♡ The Tiring Day

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"I am here!" I greeted my other coworkers with a bright greeting. 

I headed to the locker room and changed out of my uniform before going out of the room. Dohwa was seen taking orders from the customers so I decided to not disturb him. I went to the payment counter and started wiping the counter while waiting for anyone to approach to pay for their meals. 

I was silently doing my task when I suddenly felt someone approaching nearby. I looked up to see Dohwa walking over with his infamous grin. 

"How's school today?" he asked, standing next to me while putting the list of orders.

"It's fine for me. What about you?" Dohwa hummed "Just like usual" he answered before changing the topic. We started to talk about a lot of random topics but most of all it was about our shared hobby. One of the reasons why we easily bonded is because our family situation is practically the same and how we share the same hobby. 

Just then, someone looked our way and raised their hand to grab Dohwa's attention so he headed over. It was a female customer so I kind of my guard up a bit. Dohwa has always been too fond of people paying attention to him so much, so I am getting worried. 

"Y/n? Could you please the bathroom?" one of the senior coworkers asked me so I nodded and headed over to do my task. I grabbed the toilet brush and some air diffuser. I opened one of the stalls and cleaned the toilet. I brush each corner and turn on the air diffuser to erase the smell. Doing it isn't easy since it's smells and hard to brush but this is one of my jobs so I should try my best. 

I wiped the sweat that trailed on my cheek and neck before heading to the other stall.  

"LIAR!!!!" I heard a scream ringing across the cafe. I rushed out to see someone practically turning red in front of Dohwa and he seemed to not know what to do. My eyes widen, seeing the situation but my guts telling me that I have to intervene. I rushed forward to calm the situation.

I stood next to Dohwa, smiling gently at the customer "Excuse me, miss. It may sound rude but can you please calmly state your displease?" I asked, trying to cover for Dohwa. The girl looked at me pissed before glaring and judging me with her eyes. "What the hell? don't be a busybody can't you?" she asked, gritted teeth. I bowed my head "I am so sorry but this is disturbing the other customers so I had to intervene" I tried to sound as polite as possible 

The customer started to tilt her head, looking pissed off. 

Before I even got to say anything, cold water was thrown at me causing me to shudder. I looked down to see my clothes already wet from head to toe and they smelled like coffee.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I could hear Dohwa asking if I was okay. I know that Dohwa will get mad at the customer but he needed this job even more than me so he shouldn't do it. I am okay. I am used to it. I stopped him by grabbing his jacket sleeve and stepped in front of him again. "We are unsure what caused this but if this is because you harbor such a feeling towards a coworker of mine, I am sorry but there's nothing we can do but if it's about the service, we will return your money. I hope you stop making any more scenes since other customers might find it disturbing" I informed the customer and she grabbed her bag to walk out of the cafe. 

After she left, I couldn't help but sigh. I turned around and immediately met my eyes with Dohwa before flashing a smile. "I'm okay. You are not injured anywhere right?" I asked and when he shook his head, I walked past him to go to the locker room instead. When the door to the locker room was closed, I let out another sigh.

It's cold.

I take off my uniform and change into a new one. I put that wet uniform inside a plastic bag to bring it home when my shift ended. I hope that the stain wears off. I can't afford to buy a new one. I had to pay for my brothers' school fees this month so I need all the money possible.

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