♡ Rainbow

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The sound of television was heard through my room. 

I sighed, closing the book before standing up, to check who it was. Then, I saw my mother chugging down beer again. I come closer, intruding on her line of sight "Mom, didn't the doctor tell you not to drink as much beer anymore?" she looked at me, rolling her eyes "Just get back to your room, don't disturb me!" she yelled, throwing the empty can at me.

It hit my lips directly and I could taste blood on my lips. 

Her eyes opened wide open, regret flashed in her eyes before she stood up and walked away.

I take out my handkerchief which I always carry, wiping it away. 

It's sting. I crouched, picked up every can she left, and cleaned the living room. After cleaning, I went back to my room. As soon as I walked into the room, I saw my reflection in the mirror. My lips are still bleeding. It has a cut scar on it. I went back to my desk, picking up where I left it. The book that I leave open felt cold to the touch. I picked up my pen and started the study session. 

-Next day-

I lifted my bag, hanging it on my shoulder before walking to the mirror to see my lips were slightly bruised. You can see the cut too. I headed out of the house and straight to the school, through the same route I took almost daily. 

As I arrived, I saw other students rushing to their friends' groups and a few were alone. Not wanting to get left behind, I head to the class. As soon as I arrived, I saw Raim talking with other classmates since she didn't even call out for me, I headed to my desk and sat by myself to be preoccupied. Then suddenly, I could feel someone putting their hand on my shoulder. I raised my head to meet eyes with Raim who already noticed my presence. She pouted, sitting in front of me.

"I felt so upset, y/n"

"Why?" I asked her out of concern.

"Su-Ae has been hanging out with Eunhyuk. Now few students say that they suit each other" She grabbed my hand, looking into my eyes "I know that I can't be compared with Su-Ae since she is naturally pretty and Eunhyuk is good-looking. I stand no chance" she said again.

Eunhyuk and Su-ae? I never really asked about their relationship with each other, huh?

Just then, one of the girls called for Raim so she walked away. I looked down at my phone, scrolling past the post, forgetting about this.


Eunhyuk was pretty much in his head when someone jumped at him. He flinched, surprised at the sudden jump, turning around to see Su-ae. She sat next to him, looking at him carefully "Just wait a minute" she scanned him from head to toe. 

"Did you like someone?" she asked suddenly. 

Without realizing it, Eunhyuk immediately looked at her with wide eyes. His ear turned red at the question before he quickly shook his head "N-no!" he said, turning the music off. Su-ae rolled her eyes "You can lie to other people but not me. Also, I have noticed that you are always with y/n nowadays. What with you two?" she asked, poking at Eunhyuk's shoulder with a teasing grin.

Eunhyuk slapped the hand away, leaning against the back of the chair "There's nothing" he said, looking out of the window. 

"It's y/n!" Su-ae suddenly pointed out of the door and Eunhyuk immediately turned his head, looking in the direction making Su-ae burst into laughter. "There's nothing?? You sure seem fast when it comes to her" Eunhyuk glared at her "Can you stop? I told you that there's nothing between us. She's just my...friend" he said, denying it again. 

"If the two of you are friends then what about me? you don't even care about me, at all"

"Take it or leave it," he said shortly, looking out the window while asking himself why he did that. 


The bell rang signaling that it was already break time. Raim and the others had already gone to the cafeteria while some were doing self-study sessions. I take out my packed bread from home and eat it there. There's no rule that we can't eat in class so I can do that.

Just then, my phone buzzed. 

I looked at the notification and saw it was a message from Eunhyuk. I read the message and it seemed that he asked me to head to the rooftop. I packed my bread and headed to where Eunhyuk's at.

As I arrived there, I saw Eunhyuk by himself. I approached closer with a small smile "Hey?" 

He turned around, looked at me, and turned away "Come, sit down" he invited, making space next to him. I took the seat next to him and unpacked my bread "It was nothing but do you want to have a taste?" I hold out the bread at him.

He stared at the bread, specifically the part that I had already bitten, making me realize. 

"Ah!" I take the bread away "Sorry, I don't think that we will eat together so I eat first and offer you the eaten one" My ears turned red at the embarrassing moment.

Suddenly, he grabbed my hand, stopping me "Wait" he said, bringing my hand closer to his mouth before biting the other side of the sandwich "Don't get me wrong. It's not because I found it disgusting but it....b-because...." his voice trails off "Anyways, don't get it wrong, okay" 

I saw his ears turning red again. 

Without realizing it, I reached out covering his ear with my hands "It's warm"

We stared into each other eyes for the moment when it felt like everything had stopped. The only thing heard was the sound of a heartbeat that I have no idea coming from whom. His eyes trailed down and something made him break him from the trance.

"What's happened to your lips?" 

I subconsciously touched the cut before wincing at the sting "It's nothing" I shook it off. 

"How it's happened? It must be hurt" his hand hovering at the cut, he seems to hesitate to touch it or not. I gulped, looking at his neck instead of his eyes "It's just happened, trust me" I mumbled but loud enough for him to hear it. 

He sighed, pressing his thumb on the cut so slightly that it didn't hurt at all "I hope it cures soon" I hummed, chuckling at his words "Thank you"  

Eunhyuk pulled away. 

"The skies look so pretty," I said when I stared up at the sky. He hummed, agreeing with me "It would be even better with a rainbow" I nodded agreeing with what he said. "Rainbow existed after rain right?" 

"It depends"

"I like how rain sounds so depressing but at the same time, after that rainbow shows up as if it's telling us to feel better after the sadness. I liked the concept of that" He smiled "That sounds so like you" I turned, looking at him "What? Why?" he chuckled, looking at me again.

"That's my secret so no telling" I looked at him exasperated before laughing it out. 

"I will let my imagination tell me then"

"What is it telling you?"

"It's a secret so no telling" I mocked him making him laugh at it. 

"We sound so childish just now," I said, feeling good about everything. 

"It's okay. It's just us" I nodded, agreeing with that "I am so happy~" I sang it.

Eunhyuk just chuckled listening to it attentively. 

I want this to continue forever. How easy weight everything is. I liked it so much. I like this. 

Thank you, Go Eunhyuk.

Deserve To Be In Love | Eunhyuk x female reader | True Love OperationWhere stories live. Discover now