♡ Please

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The journey to the vacation house was pretty smooth and calm. Soon enough, we arrived at the house. I was stunned by the view as soon as I walked out of the bus. There are palm trees all around us, and it's swinging gently because of the wind. It's looked like a scene out of the movie.

"Did you get your stuff?" Eunhyuk asked as he fixed the position of his sling bag.

"Yeah, I think I got everything" we walked to the main door together. When we came close to the door, Eunhyuk knocked it and rang the bell. Soon enough, the door opened. A guy who was a bit shorter than Eunhyuk comes out.

I am pretty sure that is Rowon. I don't think I ever talked to him before since we were never in the same class, so this is kind of awkward.

I was pretty deep in my thoughts when Eunhyuk put his arm on my shoulder before pulling me closer to him. "Thanks for inviting us both." Rowon glanced at me before flashing a smile.

"Don't mention it. Come inside" He makes a way before he turns around and leaves.

After he leaves the sight, I hear Eunhyuk calling my name. I turned my head, facing him "What?"

"Don't be tense. You're my plus one, so don't worry, okay? I am here because of you" He patted my head with a grin as if to reassure me.

I was about to tell him to knock it off when I saw someone walking in us. My eyes widen since I don't expect her at all. I thought......

Raim stand in front of us with crossed arm "knock it off you two" she said, grimacing "it's kind of gross" she said again before looking at me "what a great friend you are" she was about to continue again but someone shield my field of vision "you are the one who supposed to knock it off" Eunhyuk said.

I can't see what kind of looks he had on his face at that time, but from his voice tone, I can tell that he really pissed off.

"You don't know anything at all, Eunhyuk. I have known her since kindergarten and the only she ever d-" Eunhyuk grabbed hold my hand "Let's go" he said, pulling me along.

We walked past Raim and headed inside, ignoring what she was saying.

"Y/n, I am so sorry......I thought she wasn't coming, but...." I shake my head "its okay" I hold his hand back before squeezing it to reassure him.

"Sooner or later, we would face each other again. I can't avoid it forever" I smiled, looking into his eyes.

He seems to not really trust me, but he doesn't push me either.

"HEY!!" Su-ae suddenly appeared between us.

"Sorry to disturb you two lovebirds, but can I borrow Eunhyuk for a sec?" She asked, glancing at me as if the question was directed towards me.

"S-sure" I am stunned for her choice of words to describe us.

"You wait for me here, okay?" I nodded at his words. Then, he walked away with Su-ae. Their height differences are kind of flattering. Unlike her, I was somehow a bit taller, so I don't have to look up at him like that at all. I did look up to look at him, but not that much.

I unconsciously touched my hair. Her hair looks smooth, too. My hair was longer than her, but not that much. I sighed, taking my eyes off them.


Eunhyuk let out a sigh.

"What?" He seemed annoyed.

Su-ae rolled her eyes "Did you upset? I pull you away from your love?" Eunhyuk glared at her "what do you want?"

"If this wasn't important, I won't pull you away like this, you know" She came closer before whispering into Eunhyuk's ear.

"I think Raim was a bit....weird these days"

Deserve To Be In Love | Eunhyuk x female reader | True Love OperationWhere stories live. Discover now