♡ Comforting Presence

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I was entranced by his earnest gaze. 

For some reason, it is giving me the comfort I need the most. I don't get why this feeling coming from Eunhyuk.

"W-why......did you treat me so kindly?" tears were shielding my eyes so it was blurry. I couldn't even the expression that Eunhyuk had on his face. 

"I....am just fine by myself" I sob, releasing the emotions bottling inside me the whole time. I grabbed my shirt, feeling the emotion too much "Why did you have to exist in my life and make me feel like this" My hand that Eunhyuk held was held even tighter. Eunhyuk pulled me in to engulf me in a hug, wrapping me in the warmth "I am scared....... what if you....get sick of me? What if you just disappear.....I am...going to be lonely" words coming out my mouth without me even realizing. I am scared that I am going to get so comfortable like this and end up dependent on him so much...

"Y/n, I can't promise you what's going to be in the future but trust me. I feel the same thing. I am also worried if I end up pushing you too much that it's traumatized you. I am scared that I am too late to come by your side when you need me the most just like earlier. How I wish I was next to you the whole time so you don't have to deal with them by yourself. How I wish to have some of the pain that you have" his hand caressed my hair "There's something I've been hiding from you but I won't tell you right now. When I actually told you about it, I wish you knew why I never got bored and hated you. Why I want to be the person you lean on and why I want to protect you"

Something to tell me? 

"T-then......I am your left ear?' Eunhyuk chuckled hearing that but he hummed as a sign of agreeing "You are hired" I couldn't help but giggle at that. I pulled away from him before settling next to him properly "How did you know I am here?"

"Isn't this our secret place?" I glanced at him, seeing him already looking at me "You are smart, huh" Eunhyuk rolled his eyes "Did you just notice it? In school, I am not doing so bad" I hummed, looking out at the sea "Did you have fun playing in the water earlier?" Eunhyuk makes a thinking noise "Not really. Minsu kept on doing whatever he wanted so I got bored in the middle of it" Eunhyuk said before brushing his almost dried t-shirt.

"Did you make up your mind? Want to try dipping feet in the water?" Eunhyuk asked, holding his hand out "I am here so nothing will happen to you" I looked up at him as he was already standing up against the sunlight "I promise you" 

It's not bad. I am with Eunhyuk. I can trust him. 

I put my hand on top of his hold-out hand "Let's go" Eunhyuk smiles, pulling me up with his strength. I almost crashed into him but luckily I got a hold of myself so I didn't. Eunhyuk pulled me along with him to shallow water. He hasn't let go of me at all. As if it was the most natural thing ever for us, it doesn't feel awkward at all. 

We dipped our feet into the water as the waves kept sending water to us, hitting our feet. 

"Should we talk about ourselves? I don't think I know a lot about you yet" Eunhyuk said suddenly, "You are my left ear but I didn't even know you that well" I chuckled at that "I am the second oldest in my family but the only girl among my siblings" I told him the basic information about me first. 

"I bet it is a bit chaotic, right?" I nodded "It is but it's fun. I have two younger brothers and they are cute. They are very energetic but they listen to people well" Eunhyuk listened to it attentively "I would like to meet them in the future. I wonder how it feels to have siblings since I am an only child" I bet my brothers will like it so much. 

"You are an only child?" He hummed "Didn't I look like one?" I chuckled "You did look like one but still who knows? Is it lonely?" Without even thinking about it, Eunhyuk answered "Yes it is" he glanced at me "Since my parents are barely at home, it feels even more but I am used to it" 

"So what do you do when you are lonely?" 

"Hmmm.....I just listen to music or play piano since it's the only thing at my house"

"You can play piano?!"

He hummed, "My mom has taught me since I was in kindergarten so I'm pretty good at it" I turned my body to face him "That's so cool! I always saw people play them in movies and they looked very cool doing it" Eunhyuk looked stunned for a bit before he burst into laughter "There's a piano in our music room at school. It's not something that deserves this kind of reaction" as he said that, I nudged his side feeling annoyed as he said that.

"The teacher that teaches music has never even touched that piano. So I don't have the experience of someone playing it yet" Eunhyuk came closer to me all of a sudden "Then, I will show you next time" I nodded, excited at his declaration. 

"I will wait for that day to come" 

Eunhyuk reached out before cupping my face and caressing my cheeks "It's a promise" I hummed "Why did you keep doing this? Am I your puppy?" I asked as I realized that he kept doing this a lot. It's too much skinship to me. 

"Puppy? You are not my puppy" 

"Then, why do you keep doing skinship like this? Do you like it?" Eunhyuk meets my eyes "I don't know. It just happens subconsciously"

I lunged forward so we both flopped down on the sandy ground before I ruffled his hair "This is a payback!!!!" I cheered, being able to do what he kept on doing to me. This is my payback. I felt like a dog when he did it. I mean it makes me flutter too but there's no way I will tell him about it. 

Now he will understand what I had been feeling when he did it to me. 

For the first time, I looked at him and saw his whole face turn red. I was wondering why he was so flushed when the realization hit me so hard that I tumbled back.  When we were falling because I lunged at him, I was on top of him the whole time. I didn't even realize it since my goal was to get back at him. 

"I am sorry!!" I bowed down at him "I really don't realize it! So sorry!!"

"N-no, it's okay" Eunhyuk sat up again, letting out a breath "You just surprised me" I rubbed my neck, looking down at the sand "What am I thinking when I push you like that? Is there anywhere injured?" I looked at him to see him still flushed red.

"Eunhyuk, are you okay? Why your face is red?"  I approached him, getting worried about him. He didn't get sick right?

I sat in front of him, inspecting him who was avoiding my eyes. I was about to reach forward when he grabbed a hold of my hand, pulling me to him. "Your ears are so red" I pointed out before my eyes went to his cheeks "Your cheeks too" 

Then suddenly, he pressed his hand on my lips stopping me from talking.

He leaned forward so his lips pressed against his hand "Don't make me more embarrassed than I already am. I felt like exploding...."

....without his hand........we.....it's might....touch...........

Eunhyuk closed his eyes, breathing and it was so clear to me since we were so close. Too close to each other. 

My heart is trembling, my fingers are tingling. 

I like him.....what to do?


Eunhyuk take a deep breath. 

I like her......what should I do?

-T B C-

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