♡ Just A Friend

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I picked up my brothers' laundry buckets and carried them downstairs. 

I put them in the washing machine before turning them on and leave them be to do other chores. I washed the dirty dishes and left them to dry when I heard my older brother's voice. I looked at him as he came downstairs to grab his jacket and leave the house as usual. 

Out of a sudden, I got a call from Raim. 

I picked it up, wondering about the reason why she was calling me out of sudden. 


"Y/n? Are you free? Can w...we talk?"

I hummed "Sure. Send me the address" 

I grabbed my jacket before rushing out of the house. I checked my phone to make sure I was not lost. The location is a park where close to her house. My eyes started to search for her and I saw her almost immediately. I ran up to her "Raim! What's wrong?" Raim stands up and lunges forward, hugging me tightly "Y/n.....this is unfair!" she began whining so I caressed her hair gently "What is unfair? Care to explain?" 

"Mom bought a new dress for Su-ae but she didn't even buy anything for me!" 

"Didn't your mother buy you a dress a few weeks ago?" Raim pushed me, glaring "It still isn't enough! If she bought it for Su-ae, she should remember me too!" looking at her complaining like a kid made me chuckle a bit "What are you going to do with that much of clothes anyways? Isn't it better to use the same thing rather than wasting it on clothes that much?" Raim rolled her eyes, sitting down probably feeling upset that I was not supporting her with this. 

"What should I tell if people notice it?" she asked, pouting again. 

"Just give me. I will make it pretty again" I smiled, looking into her eyes "but you did costumes for that damn club! You won't have time for it" I shake my head.

"I can do it" Raim chuckled, seemingly a bit better than before "Then I trust you with it" I hummed, feeling great that I could solve her problems. We were sitting next to each other while looking into the playground with the sounds of kids playing.

"The other day, when I brought you to hang out with the rest of the kids in our class. Why did Eunhyuk look for you?" I looked at her, surprised "he look for me?" she hummed, looking at me suspiciously "It's so weird. Is there anything you've been hiding from me?" I shake my head "Of course not!" I don't think so. "You know that I like Eunhyuk right? I hope you didn't forget that" I hummed, looking down at my own hands. 

If its...one sided.....it won't be trouble right?

"Why did you like Eunhyuk?" 

"Because he is good looking"

"....Is that all?"

She hummed, "It's the most important thing isn't it?" feeling a bit upset with the answers, I looked at her again "But he has other charming points isn't it? Looks aren't everything" Raim let out an annoyed groan before looking at me with a frown "Why are you looking for a fight now? So what if he has other charming points? He comes from a wealthy family, isn't he? Isn't that enough?" I frowned, standing up.

"You should give up. I don't think you look good together with Eunhyuk. He looks better with Su-ae" Raim seemed pissed off at my remarks before she slapped me. 

"You are just the same!!! With all those people!!!!! They all adore Su-ae as if she is an angel and I am the only bad one! I hate you!!" she ran away. My hand rested on my cheek as I felt the burning sensation. It's slightly stinging. 

"Why am I......acting like that?" I clenched my fist, regretting my choice of words and actions.

Why did I even get triggered when she said that? 

Deserve To Be In Love | Eunhyuk x female reader | True Love OperationWhere stories live. Discover now