♡ In Pairs

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This is just plain awkward. 

Raim has been trying to get us to get on Ferris of wheels so now we are standing in line for it. from what I have known, aren't the seats in a pair of two? If this is Raim's plan to get close to Eunhyuk, isn't she going to get in with Eunhyuk?

Then.....Am I going to be with Minsu?

Oh hell no.

I wonder why Minsu doesn't even invite his girlfriend along. I don't want to be stuck with a man who has a girlfriend. I don't want to be in weird rumors with him. I always have bad vibes around Minsu but I don't say much since Raim is so close with him. I also know that Minsu's girlfriend is Raim step sister.

"So y/n and Minsu going to ride together right?" Raim suggested, looking at me to which I gulped down my words. This is her only way, right? I shouldn't interfere with and I have to give her a chance. It's not like I am that close with Eunhyuk either. I took a deep breath and was about to nod but Eunhyuk wrapped his arms around my shoulder.

"I think I should be with y/n since I had something to talk to her in secret," he said, grinning before pulling along with him to get into a cart before anyone refuted.

He pushed me to take a seat and sit next to me before pulling the safety bar down. Eunhyuk let out a sigh "I almost got trapped in a nightmare" he mumbled, leaning back to look at the safety bar before glancing at me. "Why is this happening?" I asked, looking at Raim who glared back at me. W-what?! I don't mean to ruin her plan at all. This is all Eunhyuk's fault.

"Why did you pull me along?" I asked, turning my head to face him. "I don't want to be with Raim" he answered shortly looking at me too "What? why didn't you? don't you know how many guys have been dying to be with her on romantic rides like this?" I scolded him, sighing. 

He looked uninterested in what I said "I do not want to be with her though. It's no fun at all" his words sounded so honest that I am not sure what his problems were. I slumped back too. I failed to help Raim. she must be so upset, right? What should I do?

"Your face earlier" Eunhyuk suddenly said so I looked at him "What?"

"You don't look like too pleased sitting next to Minsu," he said, eyes still on me. "I mean why would I be pleased sitting next to someone who has a girlfriend like that? but still, I am fine since I am here to help Raim, that's all" Eunhyuk turned his head "I don't have any interest in sitting with someone my friend likes too" he said, before stop adding more. 

"But, how did you know?"

"What goes through your head?"

I hummed so he continued"Your emotions shown on your expression so it's so easy to read them" 

really? I don't know about that at all. 


After the ride, Raim clings to Eunhyuk and Minsu follows them around. I guess Raim is trying her best again. I smile, following them into a souvenir shop. 

Around us, there are a lot of headbands and other things to shop for. There are also keychains so I checked them out. Haru and Han would like these right? I grabbed two keychains that I figured were their favorites and paid for them. I put them securely in my bag before heading to the others. 

"Where did you go?" Raim immediately asked when I got to them. 

"Ah......I bought something" I replied feeling apologetic for leaving her with boys. "You should have be patient, y/n. Don't you think we will tag along later on? Can you be patient? You are so impatient, you know" Everyone's attention turns to us at Raim's slowly raised voice.

Without realizing it, my heart starts to tremble.

"Stop it" Eunhyuk stood in front of me, hiding me behind him "Go back to whatever you are doing" he looked around before stopping at Raim "What the heck? Can't you just let her do her things? This isn't something to even get mad at," he said before adding "if you are so worried then, I will stay with her," Eunhyuk said, grabbing my hand gently and pulled us away from Raim.


"don't listen to her, She is being unreasonable. You did nothing wrong" Eunhyuk let my hand go before staring at the keychain in front of us.

"This kind of looks like Mr. Ong isn't it?" hearing him say that, I burst into laughter.  It does look like our principal. The keychain is bald in the middle and has hairs on the side. It's doesn't look alike but their hair did. Soon enough, we start to talk about something else instead. Then, I saw Raim and Minsu wearing a couple's headbands and began to take pictures together.  What is it like to take pictures like that with someone? I guess it must be fun.

Suddenly, I felt something in my head. I looked up to meet eyes with Eunhyuk who put something on my head. I turned around to the mirror nearby and saw it was a Shrek headband. He was wearing the same one too. I am the Fiona while he had the Shrek one. "Let's take a picture together" he suggested, taking out his phone and taking a picture of us in the mirror. He was taller than me so he didn't have to do anything and he was already in the photo. 

"Let me see," I asked, excited but when I saw the photo, I got the urge to throw the phone. Standing in front of Eunhyuk makes it even worse.

He looked perfect while I looked like.......an actual Shrek in the movie.

I bite my inner lips from breaking down and hand back his phone "Can you delete that?" I asked him honestly "Why?" he asked, confused as usual. "It just doesn't look good. Do you want me to take your photo?" I asked him instead. I looked better behind the camera. He shakes his head, putting his hand in his pocket "I am not a big fan of taking pictures too so it's okay" he says and soon we stand next to each other in silence. 


Eunhyuk glanced at y/n who was watching Raim from afar. 

didn't he already tell her that she is like an open book? She was upset, wasn't it? he thought that y/n would enjoy it if they took pictures together just like Raim and MInsu. But Eunhyuk seems wrong about it. When he looked at the picture, he didn't find the fault at all. They looked find together. He even found that grin of hers so pretty.

He felt bad for that girl but he was also unsure what to do since she didn't seem to want to share with him. Eunhyuk found her comfortable to be with so he would like to be her friend. 

Also somehow, she just stays in his range of eyes. She is just there. Looking so happy even though what she got is too small to be counted as a reward. At first, Eunhyuk is too lazy to tag along with Minsu after hearing that there is Raim. But then, Minsu told him that y/n was also there so he just had to be there. he wants to talk to her again.

he had fun.

that day at the rooftop.

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