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While on your way to the tent, Levi felt his body soak with the intense raindrops falling onto him. He didn't care about getting wet, he just prayed the body he was about to encounter wasn't from anyone from his old squad. Or Gabi's. Or Falco's.

Once the three of you got there, Mikasa stopped herself before opening the tent's entrance. A deeply worried look in her expression. Levi turned himself on his wheelchair, looking up at her. His gaze was now assertive and cold.

'Open the tent, Mikasa' ,he demanded.

'I...I'm sorry, I could've...', but before she could continue speaking, you fell to your knees. Levi could only see the back of your body, not being able to see your face. But he didn't need to. You remained on your knees and were oddly quiet for some seconds.

He gently placed himself next to you, now observing the grim scene up close. Right in front of you three, laid Jelena's body. She had been visibly stabbed several times, a pool of blood beginning to grow under her frame. Her lifeless eyes placed on the tent's ceiling - it was an eerie imate to take in

Levi's lips parted - he heard himself softly gasp to himself. He looked into your eye and felt his heart sink. Your lips were quivering, a few tears streaming down your face. However, your expression remained cold...almost frozen. You were in complete shock. Though he had never cared for Jelena, and in true, having had resented her for a long time, he had come to find her presence tolerable. And it was understanding just how much her death affected you what truly hurt him.

Levi extended his arm and grabbed your hand tightly, but you continued to stare at the bloody scene, not even reacting to his touch.

'(Y/n)...let's go', he whispered to you. You then slowly turned to face him.

'Who...who did this? The... Warriors?', your voice was shaky as you muttered, a devastating tone lingered through your words. Levi looked down, knowing he wouldn't know the answer. It was possible it had been The Warriors, he thought to himself. Jelena had sympathized with Zeke before and the rebelling faction hated every Eldian out there - they would most certainly loathe Zeke's euthanasia plan as well.

And even if Levi didn't really care for Jelena, seeing someone else die because of a war that had ended three years prior, because of these idiotic fanatics... it made his blood boil.
Most importantly, he hated how defeated you looked - he perceived every inch of fury and grief that traveled down your body... he knew that feeling of despair all too well. The feeling of not being able to protect the ones you love.

You then turned to look into Levi's eyes as you slowly stood up. Mikasa was still standing by the tent's entrance, a look of guilt invading her facial expression. Levi watched as you turned around to face her.

'It's not your fault', you whispered. Mikasa then allowed herself to cry softly as you placed your hand on her shoulder. Levi then approached both of you.

'Where are Annie and Reiner?',  he felt himself getting more and more worked up. If there was even a slight possibility of them being responsible, he couldn't really risk it. He hated himself for even suspecting it might have been then, but then again, they had betrayed him and his squad before - what was really stopping them from doing it again? Would it be too crazy to presume them as touched by The Warriors' fanatism?

'I'll go check their tent!', Mikasa ran as fast as she physically could. You and Levi exited the tent, now fully getting soaked by the heavy rain. Levi followed your steps, placing himself beside your side again.

'I'm really sorry',  he sighed, trying to get a hold of your hand, but to his surprise, your crossed your arms over your chest before he could touch you. He frowned in confusion, then heard your voice.

'I really hope it wasn't Reiner or Annie. It wasn't my place to forgive them before, but I'm afraid it might be now', your voice was completely poisoned with rage. Levi looked up at you, a worried look on his face.

'What did you and Reiner talk about today?', he inquired.

'We sat by the river...he expressed...remorse. Said how... sorry he was. He was completely aware of how much hurt he had caused all of you. This just...doesn't make any sense', you vocalized while staring into nothingness.

Just as Levi continued to gather his thoughts, Mikasa appeared into the night fog.

'They...they're gone',she whispered, an infuriated look in her eyes. Levi closed his fists, getting completely overtaken by his emotions. How was he so stupid to trust them again? Why...after all these years, did they join The Warriors? But before he could continue ruminating, he looked up at you again, this time, not being able believe his own sight.

Your fingers wrapped tightly around your pendant, a distant, enigmatic expression clouding your features. In the dim light, your eyes seemed almost transformed, the pupils dilated so fully that they seemed to swallow the very essence of your gaze, rendering you almost otherworldly. It was a subtle shift, but to him, it marked you as momentarily transcendent, beyond the reach of mere humanity.

A faint, unsettling curve began to play upon your lips, a harbinger of revelations untold. It was this change, this barely perceptible drift towards something unknown, that spurred him into action. With a sudden intensity, he reached out, his grip firm upon your arm, compelling you to meet his gaze directly. It was a connection forged in urgency, a demand for clarity, for truth, in the silent language of touch and sight.

'(Y/n)! Look at me, now!', he demanded, now screaming at your face. Mikasa observed the scene in confusion. But just as fast as Levi detected the inhumanity build in your were back. Your gaze suddenly met his, completely startled. Your usual naivety and spark had returned to your eyes, that innocence Levi knew too well. He felt relieved for a second, then asked himself what had happened to you just know.

'Levi, let go! What's going on?', you pleaded softly, your lips quivering. You sounded genuinely confused. He let go of you, a distance building between both of your bodies. He parted his lips, deeply disturbed. He almost didn't trust his own sight.

What the fuck just happened? He asked himself.

'Your face... your...eyes. You looked...', he stuttered. Never in his life had Levi Ackerman stuttered before that night. He reckoned he had felt genuinely afraid.  You stared at him, still a confused confused look in your eye. A deep frown placed in your eyes, you looked almost disoriented. Before you could say anything back, Levi inquired.

'Where were you just now?'

Your gaze widened, your mouth remained agape. You placed your eyes onto Mikasa's, then looked back at Levi. A deep silence built between the three of you. Your lips continued to quiver.

'What...what do you mean? I'm here, I was here', you still sounded sincere, Levi thought. It seemed as if you didn't really know what had just happened to you.

And that's when Levi's thoughts began to spiral. How many times had this happened to you already, without you even noticing? Where did you go, exactly? And as he continued ruminating, he felt his gaze settle on your crimson pendant, and how it glimmered despite the darkness of the night.

Ymir's Necklace: The Secret You Hold | Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now