♡ The Banter Between Us

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Eunhyuk was still deep in thought when a ring was heard.

He took out his phone to check the dialer and noticed it was from Minsu. Eunhyuk couldn't help but glance at Su-ae who was cozying behind. He is wondering if he should tell her that Minsu called him or not. He knows that Su-ae said she doesn't care about Minsu anymore but still, he is worried.

"Minsu called you?" Su-ae said it first as she noticed the hesitation in Eunhyuk's eyes. Feeling glad that he didn't have to bring it up first, Eunhyuk nodded.

"Then, just answer it" Eunhyuk finally clicked on the green sign before putting the phone next to his ear.


"Let's go to the beach!"

"Huh? Why? It's too hot"

"That's why we should hang out at the beach. Summer is all about the sea, man"

Eunhyuk let out an audible sigh "And why should I come too?"

He hates it when Minsu invites him just as he wishes like this. Even if they are friends, he shouldn't have dragged him to do things he likes.

"Raim is inviting Y/n too! So you should distract her away from us. Let me and Raim have our own time"

"Y/n is going too?!"

"Yeah, why? Are you coming or not?"

"I am coming!!!"

Eunhyuk packed his stuff "I will get going first" Su-ae hummed, doesn't look at him as she stayed there, sleeping. Eunhyuk rushed, wearing his slipper, and ran to the place where Minsu sent the location to him.


This is a bit weird.

I thought she was mad at me. Even so, I still packed my stuff before leaving the house after locking the door. I walked to the hallway that was the closest to the beach that Raim shared with me in the message. On my way there, I saw a familiar figure so I approached her, a bit hesitant. Raim who notices me rolling her eyes, swipes her hair back "This is because MInsu told me to so don't think I forgive you yet" She stomped her feet as she walked ahead.

I tagged along with her while leaving a gap between us, knowing that she was still pissed off at me.

Finally, we arrived at the location.

When we arrived there, I could see Minsu and the other guys already there. There are also a few girls so it's not only us. Everyone was wearing their beach outfit so I also did. It's a pretty common one but it's great to me. I don't like getting attention because of the way I wear clothes.

"Raim!!!!!!" Hwayun ran to Raim before hugging her "So nice to have you here~" she said, clinging to her arm before tugging her along, leaving me. I smiled, approaching the rest. Everyone that was there looked at Raim's clothes before complimenting her. The boys sound so excited that the girls are teasing them for it.

"What a pervy~," Hwayun said as one of the boys shook his head "It's not an uncommon problem, you know. You guys also like good-looking guys right" The girls laughed, agreeing at what he said.

It's.........a bit lonely... I feel left out. I feel like an outsider here. Why did I even agree to be here? It's not like this is the first time this has happened. I don't have what they have and nothing about me is exciting to anyone. I don't even have talents that are remarkable enough for them to remember my existence.

Minsu handed a popsicle to Raim "We saved it for you" he said smiling as Raim took it and said thanks to him.

Raim who seems to notice it looks at me before back at Minsu "What about Y/n?"

Deserve To Be In Love | Eunhyuk x female reader | True Love OperationWhere stories live. Discover now