♡ Sudden Trip

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The school holiday is approaching but I still don't have any clue about what to do yet. 

I am probably still working my part-time job while taking care of my brothers, but I have no clue any other than that. I let my head slump down on the table while continuing daydreaming when I suddenly heard my phone buzz. 

I picked up my phone before checking the texter and saw it was from Eunhyuk.

I couldn't help but feel excited about it. For some reason, after what happened the other day....it was awkward between us. Even so, Eunhyuk was still hanging out with me, so I am glad for that. I looked at the text to see what it was saying. 

"Wanna join us? We were going on a sudden trip to Rowon's vacation house. "

I replied to the text with 'Sure' and I stood up before changing my clothes. I grabbed the necessary things before heading out the door. It was such a glad that my mother was at home today, so he could i to take care of my brothers. I wore my sneakers and headed to the location sent by Eunhyuk. I was surprised that the location isn't that far from my house.

When I arrived there, I saw Eunhyuk sitting on the bench while shaking his legs. I approached him. "Is it here?" he seemed surprised at my sudden appearance, but he quickly answered the question "No it wasn't here. I....thought it would be even better if we...... went together, so.....I kind of waiting for you," he said, smiling.

I hummed and grinned back at him. "Then....let's go." We both headed to the bus stop together, waiting for the bus. It was awkward between us. The silence is too loud.

I was about to make up some random topics to talk about with him when he spoke up first.

"You doesn't have anything going on today?" He asked, glancing at me in the corner of his eyes.

"I don't. What about you?"

He shakes his head. "I don't either so... I am kind of glad that Rowon invited me out." I turned to him in surprised "he invited you? And you invited me? Is it fine?"

He nodded. "Don't worry. I already told him about it, and he was okay with it. "

"Even so....it's it kind of bothering for him to have both of us as guests?"

"It's not just us. Other people are there too. He told me he invited most people at school to join"


He looked at me as if he understood what I was going to say. "No. She wasn't going  to be there. I already asked him, and he said that Raim told him that she got other plans today. " I nodded my head before looking down on the swaying legs

The things between me and Raim were different since that day. Even though we bumped into each other at school, she would walk past me and act as if we didn't know each other.

It's kind of sad, but........I don't want to dwell on it that much.

Eunhyuk suddenly tapped on my shoulder, so I turned to look at him. He suddenly poked my cheek before moving his finger upwards. "Can you smile? For me?" He said suddenly.

It was so random, but I guess......he noticed my mood changes. He always seems to be able to pick up people's mood, so I guess it is not that shocking.

After a while, the bus finally arrived.

We got into the bus, and I looked around for the empty space. Fortunately, there's a seat for two in the middle of the bus. I glanced at Eunhyuk to see his reaction to it, but it didn't seem to bother him at all.

He looked at me, "Which seat do you want to choose?" He asked, pointing at the seats. "I liked the window seat." he nodded his head. "Okay then, you can take them." Hearing him saying that makes me feel bad.

People always said that the window seat is the best since you can watch a view while waiting for the bus to arrive. Raim always whined to me if she didn't get the window seat, so why......would he give it up without even fighting for it?

"Are you sure? It's more fun to be sitting at the window seat, though. "

"I am sure. I don't mind anywhere. As long as it next to you, " he said, turning away from me before sitting down first and grabbing my hand before pulling me along with him. I sit next to him, releasing a sigh since his attitude is really funny these days.

I don't know why, but it is kind of different than usual.

I turned to the window and I could see the view that so.....beautiful. It's always looked more romantic and beautiful when we looked at trees by the bus window like this. It's looked even more sentimental.

This is my first time being able to sit where I want, and I guess it's thanks to Eunhyuk. If it's not for him, I won't be able to watch this scenery.

I sneakily looked at him from the corner of my eyes, and my eyes immediately met him. I turned my eyes, my heart thumping. Did he catch me stealing glances? Oh my....God....this is embarrassing.

"What are you thinking about?"

I almost jumped out of my seat when I heard his voice next to my ear, so suddenly like that.

"Hey! Don't do that! I almost get a heart attack. " I scolded him, holding on to my heart, acting as if it hurt.  Eunhyuk chuckled, seeing my reaction, looking past me. "I hear that the house has pool, so did you bring any swimming equipment?" I stopped.

What? I don't know about that at all.

"You didn't tell me?!"

"Really? I thought I already did so. "

"You didn't!" I huffed, glaring at him. He let out  a chuckle. "I brought an extra shirt so you can borrow them."

"Even with one glance, you should know about the size difference,"

"But there's people that wear baggy clothes, you know." I rolled my eyes at his smart response."I will take the shirt that you love the most then." I wiggled my eyebrows, teasing him.

"I don't mind," he mumbled before leaning back against his chair.

"I will take a quick sleep," he told and closed his eyes while crossing his arm.

I couldn't help but smile at the sight. It was cute how he always felt comfortable around me. I mean.......I am glad that he thinks of me as someone he can find himself getting comfortable with.

I am fine with being close friends.

"I will wake you when we arrived" I turned my head to the window, taking a deep breath.

This much is enough for me.


Raim takes off her beach hat before putting down along with the rest of her stuff at one of the empty rooms.

She was about to leave the room when she heard someone mention Eunhyuk's name, so she stopped herself from listening to their conversation.

"Where is Eunhyuk?" Someone asked. The other one looked at his watch wrist. "I think he is coming soon." Rowon, who was fiddling with his phone since earlier, looked up. "He told me that he is coming with Y/n."

"WHAT?!" Raim comes out, looking at them with wide eyes.

Rowon chuckles, seeing her reaction. "Why? Jealous? I told you Eunhyuk looked so suspicious with that girl. " Raim glared at him. "Are they dating?" Junho asked, getting curious himself.

"They might be. Eunhyuk is not really the type to bring people along, you know. " Rowon glanced at Raim before speaking up."I told him that you aren't coming, so that's why he even comes here. I guess you should suck it up" Rowon laughed, ignoring the looks that he was getting from Raim.

Raim gritted her teeth, walking away from Rowon.

How dare she?!

-T B C-

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