♡ Darkness Behind The Brightness

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The hand that I have been holding on my hand since before.

The hand that somehow gives me comfort.

A hand that scared me the most.

Not even once did Eunhyuk let go of the hand that had been holding mine. Everyone we walked past would stare at it so it makes me conscious. I know how unpleasant it is to be seen with someone like me. Then, I would try to pull my hand away but Eunhyuk held it even tighter. His grasp is firm but gentle enough not to leave any mark on my skin. 

For some time now, we have been walking past every kind of building and shop until we arrived at the beach. I could hear the sound of waves hitting the land. The scenery isn't disappointing either. I couldn't help but brighten at the sight. 

"Why are we here?" I asked Eunhyuk who had been silent since before. 

"Isn't it comforting?" he asked, glancing at me before back to staring into the water.

"It is, I admit" I smile, feeling the breeze. I looked down at the connected hands before feeling a bit bashful about it. I know Eunhyuk did it to comfort me but this is very embarrassing. 

"I think you could let my hand go now," I said with a teasing tone, hoping that it wouldn't feel as if I hated it. 

Eunhyuk shook his head, turning to face me "I don't want to let it go though. Is it uncomfortable for you?" I shake my head immediately "No way! I said that because I think people will misunderstand, you know" he stares at me for a second before bursting into laughter.

He caught his breath and scoffed "Why would we mind what people say?" he said, holding my hand even tighter. His words trying their best to process in my head. Has Eunhyuk always been like this?  Should I tell Raim about this? She can flirt with him like this. 

"Have you always been like this?" He looked at me, head tilted to the side "What?"

"Like skinship like this? I mean since before you keep on doing it like hugs and holding hands like this so I assumed you love it" 

".......d-did I?" He avoided my eyes and I saw his ears turning red at my teasing. I chuckled a bit, squeezing his hand "It's okay. I get it. I mean I have a female friend just like you before so it doesn't bother me" 

Eunhyuk clears his throat, gaining his composure again.

"I bring you here because I want to show you this place. I always hang out here after school if...I didn't want to come home" he said, sitting down before pulling me along with him. Sitting next to him like this makes my heart thump yet again. This is getting ridiculous. 

"Not that many people come here since there's another beach around and they have a lot more attractions there so people rarely come here" he brought me here to show me this. I dont even know this place existed. I am so glad that he did. 

"Thank you" I mumbled and when he heard it, he smiled. 

"This is our secret place okay?" I hummed, nodding at his words. "Come here when you feel lonely or something bothering you. I will come to your side then" 


Please be quiet. 

I beg you.

I gulped, faking a grin "Yeah thanks" 

I looked down at the intertwined hands. When will he realize I am not fun to be around?

"AH! I forget. You say that you hate dark right?" Eunhyuk stood up and rushed over to somewhere before coming back while holding a flashlight. He lifts it, waving it to show it to me. 

"This is the flashlight that I usually use so now you can use it too" he turned it on "You can't see it now since it is bright but this flashlight has bright light so it won't be that dark" he turned it off again, putting it in between of us.

My hands felt cold when he let it go earlier. I...wish he held it again...

"I will put it at the entrance, okay?" I hummed, keeping it a note in my head. 

Eunhyuk took a deep breath before speaking up again "I am somehow able to know something about you so I will tell you about me too. I want to hide it but I dont mind if it's you" I turned my head in his direction, surprised at his decision. 

"My parents are still together but they fight almost every day. They still lived together but my dad isn't always home. They still shared the same bedroom but they never spoke to each other" He started it. 

"My dad has a girlfriend so he would bring it home and get into fights with my mom. They usually just harsh words but never really get abusive. Until one day, my mom couldn't hold back anymore so she exploded. I always have been fond of my mom because even if my dad wasn't there, she was"


"When my dad got angry,  he threw stuff at my mom and at that time, it was a vase. So I had to intervene. Then, the vase hit me instead. It causes my ear to bleed so much since it hits my ear directly. Since that day, I lost my hearing in my left ear. I dont regret doing it at all since it was to protect my mom but I regret that I don't get to say something to my dad" his opening up makes me feel happy since it means he trusts me. 

"That's my life story. Not so lucky right?" he chuckled, looking down "So I hope you won't blame yourself or tell yourself how unlucky you are. Or how imperfect you are. I dont think there's anyone out there that perfect head to toe. It's just people dont tell people about their sadness. They dont tell people about their weaknesses" Somehow he already watching me with a soft smile on his face "I'm not that great of a friend but I will be listening, okay?"

I giggled watching how serious he was but I still felt thankful that he did so. 

"Thank you" he hummed 

"You're welcome"


How can I hide it? The heart that thumps every time he does something like this? The greediness that I felt?

I am just a side character that supposed to bring two people together.

Not wanting to be the leads.

I bit my inner lips, hiding the frown.

-T B C-

This is just a short break guys~~~ sorry for not uploading for so long and this chapter is too short for it. 

Thank you for the support~ Feel free to leave me a comment and vote. Hehehehehe

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