The search begins

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Everyone was shocked with this news, Madame's diamond has been stolen when the lights were out. Tommy: "Madame, what happened?" Madame: "I wish I knew... but somehow, somebody stole the diamond around my neck when the lights went out." Gidget: "I managed to see the thief, he looked like some sort of ninja." O'Malley: "Again... how were you able to see the thief?" Gidget: "Well you should know that cats like ourselves can see in the dark much better than humans, and I saw the ninja while I was looking around." Jokey: "But what's a ninja doing here?" Gidget: "That's what we're gonna find out." Roquefort: "Looks like we have a mystery to solve..." Oliver: "Mind if I help?" Marie: "Thanks Oliver, but will your owner mind?" Oliver: "I'm sure she'll want to join too." Duchess: "Is your owner by chance a little girl?" Oliver: "Yeah, but how did you know?" Duchess: "Well I think I see her with Madame." said the white Aristocat, before Oliver turns around to see his owner, Jenny Foxworth (voiced by young Natalie Gregory), went over to Madame. Jenny: "Hello there, you must by Madame Adelaide, my parents told me about you." Madame: "Oh you must be Jenny Foxworth, are your parents here?" Jenny: "No, they're somewhere else on a business trip, it's just me, Oliver and Winston." said Jenny, before Mr Winston (voiced by William Glover), Jenny's butler, came over to the scene. Winston: "Miss Jenny, are you alright?" Jenny: "Yes, but Miss Adelaide had lost her diamond." Winston: "Oh dear... who would do such a thing?" Madame: "I don't know... but at least I didn't lose my precious cats this time..." Jenny: "Oh yeah, I saw the newspaper about someone kidnapping your cats one time, happy to learn that you got them back... I couldn't bare the thought of losing my little Oliver." Madame: "Yes... I would rather lose my jewels than my cats again." Tommy: "Well you'll get your diamond back, I can promise you that." said Tommy, which surprised both Jenny and her butler. Winston: "Did... did that fox just talk?" Madame: "That's Tommy, he's... a special fox." Jenny: "Wow!, I always wondered what it'll be like to meet a talking animal... sometimes I wished that I could hear Oliver talk." Gidget: "He's not the only one, there's also me." Jenny: "A pink cat... that can float in mid air?" Gidget: "I'm a Mew actually, but I am sort of a cat, name's Gidget by the way, and those two hyenas over there are Jokey & Jokeo." said the Mew girl, before the hyena twins waved their paws to say hi to the little girl. O'Malley: "I still can't understand how the humans can understand what Tommy, Gidget and the twins are saying..." Duchess: "Well they did mentioned that they were humans once, before they got turned into animals by the demon dragons." Oliver: "Demon dragons?" Berlioz: "Yeah, they're a mean bunch." Toulouse: "Yeah, they wanted to make Gidget and her friends into their slaves and all that." Marie: "I'm just happy that we wouldn't have to deal with them again." little did the kitten knew at the time, was that the Demon trio were hiding in the shadows, hearing what she said. ScreamClaw: "That's what you think little kitty..." SpaceWarp: "S-so... should w-we make our move yet?" ThunderSmacker: "That's what I want to hear." ScreamClaw: "Not yet... wait just a little longer." said the trio, before they went back into the shadows, making sure nobody sees them. Gidget: "Alright everyone, time to begin our search." Tommy: "Right." so with that, everyone began their search for the diamond, or at least the one who stole it, but decided to do it in the morning as it was really late. As soon as morning came, Madame and her animal friends began their search, along with Jenny, Oliver and Winston joining in as well. Marie decided to be with Oliver while searching for the diamond, as she wanted to spend more time with the orange kitten. Tommy and Gidget were looking around where the pool was, but no luck so far. Jokey & Jokeo were in a room full of crates, and decided to open them one by one, in case if the thief hid the diamond in one of them. That was when Jokey sees a crate with a warning label on it. Jokey: "Uh oh..." Jokeo: "What's wrong?" Jokey: "This crate contains a dangerous snack." Jokeo: "How can a snack be dangerous?" Jokey: "Beats me, that's what the sign says here." said Jokey, before Jokeo takes a look for himself. Jokeo: "Dude, the sign says it contains a dangerous snake." Jokey: "Oh in that case... snake?!" Jokeo: "[Gulp]... well... it's the only crate we haven't looked yet... and if there's a chance that Madame's diamond is in there..." the two hyenas slowly opened the crate, and see that it was completely empty. Jokey: "Hey... there's no snake in there." Jokeo: "I don't get it... why would it say it contains a snake if... oh no!, it must have escaped!" Jokey: "Oh man... this is bad..." Jokeo: "According to the sign, the snake is not venomous... but it does have hypnotic powers." Jokey: "Hypnotic powers?, what does that mean?" Jokeo: "Well, I think it means the snake can hypnotize it's prey before swallowing them whole." Jokey: "Then we better find it before it's too late!" Jokeo: "Oh boy... as if a jewel thief wasn't enough to worry about..."said the hyena, as he and Jokey ran off to find the escaped snake and the mysterious jewel thief.

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