♡ Only One

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I don't realize that it is going to be my turn soon. 

I let out a sigh, slumping against the wall as I waited for everyone to leave the classroom so that I could start cleaning tasks. Raim and the rest stopped before me "Today is your turn right?" she asked, patting my shoulder "Poor you. It's okay, y/n. I will tell the teacher about it later, okay?" she pinched my cheek and walked out while waving goodbye. 

I am honestly speaking, it's getting boring. I don't want to deal with that now.

I went to the locker and grabbed the broomstick. I picked it up before starting to clean the classroom. I move every chair out of my way and brush every corner of the classroom. 


I turned, looking at the door to see Eunhyuk standing in the doorway. He looked around the class before approaching me. "Why are you alone?" he asked, checking the wall clock to check the time. "Are you on cleaning duty?" I nodded as my answer before putting the chairs back in place. 

"And why are you here?" I asked him back, unsure of the reason for him being here. "Minu told me to pick up something so I walked past this class and I accidentally saw you by yourself. I just dropped by because I am curious why are you alone" said Eunhyuk who had earphones in one of his ears.

"Ah.....okay then" I went back to cleaning duty, brushing the floor earnestly 

"Want my help?" he asked, offering help.

"No need. I mean this is my task so asking someone for help for it doesn't sound right" I politely reject his offer. I mean, I appreciate it but I don't think he should help me. "Why not? It's not like anyone here so they wouldn't know" Eunhyuk stubbornly went to the locker and started to grab the window brush. Then, he walked over to the window and used it on them. Watching him stubbornly do things even when I refuse him puts a smile on my face. 

Who would have guessed that Eunhyuk had this side of him? 

"My face would have a hole by now if you keep on staring like that," he said, chuckling. I turned around, shaking my head at his teasing "Don't be so full of yourself okay" 

"I am just stating a fact here, okay" 

"That's so untrue"

Eunhyuk scoffed and continued on his task. "What is your favorite song?" being here alone with him does make things awkward so I thought maybe I should have talked to him first. He stopped his doing first, glancing at me "I don't have a favorite" he said, after a few minutes of silence. "Did you just enjoy music overall?" he hummed, "yeah. what about you?" 

"I like rnb but I like overall too. If I hear something and it sounds good in my ear, then it will be my favorite" From here, I could only see his back since he was facing me. 

"I see......I have something I am curious about. Can I ask?" he asked, turning around to face me this time "Why did you do this alone?" he asked, looking into my eyes as if he wanted to hear the answer so much. 

"...because my class has an odd number of students so it's pretty normal for us to have one extra if we partner up" I answered, putting down my broom and going to my class front to check each table's arrangement. "...and you always alone?" I shake my head "No I am not. It is just this time" I lied.

It's embarrassing to tell him the truth. It's just so pathetic. 

"Then, why didn't you be with Raim?" he asked again.

"It's not like I am her only friend. Unlike me, she had a lot of friends that she needed to pay attention to so it was hard for her if she needed to take care of everyone around her" Saying those words made my heart ache a bit but I shouldn't be bothered. This is just normal for anyone. I can't be the special one every day. 

"I don't know if you are just plain stupid or just kind," he said, sighing but didn't leave my side at all. 

Since the beginning of the day, I didn't understand why would he try to get close to me. It didn't make sense to me. It also makes me anxious. For some reason, I thought that he would leave me sooner or later. He might even find me boring soon and just stop acting friendly around me anymore. 

Once, I read this one book saying that we should always be grateful for all human connections we are able to make in this world. Even if it's such a bad memory since everything had its own silver lining. We will be able to learn from those connections and make better decisions for the future. Even if it's like that, I doubt I can improve myself since I am no...t such a strong person. 

I am scared of the changes and I have the lowest self-esteem. Even though that, I guess......I should just try my best.

"Next time, call me if you are alone. I don't mind spending time with you" he said, turning back to the window. It broke my own train of thought,  "I hope you stop trying to handle everything alone. But of course, unless you felt uncomfortable with me then it ok-"

"No, it not!" I immediately refuted it. Is that what I sounded like? I am not close with guys usually but with him somehow, everything just comes naturally. 

Hesmilese "I am glad then" The breeze comes into the classroom, cutting the conversation short. And in the midst of it, I could feel my heart warming up. It's beating as fast as it could. I am just happy to have someone that spends time with me like this. At that amount of time, I could feel my feelings piling up again. 

Would he get grossed out when he found out my feelings? 


I pinched myself, forcing myself to focus on the task at hand instead of thinking about such ridiculous things. I was so busy telling myself to stop thinking such things while arranging the table that I didn't pay attention to anyone around me. 

Without realizing it, I bumped into Eunhyuk who was moving too since he needed to do the other window. 

I was losing my balance and before I even fell, Eunhyuk grabbed me by my shoulder and steadied me "Be careful, please" he said, peering down at me with such a soft gaze that I could feel my heart beating again. At that moment, I thought the time was stopping. 

Eunhyuk suddenly reached out his hand, making me close my eyes out of nervousness. When I opened my eyes, his hand was hanging in the air before he pulled back.

He took a step back, rubbing his neck "I'm sorry" he mumbled, picking up his brush and walking to the other side of the classroom.  Then, he went on with his job while I was there standing like a statue out of shock. It was beating so fast.....what should I do?


Eunhyuk stares down at his hand.

'what am I doing?'

 the moment from earlier flashed again inside of his head. He almost reached out and wanted to tuck her hair behind her ear as it covered her eyes. At that moment, he found his heartbeat running so fast. His ear turned red and the moment kept on flashing inside his head. He was startled at how fast things were at that moment.

'why am I acting like this?'

-T B C-

Deserve To Be In Love | Eunhyuk x female reader | True Love OperationWhere stories live. Discover now