♡ Taking Care

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"Let's check that out" Raim pulled Minsu's sleeve and dragged him to the cotton candy shop. 

As we arrived there, the shop owner greeted us and asked what we wanted to eat. There are a lot of shapes and flavors of cotton candy there. "What did you guys want to have?" she asked, looking at Eunhyuk and Minsu. 

"I want to have grape flavor one in whatever shape" Minsu answered so Raim turned to face Eunhyuk instead "What about you?" 

Eunhyuk takes a look at the menu board "I don't eat cotton candy. Too sweet" he said, answering the question. Raim hummed, taking a look at the menu before ordering her's. I walked up to the counter and pointed at the special shape they had for the day. The shop owner grinned happily seeing that I chose that so she went on 2 minute long explanation about the shape which was so funny to me. It's interesting to know there is a story in everything. 

"I forget to say. Please make this girl 3 cotton candies. She loves eating, you know" Raim suddenly added, grinning with her hand on my shoulder. 

"n-no, it's okay. O-" she cut me off "Don't be shy~ no one will judge you for eating that much cotton candy. They will understand it, trust me," she said, smiling kindly at the shop owner. Once again, Eunhyuk steps in, standing next to me "Just make it one, please" he said, looking down at Raim coldly "What are you? her mother?" Eunhyuk looked back at me, letting out a sigh before continuing to stand next to me. Soon enough, he handed us the cotton candy and we walked out of the shop together before Eunhyuk grabbed a hold of my hand.

"You two go ahead. We will go on our ways" he said and dragged me along with him as we separated from Minsu and Raim. 

"Wait, Eunhyuk! you should go with Raim. Not me!" I protested, knowing that was what Rami planned. "It's okay, I can go alone," I said again but Eunhyuk didn't let go at all. His grab became even more secure until we arrived at the bench under the big tree. The tree was beautiful with a lot of flowers around us. There, Eunhyuk finally let go and let out the biggest sigh. 

"You, are you stupid?" he asked, turning to face me. In his face, I can see him getting annoyed by something "What? Why?" I asked back, confused as to why would he say that to me randomly. "Why can't you speak up to Raim? Are you just going to let her decide everything for you?" 

"Why would I say anything about it? Isn't it true right?"

".....the whole time, she has been mocking you. Aren't you angry?"

".....you don't know," I said clenched my fist and turned around, feeling tired out of sudden. 

If it's not for Raim, no one will know me. They would never approach me to talk nor they will get interested in asking. 

Even if I complain about anything, will they believe me? I am just a poor kid who was riding on Raim's popularity.

Someone suddenly grabbed my wrist, stopping me from walking away. They spun me and I faced Eunhyuk who had been staring at me. Soon enough, I found myself in his embracement.  The hold is so tender that I am feeling sleepy.

"You can cry" he mumbled, caressing my hair. 

This shouldn't happen.

Then, I heard people whispering around me.

"Look at that boy and the girl. Look at how different they are. What kind of deeds did that girl do in her past life that she got a boyfriend like that?"

I pushed Eunhyuk and bowed my head before running away from him.  Those words. I hoped Eunhyuk wouldn't hear it What if he got disgusted by it? what if he stops talking to me? just like Minhyuk? please.........

Deserve To Be In Love | Eunhyuk x female reader | True Love OperationWhere stories live. Discover now