♡ Friends?

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"Why would you think that far?" he asked, looking at me confused. I just awkwardly smile before averting my gaze "nothing. I just say so without thinking" I brushed off the dust off my uniform before walked past him to head back down. 

"Do you want some of this?" Eunhyuk said again, stopping me in my tracks. "I dont think food is still available now" he added, walking over to the bench and show me his lunchbox. "I dont cook it myself. Someone give it to me but I already full so?" he pointed the lunch over to me. 

"What is it?" 

"Some omelette and kimbap"

I turned around and walked to him before grabbing the lunchbox "this looks so good" the lunchbox was decorate so nicely. It seems like the person does this wholeheartedly. I felt bad taking the food but I am hungry. "Are you sure?" I asked him for confirmation and he nodded once again.

I picked up one of the kimbap and put it in my mouth. 

"Wow!" my mouth hang open, shock at how delicious this is. Just then, I heard Eunhyuk burst into laughter. He hold his stomach while laughing. 


"You look so funny enjoying the food like that"

"...ah-ah......sorry.....I bet you dont see any girls eating like this right?"

"Yeah so it refreshing" he added, sitting down "don't take me wrong, okay. I found your behavior refreshing and cute so don't felt down" he suddenly said.

H-how did he knows?

"Your face show everything. I am surprised you even think no one knows your emotions" he said again, turning around with a soft smile on his face. Watching that smile caused something to me. Its make my heart start to thump fast. 

I clenched my fist. 

Y/n , Raim loves Eunhyuk.

I repeated them in my head. This is why people shouldnt be kind to others. They might misunderstand that kind gesture and took it for something else.  My heart aches thinking about how pathetic I am for even thinking this. He is just a random guy who somehow help me and offer me some food and now I am thinking that I might fall for him.

My feelings are so cheap.

"I-i forget that I have something to do so bye~" I try my best to say it cheerfully like I always does. 

I turned around and was about to walk away when he called me out "I am Eunhyuk. Go Eunhyuk. What about you?"

"........Kang y/n" I said, walking away just like I had planned. I shouldn't have bumped into him anymore. I dont want this ridiculous emotion grow even further than now.  This is so pathetic. I dont like him.

I keep on mumbling it under my breath before walked into the class. I sat down at my seat and takes out my sketching book. I began to sketch some guys in my imagination, hoping that I forget about that smile.

One by one people starts coming in and just like earlier, the class started.


The weekend came faster than I expected. I let out a big yawn, stretching on my bed. My phone buzz and when I check it, it seems it coming from Dohwa. He told me that my shift is at night so I just say 'okay'.

I went downstairs and cooked breakfast for my family. When I done, I looked inside the fridge to check what is it that we ran out of. The fridge was full of beer cans and soju. I guess Mum bought all of these. Just then, someone came downstairs.

Deserve To Be In Love | Eunhyuk x female reader | True Love OperationWhere stories live. Discover now