♡ Be Here

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The day of our visit to my father's grave is finally here, and I am a nervous wreck. I do not believe that my mother will forget, but I am still worried that she might. This is a significant change for her. Lately, I have not seen her with an alcoholic beverage in her hand, and she does not seem to become angry as quickly as before. I hope these positive changes continue.

My mother has been staying in her room for the most part since she got back from work a few days ago. I haven't had a chance to talk to her since then, but I'm glad that she's healthy. My little brother, Haru, told me that she sometimes comes out of her room to eat the meals I cook for her. 

I was almost giving up when I heard footsteps from the stairs. I looked up, hoping to see my mom and there she was. She looked more dressing up than usual and she had a smile on. It's felt awkward but I get this warm feeling inside. I am sure that my life is turning for the better and I am so thankful for that. 

"Should we get going?" I hummed, calling my brothers out and soon they came down running. My mom scolded them for that but it's not that harsh. I couldn't help but smile at that. 

We hatch on a taxi and soon, we arrives at the location.

I was about to take out my wallet to pay for the ride when my mom hold out money instead. I was flabbergasted at that since she never really did this before after dad passed away. I closed the door behind me and I stopped her.

"Thanks,  mom" she chuckles, "Why would you say that? It's my task so don't mind it that much" she said making me grinned even more. I nodded my head and was about to walk away when this time, she stopped me instead. 

"Y/n, thank you for everything that you did.....I always want to say that to you but I guess its just...doesn't come out...." I smiles "It's okay mom. I did it for you so I don't it at all" 

She smiles "you are the best daughter I could ever ask for. Thank you so much for being here. I am sorry that I don't apppreciate you more before and thank you for never hate on me" she step forward before pulling me into a hug "I love you so much" 

I closed my eyes, feeling the warmth "I love you too, mom"

"Sis!! Come on! It's so hot right now" Han shouts, getting impatient. I chuckled, "Okay, okay! We are coming!" I was taking my first step forward but once again, I was disturbed.

My phone are ringing out of sudden. 

I take it out and saw the id caller so I answer them with a big grin. 


??: where are you right now?

Y/n: I'm with my family right now. Why?

??: You are not at home?

Y/n: Hmm yeah, why? Is there something matter?

??: Oh its nothing. I just want to meet you so I came to your neighborhood

Y/n: Eunhyuk-ah! I told you  to tell me if you are coming right? Now I feel bad since you came all the way for me

Eun: It's okay. I can wait. I will meet you up at the usual place?

Suddenly, my mom called my name so I looked at her to see she is smiling once again 

"You can bring him here. I want to meet him too. The guy that always with you" Did mom notice it? AHHHHHHHH it's so embarassing...... 

"Are you for real?" she nodded, "go ahead, tell him"

I cleared my throat, before back to talking to Eunhyuk.

Y/n: Do you want to come?

Eun: To where? with your family?

Y/n: Yeah, my mom want to meet you

Deserve To Be In Love | Eunhyuk x female reader | True Love OperationWhere stories live. Discover now