♡ The Happy Me

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As usual, my phone alarm starts to ring again signaling me to wake up for school. 

I groaned, burying myself deeper into my pillow. I really don't want to go to school. I don't have the mood for it. 

The door suddenly burst open, revealing my two little brothers. They jumped on my bed, starting to cheer for nothing. It's got to my nerves but they are still kids so I should be an adult about this. I sat up, chuckling along with them "I am waking up" I told them, grabbing Haru before tickling him causing Han to pout since he wanted it too. 

Before long, I found myself having fun with both of my brothers. Then, Mum walked into the room as well.

"Stop playing around, y/n "Mum reprimanded me and headed out almost immediately. I let out a soft sigh before pecking both of my brothers' cheeks "I have to get going, sorry" I grabbed my towel and headed into my shower. The moment I walked into the bathroom, I saw my reflection through the mirror that was installed before I moved into this room. 

I hate seeing it.

Not once did I ever look at myself in the mirror and saw myself that I am beautiful. Seeing my yellowish skin color and the way my double chin showed in the mirror wasn't pleasing at all. Not to mention how I don't know how to take care of myself.

I shook my head, averting my gaze, and went to take a shower. I grabbed a shampoo and washed my hair as well, making sure that I shower thoroughly. After showering, I walked out of the bathroom and put on my school uniform. I brushed my hair, making everything is in place before putting on perfume.

After done, I headed downstairs. I went to the kitchen and start cooking for my siblings and myself breakfast. I dont have that much time so I just cook a very quick breakfast for them. I put their breakfast on the table before grabbing my bag and headed out. 

On my way to the school, i put on my earphones. I sat down on the bench, waiting for my bus to come. On my own, I start humming to the song that I been listening. Its were very slow so I am sure no one will heard it. 

Just then, I saw two boys coming closer to the bus stop. I dont really think much about it but then, I saw them start whispering around. Unconsciously, I looked down on myself making sure that nothing goes wrong. Then, I saw one of them start pushing one of them, rushing him to do something. Unsure why but there's this tiny bit in myself that thought they might have interest in me.

The boy walked past me and start asking the girl a few feet away from me for her number. 

I gritted my own teeth, watching the scene unfolding infront of me. This is usually happens in drama right? I can't believe this is happening in front of me right now. My heart clenches so hard but I choose to ignore it. They looked perfect together. Both of them are so good looking. The girl is such a beauty so I am not surprised that she got ask out in public like this. 

The bus finally arrives so I get in and sat down on a empty seat. Everything was so normal today. I sighed, smiling down on myself.

In a few minutes, the bus stop so I get out. 

I headed to my class and saw Yun Raim. I approached her with the biggest smile "Hi guys!" I greeted them. Raim looked at me in a split second before smile back "hey y/n! you are actually here today?" she asked, smirking with the rest of the girls.

I dont really close with the others but we did hangout a few times before. Its all because of Raim. 

"Did you guys saw that new makeup launch? Should we go check them out today?" Raim asked. I was about to answer when someone else did first "yeah, let's go check them out" Raim nodded, before eyes meet mine. 

Deserve To Be In Love | Eunhyuk x female reader | True Love OperationWhere stories live. Discover now