♡ The Strength

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We don't keep track of the time we are spending time inside the storage room. The scary room doesn't scare me anymore. I guess Eunhyuk really is a light in my life. The space with him feels so bright and healing,

Eunhyuk suddenly stand up before looking down at me with his infamous smile "Should we get going? It's been so long since we stay here like this" I nodded my head, agreeing with what he is saying, Eunhyuk hold out his hand for me to reach but I just stared at it. It's still awkward....having someone who you like and like you back around you like this.

He was standing there patiently, waiting for me.

I clenched my fist, grabbing the hand before standing up,

"If you still awkward, I will let your hand go" he said, looking into my eyes with the most tender eyes I have ever seen in someone.

No. I don't want to. I want to stay strong. I want to confidently stand next to Eunhyuk just like  he always has been. I want to confidently tell everyone that Eunhyuk is my boyfriend and we have the same feelings for each other.

I hold his hand tightly and shake my head "I want to tell everyone" he looked surprised at first, but then its changed to a happy expression. "I would like that too" he comes closer before pressing a kiss on top of my head "I am so proud of you"

We walked out of the room together and met everyone outside. They looked at us before looking down at the holds hand before looking back at out faces. Eunhyuk raised our holds hand before pressing a kiss on my hand "This is my girlfriend"


Everyone looked very flustered and flabbergasted but they immediately hide it with a smile "Oh for real? That's not really a surprised though" Rowon said, coming out from the behind of others. He take a look at me with a smile before looked back at Eunhyuk "Congratulations" he said before comes up to pat Eunhyuk's shoulder.

"W-what?" Minu step out, looking at Eunhyuk as if he just lost his mind "I know that it's been awhile since you went on a date with someone but....her?" he looked at me before snickered "Are you dating just anyone now? Or are you trying to gain people's attention like this? Doing a charity while dating this gi-" Eunhyuk throw a punch at his face "as**ole" he grabbed his collar again before throwing another one.

I was shocked at the scene but when I finally comes to my sense, I rushed forward, wanting to stop him.

"Eunhyuk!! Stop it"

He stop midway and pulled back.

"I see, you also get manipulate by her" Raim who comes from somewhere said with her arms crossed.

"You date her because you pity her didnt you? How kind of you, Eunhyuk" she looked straight at me with a cold look. "I hope you know she did to almost everyone who show her tiny bit of attention. It's the same situation with Minhyun" I gritted my teeth, clenching my fist.

"Raim, what is my fault?" I finally asked, looking into her eyes. I always wondered about it. Why.....Raim suddenly changes.

She always on my side but why.....is it Eunhyuk?

Raim stared at me without a word but I know that look. She was stunned.

I know that many people want to fight her because of what she has done to me. But I can't do it. I always think of Raim as my actual sister, I think of her as a family. Amongst all the people who walk away from me, her being away is hurting the most. I don't like it.

"You....really hate me?" I step forward before holding onto her hands tightly "Raim, I forgive you. I understand you.  Our world are always dark. That's why we understand each other the most. When I lost my father, you are the only one who stay with me. You understand me because we went through the same thing but why.....you suddenly hate me?" I raised our joined hands together to my face

"I miss you........please.....come back......to the Raim that I known"

Then, I heard a sob. I looked up to see Raim was crying as well. She pulled her hand back, hiding her face away. As if Eunhyuk understand it, he stirs the crowds away. Raim needs her own alone time.

I was about to follow Eunhyuk when Raim suddenly speaks up.

"....I am jealous of you. Unlike me, you still have mother, older brother and two little brothers that loves you the most. You always try your best and always genuine. Also, no matter what kinds of hard times you went through.....you always carry a shine with you" Raim looked at my eyes for the first time.

"But I.....I am not like you. I can't help but put up an act around people and I always envious of people. I wish everyone just dissapeared and never exist anymore. I hate everyone but.......not you. I.....don't know.....why did I act like that?......"

Raim wiped her tears off "Maybe deep down I know it. Once you found someone that better than me, you will go away as well. Just like my parents......so I hurt you so I won't be the one who get hurt later on. Y/n, honestly speaking....I am not as genuine with you. From the start, I use you as my stepping stone. To gain confident because I always thought I am better than you. Acting kind with you will make people favor me because I am kind but....you.....always by my side"

Raim's face was such a mess. Tears are all over her face and she was a sobbing mess.

"I guess....I take your kindness for granted. I'm sorry....Y/n, I hope you find a real friend that understand you and will cursed people for you"

"R-raim...... Let's be friends. I don't want anyone else. I really.....adored you. We are best friend. Please...let stay as friends...."

"Y-you.... want to be friends with me?" Raim looked as surprised as ever at that.

I nodded my head confidently "You always my best friend. You can stay and go. I always be by your side. Just right here" Raim smiled brightly the first in a while. It was genuine. The smile is a real one.

I miss that smile.

Suddenly, she turns to Eunhyuk who was watching us "You! If you hurt Y/n, I killed you" she warned him before hugged me tightly "but I am not worried. He really loves you" I hummed "About that, I know that too" she grinned "that's what I love. Thank you, Eunhyuk" she looked at him again "for being by my friend's side when I wasn't. Also Y/n, you don't have to worry. After many thoughts, I dont think I like Eunhyuk at all. I just like his short fame but that's all"

"Hey! what's short fame?" Eunhyuk rushed over, whining.

I laughed at that, the moment feel so light.

I love it.

I am glad that everything was solved peacefully.

I am glad that I dont lose anyone by my side.

Dad, I....will try to be happy....so dad too.....be happy in heaven.......

I love you, dad.

Deserve To Be In Love | Eunhyuk x female reader | True Love OperationWhere stories live. Discover now