The sea cruise rescue

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While the Demon trio were guarding the cage that contained Tommy & O'Malley, Gidget and the others were hiding behind a statue, waiting for the right moment to make their move. Gidget: "Alright, you remember the plan, right?" Marie: "Yeah... but will it work?" Gidget: "I will work... it has to... for their sake..." said Gidget, before her body started to glow and changed shape. The demon trio were starting to feel a little bored, before hearing a whistling sound, and turned their heads to see what looked like a very attractive female demon dragon, who winks at them. The trio's jaws dropped to the ground, eyes popping out, before howling like a pack of wolves. While the trio were going nuts for the female, Duchess managed to take the key from SpaceWarp, and gave it to Roquefort, who used it to free both Tommy and O'Malley out of their cage. Once the fox and cat were free, the female demon dragon bops the demon trio on the head with a large hammer, knocking them out cold. The female demon dragon's body glowed and changed into the Mew girl. Oliver: "How did you do that?" Gidget: "It's a special ability that a Mew like myself has." said Gidget, before she gave Tommy a big hug while Duchess rubs her head on O'Malley. Toulouse: "I can't believe those guys fell that." Berlioz: "Well it sure looked real to me." Marie: "Well that's girl power for ya, men are powerless against it." suddenly, the group noticed a trio of shadows looming over them, and see that the trio were already awake, and they were mad. ScreamClaw: "You got some nerve... making fools out of us like that..." ThunderSmacker: "We outta teach you a lesson on what happens when you mess with a demon dragon..." SpaceWarp: "Y-yeah... just like that little g-girl who came here a few moments ago before you did." said the trio, before Yzma and Kronk came to the scene, with what looked like a little female fox all tied up, who was in fact Jenny Foxworth herself. Jenny: "Let me go!, let me go!" Oliver: "J-J-Jenny?!" ThunderSmacker: "Amazing how those transformation potions of Yzma's can turn humans into animals like how Pleasure island could." Yzma: "You can understand what it says?" ThunderSmacker: "Of course, we are familiar with many languages, including animal speech." Kronk: "Funny, I learned how speak animal too when I was a junior chipmunk scout." Jokey: "Change her back, you bullies!" Yzma: "Sorry, but we can't let you get away and expose our little secret here, so we might as well take you out." Tommy: "Wait... you mean... you wanna kill us?!" Yzma: "Just think of it as... you're being let go, that your body's part of a permanent outplacement." Jokeo: "I still don't like the sound of that..." Tommy: "I can't believe this is happening..." Yzma: "Then I'll bet you weren't expecting this." said Yzma, revealing some of her leg, scarring the daylights out of everyone in the room. Jokey: "No~!" O'Malley: "Ugh!" Tommy: "Please no!" Yzma: "Ah ha!" said Yzma, as she shows them a sword hiding on her leg, which somehow made everyone to relax a bit. Jokey: "Oh... phew..." Tommy: "Oh okay." Roquefort: "How is that any better?!" Duchess: "I agree with Monsieur Roquefort here, how is that better?" Tommy: "Would you rather see Yzma's leg?" Duchess: "Well..." the white cat wanted to say something, but she wasn't sure what to say. Yzma: "Alright Kronk, finish them off." ordered Yzma, before handing the sword to Kronk, who was not sure what to do, he never thought that he would have to harm innocent creatures. Suddenly, Kronk sees a smaller version of himself, dressed like a devil with a pitchfork, appeared on his shoulder. Devil Kronk: "Come on big guy, you're not backing down, are ya?" Kronk: "Uh... where's the other guy?" asked Kronk, before the Angel Kronk appeared on the other shoulder. Angel Kronk: "Sorry I'm late, what did I miss?" Kronk: "Oh Yzma just gave me this knife to you know, take them out, but I never thought that... well, that I would have to harm a critter... especially cute kitties and..." while Kronk was talking, Yzma was beginning to lose her patience. Yzma: "Kronk!, why did I thought that you could do this?, this one simple thing?, it's like I'm talking to a monkey." Angel Kronk: "Whoa now..." Yzma: "A really big stupid monkey named Kronk!" Devil Kronk: "Ouch!" Yzma: "And do you want to know something else?, I never liked your spinach puffs!, never!" this made Kronk, and everyone else in to room to gasp in shock, before Kronk started to cry a little. ScreamClaw: "Wow... and people say we're cruel..." ThunderSmacker: "No kidding..." SpaceWarp: "P-poor Kronk..." Jokey: "That's it... she's going down!" Devil Kronk: "I couldn't agree more." what nobody noticed at the time, was that Gidget used her psychic powers to take Jenny away from the Demon trio, before looking at the