♡ Darkness Is My Enemy

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The door busted making me flinched in place as I was in total shock. 

It was panting Eunhyuk, looking at me straight in the eyes almost immediately. He scanned me from head to toe, making sure of something. Seeing him doing it making me realize that I still had tears on my cheek from earlier so I quickly wiped it down with my shirt's sleeve. I turned around and wiped them again before flashed a big smile towards Eunhyuk. 

"What are you doing in girls bathroom?" I asked, getting curious. 

Suddenly, I was embraced with a very comforting warmth. His hand caressed my hair gently as soothing as possible. 

"It's okay to cry" he mumbled, still caressing my hair gently. That action make something tugged on my heart and before I even realized it, I already had tears pouring down my eyes. His hand hasn't stopped nor his words. 

The heavy feelings that I had been shouldering is pouring out before I even able to stop it. Soon enough, I was sobbing harder than ever, wetting his shirt even more. 

"I think you should get out now" I muttered, slowly pushing him away, wiping away my tears again. "This is a girl's bathroom so....." I coughed, feeling embarrassed. Eunhyuk nodded, headed out as suggested so I followed him out. I was about to headed back to class when he grabbed my wrist "I am sorry but can you accompany me to somewhere?" he asked, smiling. I nodded, confused but still followed him. 

Soon enough, we arrived at the rooftop we first meet before. He take a seat at the bench, nearby before patting at the empty spot next to him. I sat down, taking a deep breath, feeling the breezy wind hitting my face and hair. 

"Y/n" he called me, glancing to his side, 

"I don't think we learn about each other that much yet so..... what if we play interview game?" he suddenly suggested.

"Huh? what game is it?"

"You can ask me a question and I will answer. We will take turns for it and we have to be completely honest. If you lie then, the liar have to get flick. How about that?" 

"Okay" I answered, getting excited at the random suggestion. 

"Who should go first?" he asked, still gazing with a gentle look on. 

"I will go first!" I have to think hard about this. This is rare chance to get. I can get to know him and tell Raim-......about it.....

I felt my heart ache at the thought but I quickly shake them off. 

"is there anyone in school you interested in?" 

".......you mean crush? one sided love?"

"Anything is fine. So did you have one?"

He shook his head, shrugging "I don't think so. I don't have one at the moment" 

"Why?" that's so weird. Why wouldn't he have one? Isn't it just normal to have crush on someone? Even I used to had one.

"Is that problem? I mean we still in high school so I still had time for that" hearing his logic did make sense so I don't press on it that much. 

"Your turn"

"......what did you scared of?"

I looked at him, surprised at the question. That's so random. 

"I am scared of the dark. Its not the ghost aspect of it though"

"Then? why did you scare of it?"

"......its so lonely, you know. I mean, I am not sure why I felt that way about the dark but I did felt it"

"You scared of it?" I hummed, nodding to his words "There's other aspect of it too but I am not sure how to brought it up" I am so honest about it now.  I don't know why I even told him about this. How it's turn to something so serious right now. 

"I hate noisy place" Eunhyuk suddenly said, looking up on the sky. "I hate them because they reminded me so much of my noisy parents" I turned to face him when he said that "huh?" He chuckled "its so absurd right? I hate it though"

"...then I hate dark because my father passed away in the dark. He had stroke which no one knows. We just found him already passed away on the bed, alone, in the dark" somehow, its just come out. Hearing Eunhyuk opening up about one of his fear make me want to open up too. He faced me, staring for a few minutes before opening up. 

"Did the dark remind you of that time?" 

I hummed, smiling "its also remind me how lonely my dad must have felt that day. He must want us to be by his side right? when he is struggling with life" tears pouring out again. But this time, before he even reach out, I stopped him.

"I am fine. Sorry for causing you so much inconvenience since before" I apologised. feeling bad to make him listen to my rant. 

"I hope you forget about this talk. Sorry" I stand up, rushed out before hearing anymore from him. 

I am causing trouble to yet another person. Will he end up like Minhyuk?

I hate it. 

Tears couldn't stopped anymore. 

I take his kindness for granted again.

I'm sorry, Go Eunhyuk


He watched as she ran out the rooftop yet again. 

This is something he have realized since before. She always evade depending on someone and telling people about herself. Almost like she felt like she was worthless. 

As if she was being nuisance to everyone.

Eunhyuk let out a sigh. 

"Why did she always act like that?" 

'and make me worried like this'

Eunhyuk once again looked up "I wish for a day that you will opened up to me" he mumbled under his breath, closing his eyes, letting the sunlight hitting his face. 

When he saw y/n cried at the bathroom, he acted out of his instinct. Before he realized it, he already hugging her and he know that he hate seeing those tears wetting her cheeks like that. He hate seeing the bright smile that he always saw on her disappearing, fading like that. 

And also just now, when she told him about her father, Eunhyuk badly want to hold her and say that he will be there for her. He want to caress her hair and wish her for the best. To wipe the tears away. To put a smile on her face. 

"why am I acting like this?" he shake his head, closing his eyes once again.

Trying his best to think about something else instead. 


Before I even realized it, I was at the park where dad used to bring my little brothers and me playing. I saw a memory of us playing as a family together at the swing. Its made choked up again. 

"Appa~~" I heard a kid calling his father. Then his father ran to him, hugging and telling him that he was the best. 

"Y/n, appa love you so much okay? so shine as much as you can. Have the wings to brag to everyone. Spread those wings and show them off okay? Be proud of them, just like I did"

his warm hand, caressing the crown of my head before pressing a tender kiss on my forehead.


"Appa.......I miss you"

-T B C-

Deserve To Be In Love | Eunhyuk x female reader | True Love OperationWhere stories live. Discover now