♡ Behind Back

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Eunhyuk had his eyes closed, the whole he had his forehead against mine. I couldn't help but stare at his vision. Since he had his eyes closed, he wouldn't know, right?

Honestly speaking, Dohwa is good looking but Eunhyuk is too. I guess that's why Raim likes him. I get why other students admired Eunhyuk but since he doesn't like attracting attention, he had fewer fans than Dohwa. 

"Eunhyuk!!!!!!" Someone shouted, making me flinch, and moved away. This is so embarrassing......What if people saw what happened just a moment ago? Why did he even do that? Eunhyuk stands up properly, returning to his original height before looking at the person who had shouted his name earlier. I felt a bit awkward....unsure about what to do. I am too embarrassed to look at Eunhyuk too.

It was one of the guys "Minsu asked if you want to join us swimming" he said, approaching. He doesn't seem to notice anything. Eunhyuk hummed, waving him away so the guy walked away. 

Eunhyuk cleared his throat before gazing at me "I should join them....." he scratched his hair "Do you want to join too?" at his question, I nodded my head still feeling bashful. "Then, let's go" he leads the way so I follow him to the water. When we arrived there, other friends were already either playing at the side of the water or going swimming. 

I was looking around when I met eyes with Raim who immediately frowned at that. She rolled her eyes before looking away, as I felt bad for it. Did I do something wrong again?

Eunhyuk tapped my shoulder, catching my attention "do you want to join swimming?" I shake my head "I am not that good at swimming so it's a no" Eunhyuk makes an acknowledged hum "Then, if you suddenly want to join, tell me. I will take care of you so it's not going to be scary" he said, smiling gently.

"Eunhyuk! Why aren't you coming yet?" Minsu called for him again but instead of answering, Eunhyuk looked at me "I am going to be near, okay?" I pushed his back "Go, go~ Don't let Minsu call for you again" I couldn't help but giggle at that. Eunhyuk really is worried about me too much. I guess he is worried that I might be alone. Eunhyuk walked to Minsu so I was left alone. What should I do? Should I just finish this ice cream there? I looked at the shade under the big coconut tree. 

I was about to walk over to the tree when I suddenly felt someone approaching. I turned and saw Raim there with her arms crossed "What are you two talking about earlier?" she asked with Hwayun beside her. 

"It's nothing," I said to her. I don't think I should tell her about what we talked about since it was nothing informative. 

Hwayun rolled her eyes "I think this little lamb wants to take your crush away" she said, snarling at me. I shake my head, "It's not like that!" I denied it. It wasn't even my intention at all. I mean I developed feelings for him but.....I had no intention to become even more. I am okay with her being with him. It hurts but I am going to be fine. 

"Don't tell me you have feelings for him too" Raim said, coming closer. I almost froze at that. Is that obvious? I can't even deny it because it is the truth. I like him. 

"Do you forget? About Minhyuk? Because of you! You ruin his life!" Raim shouted before pushing me into the sea. Fortunately, I am in the shallow part of the water if not, I might be drowning right now. 

"Just because Eunhyuk is kind, you thought he would have feelings for you? I am not even going to say how you betrayed my trust" she said, glaring at me "From now on, we are not friends. Do you get it!!" she shouted before walking away. I watched as she walked away, feeling awful. I am the worst kind of friend, isn't it? 

"You know what, you really shameless. How can you even think someone will fall for someone like you? You are boring, plain, and very. very ugly. My eyes hurt looking at you. Do you know why you are so invisible in people's eyes? Because you are nothing. Your existence doesn't mean anything to anyone" Hwayun spat out those words, smirking before leaving. 


"Y/n!!" Eunhyuk come running, before grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the water. Everyone who was on the shore earlier was looking at me with displeased looks. They must have heard everything. 

"You are wet" Eunhyuk picked up a towel, before wiping my wet hair with it. 

But then, he stopped. His eyes looked at my cheek with a worried expression "Why are you crying? Is there something wrong? I don't hear what Raim said but don't listen to it. You know how she al-" I pushed him away. 

"I am sorry" I ran away as I couldn't take it anymore. Those looks......It reminds me of that day. The day that was hell for me. 

I wiped the tears that kept falling out of my eyes. It hurts. Is it that bad? That I fall for someone? Am I that hideous? Did I have to ask permission to love someone? Did I even deserve to be in love?

Am I even allowed to be happy?

What to do..........I lost everything. 


Eunhyuk looked around him as she ran away. He couldn't help but glare at those people who just watching but had no intention of helping. 

What did Raim say to her?

 Eunhyuk couldn't hold back again so he went to look for Raim. 

He searched every place that Raim might be, hoping to find her. He has to say words to her. He knows that Y/n wants to be alone right now so he has to help from behind like this. He walked to the cafe where he saw Raim. 

He was about to approach but stopped when he heard Y/n's name mentioned.

"She is so annoying!!!!" Raim said before Hwayun added, "Who told you to bring her along?" Raim scoffed "This is all Minsu's fault"  Hwayun chuckled "but you did a good job putting her in her place"

"I wonder why you even friends with her in the first place," someone said before Raim groaned at that "To improve the image. Being friends with her makes me look nice" 

Eunhyuk came out from his hiding spot before standing in front of them "You guys really....disgusting" he said, with a look of hatred on his face "You treat people kindness? Raim, do you think these people will stay with you until the end? Will they be like Y/n? Accept you for the way you are. Even when you are nothing" he scoffed "I hope you had fun with all of these. Just don't come begging when they betray you" Eunhyuk walked away with a clenched fist.

He was so pissed off at what they are saying behind her back. He also knew that if she knew that Raim was talking like this about her, she would be upset so Eunhyuk had no intention to tell her. 

Eunhyuk stopped when he left the cafe. 

Should I look for her now?

All kinds of thoughts come into his head. He decided to ignore those thoughts and just went to Y/n because she needed him the most right now. 


I looked down at my hands as they kept on trembling. 

"Dad.....what should I do?" I sob into my knees, hugging it tight to my chest. 

Why is this life so harsh on me? Why they won't even listen to my explanation? Why do they hate me so much? Didn't I put up with it so much already? Is it not too enough? Am I a bad person? 

I clenched my hands to keep it from trembling. 

I want to follow you..........dad......

"Y/n!!!" It was too familiar in my ears.  Eunhyuk ran to me before plopping down next to me "Dont listen to what they said. I....will be by your side. You are my left ear. I am your lifetime friend. No....not friend. Soulmate. So, whatever happens, I will always be here" Eunhyuk held my hand securely. 

"I will listen to your rambling, and whining, and keep playing with you. You, don't have to worry about me hating you or getting bored because I doubt it will happen. I always found it fun to be with you. I.....like......" he clamped himself.

"Don't think about anything else. Just think of me

-T B C-

Deserve To Be In Love | Eunhyuk x female reader | True Love OperationWhere stories live. Discover now