away from the scene as it passes by. Once it was safe to come out, the cats and fox see that the train and the demon trio were both gone. Tommy: "That was... too close." Gidget: "So... you got tricked by those monsters too, huh?" Tommy: "Yeah... and I'm guessing you used to be human too then." Gidget: "Yeah..." Toulouse: "They weren't very smart though." Berlioz: "No kidding, right sis?... uh sis?" Duchess: "Marie?, where's Marie?" Tommy: "... Oh no!, look down!" said Tommy, as he sees that Marie fell off the bridge and was being dragged away by the river below. Marie: "Momma!" Duchess: "Marie!" O'Malley: "Keep your head up Marie!, here I come!" said O'Malley, as he jumps off the bridge and into the river in order to save Marie from drowning. It wasn't long before Gidget helped out by using her psychic powers to lift both Marie and O'Malley out of the water and back on land. Toulouse: "Gee Marie, Mr O'Malley told us to jump 'under' the bridge, not off it." Marie: "I didn't do it on purpose!" Gidget: "Please don't argue, the most important thing is that you're safe now." O'Malley: "Now let's continue our way back to Paris." said O'Malley, as he leads the other cats and fox to Paris.

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