O'Malley vs Edgar

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Meanwhile, Tommy & O'Malley followed Edgar to the small barn next to the mansion, who puts the sack inside a blue chest. Edgar: "Alright you little cats, you're gonna travel all the way to Timbuktu, and this time, you'll never come back." Gidget: "Edgar!, why are you doing this?!, we thought you were our friend!" shouted Gidget through the chest. Edgar: "Sorry, it's nothing personal, but as long as you and the cats are around, Madame's will won't be mine." Gidget: "That's what this is about?!, you're willing to betray Madame and us for money?!" Edgar: "Oh what do you know?, you're a cat... who I still can't figure out how you can talk..." Tommy: "Because she was human herself once!" said Tommy, as he stands behind the butler, who was surprised to hear him talk. Edgar: "Another one?!, how many talking animals do I have to deal with?!" Tommy: "Talking animals are the least of your problems, now let Gidget and the cats go or else!" Edgar: "And what are you gonna do about it?" Tommy: "Well I never said I came here alone." said Tommy, as O'Malley pounces on the butler, while running to the gate before closing it. Edgar then grabs a pitch fork and tries to attack the cat and fox with it, before running to the gate in order to open it. But once he takes a look outside, the hyena twins, Scat Cat and his gang pounced on the butler. O'Malley: "Over there, they're in that chest!" said O'Malley to Roquefort, before the mouse climbs up to the chest and tries to unlock the locker. Of course all the noises of the fight was giving the mouse a hard time hearing the lock, and he couldn't take it any longer. Roquefort: "Quiet!" shouted Roquefort, causing everyone to freeze, stopping everything they were doing. A few seconds later, Roquefort finally made the locket to click open. Roquefort: "Alright everyone, continue." said the mouse, before all the cats, hyenas and fox went back to fight the butler, while O'Malley opens the chest. O'Malley: "Everyone out of here, fast!" said O'Malley, before Edgar shuts the chest, trapping O'Malley inside with Duchess and the kittens. Edgar: "You're going to Timbuktu, if it's the last thing I do!" shouted Edgar, before one of Scat Cat's gang member drops a Haystack on top of the butler's head. Then the hyena twins took some rope to tie the butler up, then opening the chest so that O'Malley and the others can escape. Gidget: "Hey Edgar... [using her psychic powers to lift Edgar up into the air] consider this as a way for me to say... you're fired!" shouted Gidget, before using her powers to bring Edgar to Frou-Frou, who lifts her back legs up and give the butler the boot. Edgar was sent flying right into the chest, which was moved from the impact right outside. It was at that moment when a package truck came to the scene. The driver of the truck came out, and it was an elderly Demon dragon named Boney 10 (voiced by Mel Brooks), and was surprised to see Tommy, Gidget, and the hyena twins. Boney 10: "Well... looks like you kids made it out of Pleasure island alive after all." Tommy: "Boney 10?" Duchess: "You know him?" Gidget: "Yeah... he was the demon dragon who actually tried to warn us about the island... we should have listened to him..." Boney 10: "Yes, you should have, but that's all in the past, I'm just glad that you didn't get caught by the trio." Marie: "You mean those guys with the pitch forks?" Boney 10: "So you met them?" Marie: "Yeah, but we got away from them." Boney 10: "Good to hear." Jokey: "Um... why are you riding a package truck?" Boney 10: "A guy's gotta make a living, let it be a human or demon dragon, besides, how else was I gonna be in this story?" Jokey: "Good point." Boney 10: "Now then, better get this to Timbuktu." said Boney 10, before he takes the chest into the truck, and leaves the scene. Toulouse: "See, I told you that it was Edgar." Berlioz: "Oh shut up Toulouse, don't rub it in..." Duchess: "I can't believe that Edgar... would try to get rid of us just for money..." Gidget: "It's hard to admit... but there are some humans that would do anything for money." Jokey: "If you ask me, I prefer food and being with my friends over money any day." Tommy: "Speaking of which... what's for lunch?" this made everyone laugh a little.

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