potions on the shelves, searching for one that will change the little fox girl back to normal. It was that moment when Yzma noticed what Gidget was doing. Yzma: "Stop that cat!" Kronk: "N-no!" Yzma: "What was that?" Kronk: "I said no!, I'm tired of doing these evil things Yzma, I'm tired of stealing diamonds, and I will not let you and these demons hurt these cute little creatures!" Yzma: "Then you are fired!" Kronk: "Fine!, cause I quit!" Yzma: "Demons, get rid of him!" ThunderSmacker: "Who said we were working for you?" ScreamClaw: "We only want the fox boy, Mew girl and the Hyena twins." SpaceWarp: "S-so if you want to catch the c-cats... do it yourself." Yzma: "Fine!, if you want something done right... do it yourself!" said Yzma, before running towards the Mew girl, who threw a potion at the woman. Suddenly, an explosion happened, and once the smoke was cleared up, a little kitten stood where Yzma was. Oliver: "Is that... Yzma?" Marie: "Whoa... so those potions really can turn people into animals." Yzma: "What?!, no!" shouted Yzma, before Gidget gives Jenny a potion, and the little fox girl was changed back into her old human self again. Jenny: "I'm back!" Oliver: "Are you okay?" Jenny: "Yeah... wait... you're still talking?!" Gidget: "Your transformation earlier must have given you the ability to understand animal speak... which seems to stayed even when you're human again." Jenny: "Wow, so cool!" said Jenny with excitement in her voice, before Duchess and the kittens came over to Kronk, trying to give him affection to cheer him up. Kronk: "Thanks you guys... but I don't really deserve it as I did helped Yzma and..." Duchess: "I know you're not a bad person, you already proved that." Berlioz: "And you shouldn't believe what that mean lady said, your cooking is wonderful." Jokey: "No kidding, it's the best we ever had." Jokeo: "Yeah... and sorry about the food fight episode we had last night." Kronk: "That's okay, it was kind of fun actually." of course the touching moment between Kronk and the pets was short lived, as the Demon trio came over to them. ScreamClaw: "Sorry to spoil the moment, but we still have a job to do... now then... hand over the fox, Mew and hyenas." Kronk: "You're not harming them!" ThunderSmacker: "You have no choice, it's either them... or you." Kronk: "Then take me instead." Marie: "What?!, no Mr Kronk!, don't do that!" Kronk: "It's better this way, at least you guys will be safe." but Tommy would not allow it, so he jumps right in front of ScreamClaw, and bite him on the face. ScreamClaw: "Ah!, why you..." Tommy: "Catch me if you can!" shouted Tommy, who runs off from the scene, with the demon trio chasing behind him. Gidget: "Tommy!, wait!" shouted Gidget, as she, Kronk and the others left the lab, leaving Yzma the cat behind. Yzma: "Great... I'm a cat now... and that little brat took the only human potion I had... how can it get any worse?" she asked herself, before seeing the crocodile from earlier standing next to her, with a hungry look on it's face. Yzma: "Uh oh..." the scene changes to the upper deck, where Tommy was still being chased by the Demon trio. Oliver and Marie saw a bucket of water, and used it to make the floor wet, causing the trio to slip and have steam coming out of their backs. This of course made them mad, and started chasing Marie, believing that it was her idea. The chased her up a flag pole, and flew up with angry looks on their faces. ScreamClaw: "It's time to teach this little kitty a lesson on why the world fears us..." before they could do anything of course, Oliver climbed up the pole and jumped onto the demons' faces and scratching them with his claws. Gidget then used her powers to bring some water up and hits the trio with it. The demons were now weak and tired, unable to get off the ground, but they were able to see that Gidget was holding something in her paw, which looked like some sort of big stone coin that made them gasp. ScreamClaw: "The seal of the ancients?!, how... how did you get that?!" Gidget: "A friend of ours gave it to us just before we came to this ship, just in case we run into you creeps again... and with this... I order you to go back to the Underworld where you belong, and never bother me or friends and family again!" ScreamClaw: "As you... command... curse you!" shouted ScreamClaw, as he was forced to open a portal, sending himself and his fellow demons back to the Underworld. Toulouse: "So... that thing can control Demon dragons?" Gidget: "Yes, but once we get back home, I'm gonna give this back to Boney 10, as this is something that mortals shouldn't have." said Gidget, just as Marie and Oliver both came down from the pole. Marie: "Oliver... you saved me again... thank you..." said Marie, before giving the orange kitten a kiss on the cheek, causing him to blush.

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